Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year


This year has been very frustrating for me. My health is worse and I feel weaker than ever. Ordering the power chair has turned into a long tedious nightmare.

I did get to met my internet brother and a did get to help work on a book written by children for the poorer section of town.

I hope to stay out of the hospital next year and have some fun.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Melancholy Christmas

It has been a very melancholy Christmas.
First off I haven't felt all that great and Christmas eve was really hard. I simply didn't have any energy.
Secondly. I miss my mom. My mom died of cancer many years ago. I also miss my sister. My sister has moved out of town and apparently out of my life.
Finlay I miss our old cat Mookie. Mookie loved Christmas especially the wrapping paper. To him wrapping paper is the best toy in the world.
Our current cat Bill loves to nap under the Christmas tree but that seems to be the extent of his feelings for Christmas.
There was also only four houses on my block with any Christmas lights what so ever.
I dread New Years eve.
I also was sadden by the way television has handled Christmas. With all the different versions of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol movies the are (over ten I can count) why does TBS show "A Christmas Story" over and over to the point of noisome.
And the only network that has seem to have received the Christmas spirit. The Shop at Home network has been playing a b roll of Christmas tape over and over with lots of Christmas Muzak. The have also been running CG's of Charities phone number and web sites. My favorite part of the show has been a two minute segment of a man dress as a toy soldier. He plays the part to the hilt and seems to really enjoy the kids reaction to him. He has a wind up key on his back the spins around and around. My guess is he is in some mall. I would like to know more about this fellow.
Thats it for now...
Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Cowboy Win

In a must win and close game the Cowboys are victorious.

Dallas 24
Carolina 20

Sunday, December 18, 2005

It's Not Beginning To Look Allot Like Christmas.

Other than a small wreath on my neighborers house there is a dearth of Christmas decorations on my block. It seems there are less and less lights every year. I personally think that it is due to the fact the local power companies gouge their customer at every given opportunity.

Cowboys Lose

Cowboys 7
Redskins 35

Redskins guard Randy Thomas broke his leg!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cowboys Win

Dallas 31
Kansas City 28

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Smackdown vs Raw 2006

I have been playing Smackdown vs Raw 2006 for the PS2. The game is better than I thought it would be. The CAWS system has been modified some what. You can not layer the graphics as you could in Here Comes The Pain.
The storyline is good. Theodor Long is run down by a car which is the start of a invasion by ECW.
ECW being the now out of business Extreme Championship Wrestling organization WWE back silently.
As you play in the storyline or season mode you earn money and points toward you own creation or CAWS (Create A Wrestler).
On a scale of 1 to 5 I give it a 4.1. There are some collision detection problems that for the most part do not ruin the game.
If you like wrestling try this game.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's Begining To Feel Alot Like Christmas

It is 42 degrees outside and the Christmas lights are going up all over town.

I now am getting in the Christmas mood but being stuck at home has really curtailed on Christmas shopping.

Apparently there has been some fowl ups with my power chair but I hope that they where solved today.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 10
New York Giants 17

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Politically Incorrect Christmas Blog Entry

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The Christmas tree is up and decorated. I actually had it finished by midnight Thanksgiving day as was my goal.
I am sick of the politically correct crowd saying we can not use the terms "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas Tree."
It is Christmas marking the birth of Christ! I have always called it Christmas and always will. Leave my Christmas tree, music, and lights alone.

It my blog so...


Thursday, December 01, 2005


Today is the official end of hurricane season!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Meeting Old Friends For The First Time

An old friend I have known for years drop by for a visit. This is the first time I have ever met him personally. He turns out to be a good guy.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Getting A Little Cooler

It may get a little cooler this week. It should be around the seventies. We need a cold front.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Cowboys Lose

Cowboys 21
Broncos 24

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Now to the rant portion of this post.

Is it me or is CBS coverage on the Macy's Thank giving Day Parade get worse every year?

The announce team had all the enthusiasm of someone attending an autopsy.

The camera work was mediocre.

