Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cowboys Lose Tight Game

Dallas Cowboys 31
Detroit Lions 39

In a tight back and forth the Cowboys could not finish an end game push to beat the Lions.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Dallas Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 7
Philadelphia Eagles 23

In a loop sided game that the Cowboys seem to have slept through the Eagles simply dominated the Cowboys for the whole game.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cowboys Win A Record Setting Game.

Dallas Cowboys 38
Atlanta Flcons 28

In a back and forth record setting game The Boys won by ten.

Falcon kicker Morten Andersen #5 set a new record as the NFL's all-time leading scorer with 2,438 points.

Falcon quarterback Michael Vick #7 threw for four TDs, including three in a 35-point second quarter, and ran for 56 yards giving him 990 yards rushing this season, surpassing the record for quarterbacks previously held by Bobby Douglass, who gained 968 yards for Chicago in 1972.

Terrell Owens #81 admited to spitting in the face of Falcon DeAngelo Hall #21 Corner back. Mr. Owens you are a Dallas Cowboy. Americas team, the best of the best. Act like it!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Update 12 14 2006

Well I saw my heart doctor a few weeks back and had my breathing tested yesterday. The tech seemed surprised I did as well as I did. It surprised me to.
My father has cancer on his ear. He is not the least bit worried as they may just scrape or freeze it off. It so small you can barely see it.
I have given up on the Christmas tree so we bought a prelit 2 foot tree. Plug it in and it goes.
The are no house with Christmas lights up on my block this year. The local power company has announced they intend to raise the price of power Jan 1st.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cowboys Win Very Tight Game.

Dallas Cowboys 23
New York Giants 20

In a very tight game that was decided by a kick The Dallas Cowboys won this game. This gives The Boys a lead in their confrence.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

What I Am Thankful For.

Here a small list of what I am Thankful for.
The good report from my heart doctor Monday when I went in for my quarterly visit.
My laptop and my wireless system.
My fathers good health.
My flu shot and the fact I haven't been ill so far this winter.

Dallas Cowboys Win

Tampa Bay Buccaneers 10
Dallas Cowboys 38

This game started with a Buccaneer touchdown very early in the game. By the end of the first quarter the game was tied 7 to 7. In the second quarter Tampa Bay scored 3 points and the Cowboys 14 points. From there on the Cowboys gained control. They scored 14 points and in the final quarter they managed 3 points.

A good Thanksgiving Day game.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cowboys Break Colts Winning Streak

Dallas Cowboys 21
Indianapolis Colts 14

Peyton Manning has still to win in the Texas Stadium. The Colts 13 consecutive wins streaks was ended today.
In a tight back and forth game the Cowboys beat the Colts by five points.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cowboys Win & The Cardinal show their class.

Dallas Cowboys 27
Arizona Cardinals 10

In a lopsided game The Cowboys grabbed an early lead and never let go.
In excellent NFL moment the Cardinals saluted former safety, Pat Tillman, who left the Arizona Cardinals to join the Army Airborn Rangers and was killed in Afghanistan.
The Cardinals dedicated an area outside the stadium known as "Pat Tillman Freedom Plaza."
It includes a 500-pound, 8-foot tall bronze statue of Tillman including a 42-foot-long wall, symbolic of Tillman's number at Arizona State. There are 40 oak trees west of the memorial, symbolizing the number 40 he wore with the Cardinals, he also set the team record of 200 tackles.

Great game and class act by the Cardinals.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 22
Washington Redskins 19

In a very tight game the Cowboys lost to a last second 47 yard field goal by Nick Novak.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Boom Goes The Website

From Buzzzle.

The American government has closed down a website it created this year after inadvertently uploading information that could be used for building a nuclear bomb. The site was set up in March as a showcase for reams of Iraqi documents captured during the war. The idea came from congressional Republicans who wanted to use the internet to highlight the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. But the plan appears to have backfired when the site posted documents that amounted to a basic guide to building a nuclear bomb. The Bush administration closed down the website last night after questions were raised by the New York Times.

