Monday, July 29, 2013

The future is now but where the hell is my flying car

Well once again I fell down on the job didn't I.
Well I'm going to try to be a little bit better about it this time around.
It is already July 29 year going by faster than thought it would.
There are a couple of months left in the dreadful hurricane season I personally despise hurricane season is been through five of them that's enough.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blood Red Sky

So this is new years day.
The years is new but in Washington DC it's business as usual.
The business of robbing from the American people continues per norm. The collection of thieves, liners,  and crooks that is the house senate and white house goes on unabated. Having had a year in which to fix the fiscal problem all parties evolved had decided it for more important to the to go home for Christmas than do what needs to be done.
It must be nice having a paying job in which you can rob your employers blind, give yourselves pay raises, and not even have to wear a mask while blatantly committing such crimes.
So over the fiscal cliff we go while the driver plans his next break in.
Tighten your seat belts folk and pray the buss has a parachute.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I am glad today is here. Yesterday 12 - 12 - 12 was dreadful. I got sick, all the lights in my room blew out, and the controller for my X Box died.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Everything That Is Old Is New Again

Well as I told you my beloved X Box died. The dreaded red rings of death found my nearly five year old machine and and shoot it strait through the graphics card. 

So I luckily found a sale going at a local store and got and brand spanking new one with a whopping 250 gigs of memory. 
I have been saving for such an event and my emergency founds covered the price. 

However the helpful folks at "Microshaft" as I call them would not allow me back into my account because I forgot my password I hadn't used in five years but they did stop billing me for the account. Weird logic but OK.

So with new screen name ( a hint at my feeling towards Microshaft) I am back into to the world of Skyrim, GTA, The WWE, and The Kingdom of Kelflings.

I have also step up my game with the amazing gift of a HDMI cable. 
The HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable has made a world of difference in the picture quality. 

Skyrim is now even vaster (if such a thing is possible) and the dragons even more impressive. Bethesda Softworks has done it yet again with this game. 

This is not a game you sit and play this is a world to get lost in. 
Giants, wolfs, wizards, wars, water,  politicsand dragons surround you. 
Excellent work from a company who has always aimed higher than their last effort. 

To bad not all companies can not follow their example. 


I hear the sweet gentle sound of rain falling on my roof.

"Rain rain, come and play, please don't leave for many a day."

Monday, August 06, 2012


Well Tropical Storm Ernest is slowly headed west towards Mexico. I hope he stays at tropical storm level and goes in south of us but close enough that we get some rain.

Red Rings of Death

My X Box 360 died. I am trying to decided if it is worth the money to buy a new X Box considering the attitude Microsoft has towards it's customers. 
Once they have your money they simple don't give a fuck about you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What Is Old Is New Again

Had my old yet newest laptop repaired and returned for a cheap price.
Also rediscovered a very old friend online. She is still full of more energy than a stars core.
The heat here is climbing again so the next four or five months will be full of sky high power bills. Add to this hurricane season is back so, so is my high blood pressure.
Between all this and the fact we have a president who hates the disabled it is going to be a fun summer oh boy.
Yes that comment was dripping with sarcasm.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Crap Week Ahead

This is the first day of the week and from here the oncoming week looks like it will suck. Today my laptop died.From this I can tell the ahead will be a bitch.
Thursday will be the season finally of The Big Bang Theory.
Well lets get the damn week over with.