The BIG problem. The parade it's self is secondary to the commercials. Santa got roughly 90 seconds on camera but had to be squeezed between two minutes of commercials on either side of his appearance.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Vampire Christmas Tree

The blood sucking Christmas tree is up and no one lost any blood!
That is an all time first. I am slowly putting a mix of twinkle light and regular lights on it and hope to have all the lights on by tonight or in time to watch the Myth buster on it tomorrow night.
I also hope to have the whole thing finished by Thanksgiving.
My dad saw his eye doctor and the doc said the pressure in his right eye was way down.
He does have an appointment in San Antonio the 30th.
He seems happy and is working on a small project for an old client.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Google Toolbar

I am trying the Google toolbar with a built in spellcheck.
So far I like it.

It is sixty degrees outside and I am slowly sweeping up the dead leaves. I can only sweep for about seven minutes at a time but I am slowly getting it done.

I may just get a scooter or power wheelchair after all. I saw a real neat one but it only comes in one color. It like Henry Ford use to tell people use to tell people. "You can have any color you want as long as it is black." However in this case it is red instead of black.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


It is currently fifty six degrees outside. The forecast is for it to be in the seventies tomorrow. It's not snow but I'll take it.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 21
Philadelphia Eagles 20

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero passed away yesterday.
Eddie was a professional wrestler for eighteen years.
Using his own name in WCW and WWE or as Black Tiger in Japan.
Eddie was an excellent wrestler and handled the mic and camera with great ease. Weather he was in the role of a good guy or bad guy Eddie was always stole the spotlight and entertaining as hell.
God Bless Eddie Guerrero.


My understanding is it will get cooler Wednesday. I can't wait.
My dad rented a wheel chair so I'm gonna try to go to Dollar Tree.
Hopefully I won't wind up back in the ER.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Sony Backs Down.

Sony Music has stopped the productions of their Cd's containing "Root kits."

Sony is going to have to face at least one lawsuit if not more.

The EFF (electronic Frontier Foundation) has posted a list of Cd's containing the root kit.

The EFF can be found here:

They include:
Trey Anastasio, Shine (Columbia)
Celine Dion, On ne Change Pas (Epic)
Neil Diamond, 12 Songs (Columbia)
Our Lady Peace, Healthy in Paranoid Times (Columbia)
Chris Botti, To Love Again (Columbia)
Van Zant, Get Right with the Man (Columbia)*
Switchfoot, Nothing is Sound (Columbia)
The Coral, The Invisible Invasion (Columbia)
Acceptance, Phantoms (Columbia)
Susie Suh, Susie Suh (Epic)
Amerie, Touch (Columbia)
Life of Agony, Broken Valley (Epic)
Horace Silver Quintet, Silver's Blue (Epic Legacy)
Gerry Mulligan, Jeru (Columbia Legacy)
Dexter Gordon, Manhattan Symphonie (Columbia Legacy)
The Bad Plus, Suspicious Activity (Columbia)
The Dead 60s, The Dead 60s (Epic)
Dion, The Essential Dion (Columbia Legacy)
Natasha Bedingfield, Unwritten (Epic)

* I would love to be a fly on the wall when some suit and tie explains this to the Van Zant boys. Can you say "Ass kicking."
I knew you could.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Scooter or Powered Wheelchairs

Well after several months of being trapped indoors I finally broke down and talked to my doctor about a scooter.

I'm not exactly thrilled about this turn of events but I know I am slowly losing my strength.

Boycotting Sony Music

The guys at Sony music have been spying on you. Sony music CD's install a "root kit" on your computer if you agree to install their music player.

Here is a article from PCWorld.,aid,123432,00.asp

This is a violations of your privacy as I see it.
The "root kit" will "phone home" or contact Sony Music via the net every time you play the CD.
Would Sony require you to phone them every time you decide to play some of their music?
Well with this program running on your PC you will do just that.

Sony deserves the bad press they get from this obtrusive idea.

I will no longer purchase any CD's from Sony Music.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Family Guy

Tonights episode of "Family Guy" was one of the best they have ever done. It satirized the Janet Jacksons Superbolw half time show event.
My favorite part was the head of the FCC being played by Cobra Commander.
The entire show was well written and well done.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Today was yet another day

It has been a quite day. It's still in the eighties and I wish we would get a cold front soon.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Another Tricky Day

Last night I did my phone in segment with Phil from "Chill with Phil." Phil an old buddy from the days of The Bardo show. He asked me to review a DVD for him.

