Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Meeting Old Friends For The First Time

An old friend I have known for years drop by for a visit. This is the first time I have ever met him personally. He turns out to be a good guy.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Getting A Little Cooler

It may get a little cooler this week. It should be around the seventies. We need a cold front.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Cowboys Lose

Cowboys 21
Broncos 24

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Now to the rant portion of this post.

Is it me or is CBS coverage on the Macy's Thank giving Day Parade get worse every year?

The announce team had all the enthusiasm of someone attending an autopsy.

The camera work was mediocre.

The BIG problem. The parade it's self is secondary to the commercials. Santa got roughly 90 seconds on camera but had to be squeezed between two minutes of commercials on either side of his appearance.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Vampire Christmas Tree

The blood sucking Christmas tree is up and no one lost any blood!
That is an all time first. I am slowly putting a mix of twinkle light and regular lights on it and hope to have all the lights on by tonight or in time to watch the Myth buster on it tomorrow night.
I also hope to have the whole thing finished by Thanksgiving.
My dad saw his eye doctor and the doc said the pressure in his right eye was way down.
He does have an appointment in San Antonio the 30th.
He seems happy and is working on a small project for an old client.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Google Toolbar

I am trying the Google toolbar with a built in spellcheck.
So far I like it.

It is sixty degrees outside and I am slowly sweeping up the dead leaves. I can only sweep for about seven minutes at a time but I am slowly getting it done.

I may just get a scooter or power wheelchair after all. I saw a real neat one but it only comes in one color. It like Henry Ford use to tell people use to tell people. "You can have any color you want as long as it is black." However in this case it is red instead of black.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


It is currently fifty six degrees outside. The forecast is for it to be in the seventies tomorrow. It's not snow but I'll take it.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 21
Philadelphia Eagles 20

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero passed away yesterday.
Eddie was a professional wrestler for eighteen years.
Using his own name in WCW and WWE or as Black Tiger in Japan.
Eddie was an excellent wrestler and handled the mic and camera with great ease. Weather he was in the role of a good guy or bad guy Eddie was always stole the spotlight and entertaining as hell.
God Bless Eddie Guerrero.


My understanding is it will get cooler Wednesday. I can't wait.
My dad rented a wheel chair so I'm gonna try to go to Dollar Tree.
Hopefully I won't wind up back in the ER.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Sony Backs Down.

Sony Music has stopped the productions of their Cd's containing "Root kits."

Sony is going to have to face at least one lawsuit if not more.

The EFF (electronic Frontier Foundation) has posted a list of Cd's containing the root kit.

The EFF can be found here: http://www.eff.org/

They include:
Trey Anastasio, Shine (Columbia)
Celine Dion, On ne Change Pas (Epic)
Neil Diamond, 12 Songs (Columbia)
Our Lady Peace, Healthy in Paranoid Times (Columbia)
Chris Botti, To Love Again (Columbia)
Van Zant, Get Right with the Man (Columbia)*
Switchfoot, Nothing is Sound (Columbia)
The Coral, The Invisible Invasion (Columbia)
Acceptance, Phantoms (Columbia)
Susie Suh, Susie Suh (Epic)
Amerie, Touch (Columbia)
Life of Agony, Broken Valley (Epic)
Horace Silver Quintet, Silver's Blue (Epic Legacy)
Gerry Mulligan, Jeru (Columbia Legacy)
Dexter Gordon, Manhattan Symphonie (Columbia Legacy)
The Bad Plus, Suspicious Activity (Columbia)
The Dead 60s, The Dead 60s (Epic)
Dion, The Essential Dion (Columbia Legacy)
Natasha Bedingfield, Unwritten (Epic)

* I would love to be a fly on the wall when some suit and tie explains this to the Van Zant boys. Can you say "Ass kicking."
I knew you could.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Scooter or Powered Wheelchairs

Well after several months of being trapped indoors I finally broke down and talked to my doctor about a scooter.

I'm not exactly thrilled about this turn of events but I know I am slowly losing my strength.

Boycotting Sony Music

The guys at Sony music have been spying on you. Sony music CD's install a "root kit" on your computer if you agree to install their music player.

Here is a article from PCWorld.

This is a violations of your privacy as I see it.
The "root kit" will "phone home" or contact Sony Music via the net every time you play the CD.
Would Sony require you to phone them every time you decide to play some of their music?
Well with this program running on your PC you will do just that.

Sony deserves the bad press they get from this obtrusive idea.

I will no longer purchase any CD's from Sony Music.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Family Guy

Tonights episode of "Family Guy" was one of the best they have ever done. It satirized the Janet Jacksons Superbolw half time show event.
My favorite part was the head of the FCC being played by Cobra Commander.
The entire show was well written and well done.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Today was yet another day

It has been a quite day. It's still in the eighties and I wish we would get a cold front soon.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Another Tricky Day

Last night I did my phone in segment with Phil from "Chill with Phil." Phil an old buddy from the days of The Bardo show. He asked me to review a DVD for him.

Here a link to his page. http://www.dixonmedia.org/chillwphil/

I woke up today with my left eye almost swollen entirely shut. I saw my GP and he thinks it some dust that got under my eyelid. He gave me some pills and a a prescription for some eye drops.

We spent more time chatting than anything easel.

I like him a lot, he just an old country doctor.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

MPAA Sues Grandfather

The MPAA has proven once again that it is a heartless over reactionary collection of idiots. Read the story here... http://www.casperstartribune.net/articles/2005/11/02/ap/hitech/d8dkc5080.txt

The Ironbound Vampire DVD

I was given a DVD to review. It's called The Ironbound Vampire.

The Iron bond Vampire was made in 1998. It is the story of a Vampire spreading misery to the populous of Newark, as if living in Newark isn't miserable enough. This is a low budget underground movie, which makes sense as the audio sounds like it was done in a subterranean tunnel.
The film looks like it was edited and lit by someone wearing a too large miner's hat.
The film was written, directed, and produced by Karl Petry.
You know a film is bad when the high school kids are better actors than the adults. But that should not be surprising as everyone seems to be graduates of the Ed Wood's school of over acting. In fact two of Ed Wood's actors Doloras Fuller and Conrad Brooks make appearances in the film.
The film will teach you a few things about the vampire community you may not know, such as Vampire weddings are messy and mullets seem to be very popular among Vampires.
The film moves as fast as a decomposing corpse. The plot is more soap opera than horror film. There are interviews with several of the Vampires victims. I am surprised they haven't joined forces and sued the Vampire.
The DVD does include out takes from the movie, the trailer, and a debate on vampires.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween Part Two

It's early November 1st and we did not have a single trick or treater. More Dum Dums for me.