And we can't take liquids on the airplane?
We can however take a laptop with us as long as you check it in as luggage and they can store it in the cargo hold.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 25
Carolina Panthers 14

In a game who's first quarter gave the Panthers a 14 point lead, then the game changed directions in the Cowboys favor. The Boys scored 10 points in the second quarter. In the third quarter neither team made any scores. In the final quarter the Cowboys scored 25 points and broke the Panthers grip.
This was Tony Romos first game as a starting quarterback. He trow a 270 yards and a touchdown.

Good work Cowboys!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cowboys receive a Giant ass kicking.

Cowboys 22
New York Giants 36

In a very lopsided game the Giants took a very early lead and the Cowboys never caught up.
The Cowboys defense could not hold the Giants who attacked Bledsoe at will.
Tony Romo replaced Bledsoe in the second half but was intercepted early on.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Are you sitting down?

It is 65 degrees outside!!
We are expecting a high of 68 and a low a of 58.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Oh Crap Not Again.

Yesterday about noon I went to the Emergency room with a high heart rate. My heart was at 140 at noon and by the time I got to the ER it was at 95. They did a bunch of blood work and an xray. The ER doctor gave me a high blood pressure pill and sent all the info they had to my heart doctor. He said I didn't need to move up my appointment with the other doctor as the problem fixed itself for the most part and there was no long term damage. I see my cardiologist next month and my GP hopefully next week.
It my may be in the high 90s here today. I can't wait for winter.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cowboy Win Again

Dallas Cowboys 36
Houston Texans 6

In a game that started with four calls against the Cowboys of face mask pulls the action once started was fast.
Terrel Owens caught to touchdown downs passes.
This game was fun to watch.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Cowboys Lose

Dallas 24
Philadelphia 38

In a wild back and fourth game the Cowboys lost.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Cowboys Wins and Titans Behave Like Criminals

Dallas Cowboys 45
Tennessee Titans 14

The 6-foot-6, 320-pound Albert Haynesworth's stomped on the head of Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode's.

Gurode needed 30 stitches to repair the cuts left by the tackle's cleats, and he plans to talk with his family about whether or not to press charges.

The league suspended Haynesworth for five games without pay.

During 2003 Titans training camp, Haynesworth kicked center Justin Hartwig

I hope Gurode press charges and sends Haynesworth to jail.
Hayneswoth actions where those of a criminal and he should be treated as such.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cowboy Wins.

Dallas Cowboys 27
Washington Redskins 10

Here We Go Again.

Well the Dallas Cowboys are at it again. They had a good first half as usual then folded in the second half of the first game of the season.
They have a game tonight against the Washington Redskins.

Come on Boys kick some ass.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dallas Cowboys Lose First Game

Dallas 17
Jacksonville 24

Well hopefully they will do better.

No Saints Here

I have been playing the X Box 360 game "Saints Row."

First of this is an adult game.

Much like the Grand Theft Auto series of games there is plenty of gun play, running over pedestrians, car stealing, drug dealing, and playing driver for some hooker and their Johns.

The graphics are nicely done and the audio is well done. The game play is easy to follow. The is not a very difficult game but does require you to try different solutions to missions.

You play a mute member of a gang called the Saints.

You help your fellow gang members drive off or flat out kill member of other gangs.

The bad news is this game is VERY buggy. There all several problems with the graphics of the game, the game is also infamous for freezing and items such as cars, cloths, and weapons disappearing.

In short the game was rush to released and the makers did not take their time testing the game.
This is sad.

Hopefully they will learn a lesson and take more care with the next game.

Honer Among Texans

The store I bought my X Box 360 from replaced it after much hand ringing and foot dragging. Much noise was made over how Microsoft frowned on such things as helping your customers.
However I have the replacement system.
The new system makes far less noise than the previous one.
All in all I am happy with the way my local vendor dealt with me, but thinks Microsoft needs a few million lessons in how to treat their customers.

Shame on Microsoft.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Microsoft "We have your money, screw you!"

My Xbox 360 stopped working today. I followed all the instructions on the page... .