Here a link to his page.

I woke up today with my left eye almost swollen entirely shut. I saw my GP and he thinks it some dust that got under my eyelid. He gave me some pills and a a prescription for some eye drops.

We spent more time chatting than anything easel.

I like him a lot, he just an old country doctor.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

MPAA Sues Grandfather

The MPAA has proven once again that it is a heartless over reactionary collection of idiots. Read the story here...

The Ironbound Vampire DVD

I was given a DVD to review. It's called The Ironbound Vampire.

The Iron bond Vampire was made in 1998. It is the story of a Vampire spreading misery to the populous of Newark, as if living in Newark isn't miserable enough. This is a low budget underground movie, which makes sense as the audio sounds like it was done in a subterranean tunnel.
The film looks like it was edited and lit by someone wearing a too large miner's hat.
The film was written, directed, and produced by Karl Petry.
You know a film is bad when the high school kids are better actors than the adults. But that should not be surprising as everyone seems to be graduates of the Ed Wood's school of over acting. In fact two of Ed Wood's actors Doloras Fuller and Conrad Brooks make appearances in the film.
The film will teach you a few things about the vampire community you may not know, such as Vampire weddings are messy and mullets seem to be very popular among Vampires.
The film moves as fast as a decomposing corpse. The plot is more soap opera than horror film. There are interviews with several of the Vampires victims. I am surprised they haven't joined forces and sued the Vampire.
The DVD does include out takes from the movie, the trailer, and a debate on vampires.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween Part Two

It's early November 1st and we did not have a single trick or treater. More Dum Dums for me.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Saturday, October 29, 2005

HEB Plus

I went to the new HEB store which is the major grocery store here. I used one of the little scooter they have.
The place is big.
They even sell barstools.
Halloween is Monday and I still haven't put up any decorations. At least I have stopped eating all the Dum Dum suckers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Is Your Color Lazer Printer Spying On You?

The above link will take you to an interesting article from EFF.
Apparently color lazer printers have hidden water marks in them.

Sim Copter

I got my favorite game for the PC today.
Sim Copter.
The game is old by PC gaming standards but still fun.
You are a helicopter pilot and you fly around the city rescuing people, fighting fire, stopping criminals, and fighting a UFO that makes a habit of abducting people in broad daylight.
Unfortunately the game cause the disk drive to spin up every few minutes and I don't want to but my drive through that much stress.

Ghost In The Shell

Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network is running the series "Ghost in the Shell."
The series is set inn the not so far future where cyborgs (part man part machine) are a common occurrence. The series star the member of "Section 9" a small special services force. The charters are nicely written and the scripts are imaginative and thought provoking. This is an action packed program featuring artificially intelligent tanks and a collection of cyborgs.
If you like sci fi or Japanese animation give this show a try.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It Won't Last For Long.

It is 46 degrees outside so I ma enjoying it while it lasts.
It will be back to the eighties tomorrow.

Monday, October 24, 2005


It finally cooled of here as you can see by the picture. This particular thermometer is in my back yard.

While the poor people of Florida are being pounded by yet another hurricane the weather is at long last getting nice.

Here A Scary Thought

There are sixty day left until Christmas.

Cowboys Get Clobbered

That was one wild ending to a game. Josh Brown nailed a field gole under the gun.
Seahawks 13
Cowboys 1o

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The View From 78415

A good friend of mine droped of a copy of a new book called The View From 78415. The book was writen by school childeren during their summer school session in 2005. The kids range in age from ten to eightteen years old.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

My First Laptop

I just got my first laptop today. It's a Dell 1200. So Far I love it.


Here we go again. A new category five hurricane named Wilma. As if it is not bad enough that its so big they named it after Fred Flintstones wife.
My understand is Texas has never been hit by a hurricane this late in the season. So maybe we will be lucky again.
In any case this is just one of those things you don't need in your life.
Hurry up November 30th. That is the last day of hurricane season.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's A Small World, But I Wouldn't Want To Mow It

A co worker of my sisters showed up today. He just wanted to chat.
Nice guy but I barely remember him.
It's slowly getting cooler but just by a few degrees. They say a cool front will come in for the weekend and lower the temperature by three degrees. Nice, but I want a cold front.
Oh well.
You can't have everything, where would you put it all?

Sunday, October 16, 2005


It's the best time of the year.
I just had my first Pecan of the season.
They are expensive here a five dollars a pound but it's only once a year. Now if only I can find some Filberts and Almonds I'd be happy.

Cowboy Win Anyway

I slept through the Dallas NY game. Not well either. Anyway the score was...
Dallas Cowboys 16
New York Giants 13

Go Cowboys.

Dum Dums

We bought Halloween candy. I discovered there where "Dum Dum's" sucker in the mix. They may not last till Halloween. I am presently sucking on the butterscotch one.
All in all it has been a quite day.
The Dallas Cowboys play tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Blond, James Blond
New 007? Craig ... Daniel Craig An unknown British actor could be tapped to replace Pierce Brosnan as the new James Bond. NBC News correspondent Mark Mullen reports
Today show
Updated: 10:58 a.m. ET Oct. 12, 2005
Who will play the world's most famous fictitious spy? It's been a mystery since Pierce Brosnan revealed he was no longer being considered for the role of James Bond. Now a largely unknown British actor is emerging as the rumored favorite. NBC News correspondent Mark Mullen reports.
There may be not only a new actor playing James Bond but also there could also be the first ever blonde Bond.
Meet Daniel Craig — a 37-year old Brit with 34 movies to his credit but largely unknown outside the United Kingdom. Craig is considered movie tough guy than pretty boy and the leading contender to become the sixth 007.
“I think that he's a different enough actor and a good enough actor to put his own stamp on the role,” Graham Rye, the editor and publisher of 007 magazine.
If Craig gets the job and replaces Pierce Brosnan, he'll beat out bigger box office draws like Colin Farrell, Ewan McGregor and Orlando Bloom.
But experts say the iconic series, with 20 films that have reeled in $3.5 billion, is a bigger than any one leading man.
"Generally speaking, you're looking at a 10-year commitment from an actor, and for their career to almost forever be associated with this role," says Paul Dergarabedian, president of Exhibitor Relations.
Although there have been a couple of secret agents that disappeared from screen relatively quickly like Timothy Dalton who starred in two Bond films: “The Living Daylights” in 1987 and “License to Kill” in 1989. Also there was George Lazenby who starred in “On Her Majesty's Secret Service” in 1969.
Fans will always debate who was the best — a comparison that awaits the blonde Bond.
"I think they'll undoubtedly have to dye his hair,” says Rye.
The new Bond movie is set to film in January. Producers are expected to choose the new Bond soon or risk costly delays that would leave the entire production shaken if not stirred.
© 2005 MSNBC Interactive

Master Chief Of The Rings

Look what I found while trolling the net:
Director Peter Jackson is turning his favorite video game Halo into a feature-length film. The Oscar-winning director grew addicted to Halo while shooting his latest film King Kong, so he jumped at the chance to snap up the movie rights and take it to the big screen.
Halo is a game that has sold over five million copies around the world and charts the adventures of futuristic super-soldier Master Chief in his quest to save mankind from aliens.
A cast has yet to be announced for the project and it’s also unknown if Jackson will direct as well.
Bungie, the Microsoft-owned business which developed Halo says, “We’re delighted to have someone who’s as committed to the Halo universe as Peter Jackson was to Tolkien’s Middle-Earth.”

If they do as good a job with Halo as the did with The Lord Of The Rings this movie will kick major ass.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

X-Box 360 Shortage.

Microsoft may be shipping fewer next generation video game machines than expected, say analysts.
Story here:
Why aren't I surprised?

Rain Rain...