I followed the advice they give on their page.
Unplugging and replugging the unit entirely as stated in their page only resulted in tripping the circuit breakers in my house.
I then disconnected the hard rive and this did nothing to solve the problem.
I then called customer support only to be told after five minutes of a call I have no doubt I will be charged for even though it is an eight hundred number, that they claim it was never registered. I know I filled out the paperwork.

The 360 is now in the trash.
It will stay there.
Microsoft has once again found way to screw a customer.

Monday, August 21, 2006

NSA Wiretaps Found Unconstitutional


Federal Court Finds NSA Wiretaps Unconstitutional
By Wayne Rash August 18, 2006

A federal judge in Detroit has rejected the Bush administration's argument that the National Security Agency's wiretap program, which has been conducted for nearly five years, is allowed by the U.S. Constitution.
In a sharply worded statement that cites precedents from as far back as the late 18th century, and quotes extensively from the Framers of the Constitution, Judge Anna Diggs Taylor of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, said: "We must note that the Office of the Chief Executive has itself been created, with its powers, by the Constitution. There are no hereditary Kings in America, and no powers not created by the Constitution."

The judge rejected the administration's claims that the defendants did not have the standing to sue the government, saying that they had each suffered in their ability to carry on communications protected by the First Amendment. She also rejected the administration's claims that the activity was protected because it was a state secret. She said that the information provided by the President of the United States in a series of public statements about the NSA surveillance program was itself sufficient for the plaintiffs to make their case.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

More Pointless Grinding of Teeth

From: PC Magazine,1895,1998079,00.asp

House Wants to Kick MySpace Out of Schools
By Errol Pierre-Louis
Social networking sites such as could soon be banned from schools and libraries, pending the passage of a new law aimed to protect kids. The Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) is intended to limit a pedophiles access to networking sites which have become immensely popular among kids and young teens. Critics believe the act is too broad and does not necessarily accomplish anything meaningful other then cutting off users from popular Web sites. The act already passed the House of Representatives on July 26th by a sweeping 410 to 15 margin.
Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick (R-Ohio) introduced the DOPA act. In his speech before the vote, he described social networking sites as "a happy hunting ground for child predators." The act covers all federal institutions receiving funding for computers and Web access via the US E-Rate scheme, which primarily means schools and libraries. The American Library Association (ALA) estimates that two-thirds of US libraries receive this funding.
The act would require these institutions to install filters to block social networking sites where children might be subject to "unlawful sexual advances." The act leaves the final definition of a social network up to the Federal Communications Commission, but suggests that any site that enables users to build personal profiles and converse with other users should be banned from libraries and schools. This definition would include many sites, like,, blogging sites, and interactive news pages.Leslie Burger, president of the ALA, in a statement called the act "redundant and unnecessary legislation," pointing out that the Children's Internet Protection Act already requires libraries to block Web content that is harmful to children. Other critics believe the act only succeeds in limiting children and teen access to popular sites rather than actually "deleting" online predators.
Sites like "Save Your Space" have popped up with an online petition looking to rally support against the impending act. Their organization's goal is to collect 1 million signatures in a month.
In order for the act to become law it must pass the Senate in a vote likely to take place in early August.

Here my view.
This is just a grand bit of saber rattling. If Congress wanted to deter crimes against children they would make the punishment a great deal stronger.
This is a typical over reaction that will punish the innocent and have absolutely no effect on the perpetrators.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Welcome To The Row

I have been playing the demo to a new game called Saints Row.

This is being called the Grand Theft Auto killer.

This game is much like the most recent installment of the Grand Theft Auto series San Andreas.
You can customize your cars, listen to music on you car radio, steal cars, commit murders, and on and on.

No doubt there will be a great deal of hand wringing and teeth gnashing over this game as there was with San Andreas.

As for the demo itself it shows smooth control, nice graphics and audio.

If you like the GTA:SA game you may want to look into Saints Row.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Don't Drink and Vote

I found this fall over funny item on The Fox News website.

A Maryland candidate for Senate paid a Baltimore drug-treatment center to drive recovering addicts to a debate last week, where they held up signs supporting his campaign.
A consultant to Democrat Josh Rales campaign paid the I Can't, We Can drug counseling center to transport the 20 patients to the event... where they were supposed to help post signs. But the addicts — who pay about $350 a month for treatment, and some of whom have criminal records — ended up holding the signs themselves.
Rales campaign manager tells the Washington Times that the addicts were recruited without the campaign's knowledge, and the contractor called paying the center for volunteers, "a real error in judgment."