It is pouring rain. It's not getting any cooler but at least it's raining.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Quiet Day

Well it got warm here again after it being nice and cool Friday and Saturday. Stayed quite for the most part but am going through pecans with drawl. That is my favorite part of fall is the pecans come into season.
WWE Raw was from my hometown tonight but I didn't even watch it. WWE is gonna have to try harder if they want to compete with "Who's Line Is It Anyway"

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Go Cowboys

Dallas Cowboys 33
Eagles 10

Friday, October 07, 2005


Every have an ear wom? That's a song thats just stuck in you head and you paly it over and over.

Song: My Girl (Gone, Gone, Gone)
Band: Chilliwack

Gone, gone, gone, she been gone so long
She been gone, gone, gone so long
Gone, gone, gone, she been gone so long
Gone, gone, gone, gone so long
Gone, gone, gone, she been gone so long
Well I wonder if I ever gonna see my girl

Ever since she left me,
I sure feel all alone
A little misunderstanding,
I can´t get her on the telephone
Hangin´ on down the mainstreet,
livin´ in a different world
Standin´ around with the gang on the corner talkin´ about my girl
My girl she was the world to me
She´s gone away across the sea
My girl is just a memory
She been so long away

Gone, gone, gone, she been gone so long

She didn´t have to leave me,
she didn´t have to run
She didn´t have to go without a word to anyone
I hope she´s doin´ all right,
I got no way to know
Unless she gets to hear this song, hear it on the radio
My girl she was the world to me
She´s gone and that´s a tragedy
My girl is just a memory
She been so long away

I hope she gets the message,
I gotta get her back ya know
Gonna track her down, gonna find that girl, gonna tell her that I love her so
Put the word on the grapevine, spread it all around the world
Sooner or later I know I´m gonna get her, talkin´ about my girl
My girl....

Good News

I just got back from my P.F.T. exam. The photo show the machine the exam was done on.
I did slightly better this year than last year. I thought I would do worse.
Add to that good news it is 63 degrees outside. YES!
Finally. Although it will be warm again by Monday.
Unless things change I have no more doctor appointments this month.
I am going to celebrate with some corn on the cob.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Acrobots and Darkness

I got my Acrobot yesterday. They are mostly metal and have magnets in their hands and feet. Mine is hanging off the side of the refrigerator.

There is more news on "Perfect Dark Zero." More like rumors. This time you don't play Joann Dark but someone who must rescue her. "Perfect Dark" was one of the best video games ever. It is a first person shooter.

I have a PFT test tomorrow morning. It is to check my lungs and see how they are doing.

It is actually getting cooler here. It's only 91 instead of the usual 100 plus.

The people at the scooter store turn me down as I don't need it to get around the house. I wanted one to go to the mall and grocery store but maybe I'll try a wheel chair.

I'm feed up with being trapped indoors.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I have been plying Farcry Instinct on the x-bow. It is a first person shooter. If you like guns and grandees this is a game or you. No heavy thinking just run and gun. Also the are several vehicles to drives and some power to develop. And thats all I'm gonna say about that.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 13
Oakland Raiders 19

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Super station WGN is running the wonderful sci fi program "Farscape."
Farscape is a program about a collection of wanted people running from "The Peace Keepers" which are a police force with heavy military influences.
The show is brilliantly done by Jim Henson's workshop.
It stars Ben Browder and Claudia Black both of whom can now be seen on Stargate SG1. It also stars Anthony Simcoe, Wayne Pygram, and Gigi Edgley.
Gigi plays the of Chaina as seen in the photo.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Beware Staring Fish

I saw my cardiac specialist today. He said that everything sounded good and I should just stay cool, quite and calm. It has been over six weeks since I have been in the E.R. with a racing heart.
I am sure that the heat has been causing me problems.
I do have a test next Friday for a PFT repertory test.
At least it at 9:30 in the morning so I don’t have to dread the thing all day.
All in all I feel good.
I am thinking about ordering on of those scooters so I can go to the mall and zip around.
I am dreading Christmas. I don’t think I have the strength to set up the vampire Christmas tree. It is called that because it managers to get someone’s blood every time we unpack it.
It is slowly getting cooler here. It was just in the 90’s today instead of the 100+ as usably.
Hurry up winter.

I also got into a staring contest with one of the fish in the aquarium. The fish won.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Dallas Cowboys

Here is how the season has shaped up so far.

Sep 11 @ San Diego Won (28 - 24)

Sep 19 Washington Lost (13 - 14)

Sep 25 @ San Francisco Won (34 - 31)

Next game:
October 2, Oakland Raiders.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Of Blogs And Men

I just tried Live Journal. It's OK if you want something that is easy to use. I have also tried the Yahoo journal called Yahoo360. There is also the AOL Journal. Both of these are easy to use.
I would like to recommend a neat little program called "ieSpell."
It is a spell check system that sits int he tool bar of Internet Explorer. I really like it.

Stuck On Stikfas

You need a Stikfa. Yes you do and don't argue with me it's my blog!
A Stikfa is a plastic figure you put together and can pose in all kinds of crazy ways.
To learn more go to:
Stikfa are what the so cool it hurts people have on their computers. You need on to.
You DO want to be cool don't you?
I thought so.

Smackdown VS Raw 2006

From the press release
"WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 expands on THQ's popular multi-million unit-selling franchise with a number of key new features. The Buried Alive Casket match, two new wrestler attributes (Stamina and Hardcore), and a realistic momentum system all combine to turn the series away from its arcade roots and towards that of a simulation. Further additions to the game include a more robust online mode, improved character models and facial animations, a streamlined character creation mode, and more interactive backgrounds. Developed exclusively for the PlayStation 2, with USB link features to its PSP counterpart."

Well it sounds to me they are pairing down the best part of the game naely the CAWS system.
We shall see.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Home Again

We are home from San Antonio. It was almost a vacation except for the cause and the crappy heat.
I pulled something in my chest unpacking the car.
Other than that I'm OK.
The hotel we stayed at had only four rooms booked when we got there Wednesday afternoon but by Thursday morning they where filled to booked solid.
I met one couple that had been evacuating from Houston and they spent 26 hours on the road.
The other heart breaking story was the bus full of elderly people who oxygen bottles exploded after the buses brakes caught fire.
Hurricane season ends November 30.
I can't wait.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Taker And The Legand Killer

Well if you didn't watched WWE Smackdown Friday you missed a great match between "The Legend Killer" and The Undertaker.
Part of the match was the plot device that Randy "The Legand Killer" Orton father "Cowboy" Bob Orton brought a rent a truck to ringside.
In the rent a truck was two coffins. "Cowboy" Bob rolled out one as a distraction to cause the Taker to lose that match. Halfway through the match The Undertaker opened the coffin see himself.
Himself being an obvious pre recording of Taker laying in the coffin. Taker was taken aback but only for a moment and went on to win the match and get a few good punches on "Cowboy" Bob as well.
Now I saw TWO coffins. So I guess will lead up to a I'll bury both of you match. Hopefully Taker will win that match and be the one that got away from "The Legend Killer."
Most of the rest of the show was forgettable except for Eddie Guerrero prize over acting. Eddie has always been a scene stealer. Eddie is not only talented in the ring but shines outside of it as well. If only my man "Glacier" could do the same. Out of the ring he sounded like Eddie Haskel of Leave It To Beaver fame.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


I have been watching to coverage of the post hurricane landscape. It looks like some sort of apocalyptic painting.
We have taken a lot of these poor refugees in to the lone star state.
Being Texans we can only treat these people as well as we hope they would treat us. It could have very easily been Corpus Christi that was flattened. We could have been the people suddenly finding ourselves homeless and jobless.
What angers me is the needless deaths. These people that where abandoned in the old folks home. The people that could not afford to leave and no transport out was supplied.
As far as I am concerned the people who operate that retirement home and the mayor and the governor are guilty of murder. They abandoned those people to die.
Those that willingly stayed behind played a game in which they where way over matched. They gambled and they lost.
Now we will watch the insurance companies nit pick their way out of much as possible.
And the scumbags of roofers and builders that will flood in like roaches to take as much money as possible.
I personally love to be able to visit that level of destruction on the snot nosed and smug reporters that get to home after bragging about having rode out the storm.
Lets see how cocky they are when their home is gone their neighborhood scooped off the face of the earth and find friends and loved ones killed.
I know one of these days one of these smart asses will be killed on camera. And justly so