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chips Annoy

I have learned not to eat potato chips anymore.
I had half a bag of chips and felt horrible.
One more on my growing list of thing not to do.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Felling Better All The Time.

I saw my heart doctor recently (last week) and he said I was doing very well and does not need to see me until November.
(I can't wait for November 30th as it marks the end of hurricane season)

I'm still playing Oblivion and the more I play this game the more impressed I am.
I finally bought a house in the game called Arbor Watch. The house is big and lots of places to store stuff.
However I have a few complaints about the game.
Comparing Oblivion to Morrowind there are a few things missing.
First the spells.
The spells of Mark and Recall are gone. These spells let you set a point in the game called a Mark. You then used the spell Recall to be transported instantly (well almost) to that point.
This came in very handy when cleaning out tombs. You could set the Mark in front of a shop then go raid tomb. Once you had all you could carry you use Recall and ZAP you are in front of the store where you can sell your items.
This has been replaced by "Fats Travel" which requires you to be one the surface outside a tomb and ready to travel to where ever you want on the map. It does however take the same amount of game time that normal travel does.
Also you can no longer decorate you house with lights as you could in the old game. In the old game I had candles and lanterns placed on the outside of my house so it would be easy to find from a distance.
They have also removed the ability to place items where you want. In the old game you could place items more or less where you wanted.
In my house I had a shelf full of helmets of bad guys I had killed.
Now you may only drop and move object.
You can move the objects around using telekineses but it extremely difficult to have an item face a certain way.
This is very annoying.
Other than that I give Oblivion a five star review.

A Bridge To Nonsense

Senator Ted Stevens a Republican form Alaska gave his view on Net Neutrality.
Stevens is the man behind the $453 million dollar bridge to no where.
Stevens spoke for ten minutes before congress.
Frankly he should have just sat down and kept quite.
You can hear his speech here: .
Steven in an unfocused and rambling diatribe he compared the internet to plumping.
The Senator dose not understand the workings of the net.
Stevens has no understanding of even how Netflicks works.
He also seems to need an explanation of how consumerism and capitalism works.
Stevens, like a lot of people, do not understand or does not care that services who use the Internet like Netflicks, Google, and Ebay do not get a free ride.
They pay their own Internet Service Providers, their pay for the own net security and the pay for server systems that keep them on the net.
The people pushing this are doing so as a money grab. They want to charge services like Google and Ebay extra to use their cable which the customers are already paid for.
They claim the these services will swallow the expenses. No, they will, as with all things pass the expense to the customers.
You will as a result see the prices at Ebay, Netflicks and others go up.
This bill should be watched with great care.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Flags of Ill Advice

Broadcast flag From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A broadcast flag is a set of status bits or "flags" sent in the data stream of a digital television program that indicates
whether or not it can be recorded, or if there are any restrictions on recorded content. Possible restrictions include
inability to save a digital program to a hard disk or other non-volatile storage, inability to make secondary copies of
recorded content in order to share or archive, forceful reduction of quality when recording such as reducing high-definition
video to the resolution of standard TVs, and inability to skip over commercials.

In the United States, new television receivers using the ATSC standard were supposed to incorporate this functionality by July 1, 2005, but a federal court struck
down the Federal Communications Commission's rule to this effect on May 6. The stated intention of the broadcast flag was to
prevent copyright infringement, but many have asserted that broadcast flags interfere with the fair use rights of the viewing
The broad rewrite of US telecommunications laws makes it to the Senate floor, it will include the broadcast flag. Despite
objections voiced by Sen. John Sununu (R-NH), the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation has left both the
audio and video broadcast flags.
However, individual senators would still be able to offer amendments to the legislation that would remove the controversial
flags. Sen. Sununu has indicated he might do exactly that.
The Commerce Committee will continue reviewing the bill, amendment by amendment, with network neutrality next on the list.
Once they have finished marking up the bill, Chairman Ted Stevens (R-AK) still has to make the call on whether to send it to
the full Senate for a vote. Right now, he's undecided, as he believes it is doubtful the bill's proponents could muster the
60 votes necessary to stop a possible filibuster.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), is opposing any telecom legislation that does not include a provision safeguarding network neutrality.
"I will do anything I can to block a major telecom rewrite that undermines what makes the Internet special. I will block it.
I will do anything I can to derail it," said Wyden. That may include placing a hold on the bill to further delay attempts at
The House of Representatives, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held hearings on the net neutrality issue. RIAA CEO Mitch Bainwol, EVP Fritz Attaway from the MPAA, and Gary Shapiro, the CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association all testified before the comity. They said the flags are essential to the survival of the music and movie industries. The CEA's Shapiro disputed that, telling the Committee that "we have to stop measuring creativity by the financial interests of ten companies."

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Net Neutrality

The Senate Commerce Committee approved on Wednesday the telecommunications reform bill with a bi-partisan vote of 15-7.

The bill now named "The Advanced Telecommunications and Opportunity Reform" was initially introduced by Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)
The bill addresses a wide range of communications-related issues, including municipal broadband services, video franchise reform and more.

Several senators, consumer advocate groups, and e-commerce corporations have stated they felt the bill did not address Internet Neutrality effectively.

"Internet Neutrality" has been described as being able to transmit any kind of content is important, to the well being of Internet as a whole and to eLearning in particular.

Jeanine Kenny of the Consumers Union said: "Right now under current law, there's nothing to stop the phone and cable companies from striking a deal to offer high-speed access to a company like Google and refusing to provide any deal at all to a different company like Yahoo. There's not even a rule on the books that would prevent them from blocking Web sites."

Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) proposed an amendment to the bill to "ensure fair treatment of all Internet content." The amendment incorporated the following non-discriminatory principle: "to promote broadband deployment, and presence and promote the open and interconnected nature of the Internet, a broadband service provider shall not discriminate Internet traffic based on source, ownership, or destination of such traffic as part of any publicly available Internet offering."

I recommend read THIS article by Cory Doctorow. Mr. Doctorow does a good job of explaining why we should support Internet Neutrality.
But that just my opinion.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I have been playing Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Oblivion is the latest installment in the Elder Scrolls series.
Elder Scrolls is a long running award winning series of games for the PC, X-Box, and X-Box 360.
The X-Box game Morrowwind was an award winning game that pressed the X-Box system to it's limits. The game was so big in fact that a great number of people never finished.
Oblivion is graphically breath taking, has wonderful audio, and an amazingly deep story. You can freely wander around the world to your hearts content. The are trolls and goblins to fight. There are caves and mines to explore.
All in all I think is a excellent game, and a must have for Role Playing Game lovers with a X-Box 360.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Wild Weather

On way to the grocery store the was a light sprinkle. Then we came to a major intersection which was flooded. Just in the one crossroads it was absolutely puring rain. Once we crossed the intersection all the rain had stop and the streets where bone dry.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

One Good Deed ?

Long time no post.
There is so little going on here that I have little to say but here is a brief summery of the past few months.
The local grocery store had a basket with a sign stating "Book Drop Off". So I decided I drop off some books I had. As I dropped off the books I noticed in tiny print..."for children". By that time it was too late. My contrabution... Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Mummy. Well I may have a hand in the development of the next Steven King.
I have a new GP. He a nice guy and fellow lover if comic books. He gave me a physical and then he listened to my heart. Not often you hear a doctor go "Woe!"
I have abandoned my Hotmail account as the new password can not be remembered and every time I try to get into the account I have to try five or six tries. This also makes getting into my XBox Live account impossible. Lets see Tom Cruise deal with Microsoft for once.
I took my chair to the mall to visit a friend who celebrating her birthday.
The mall is now one sixth empty. Also the price of popcorn and drinks have skyrocketed.
We are days deep into hurricane season and so far so good.
I am staying out of the heat the best I can and being a good boy with what I eat.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Glitch In The Dark

I have been playing Perfect Dark Zero.
It is so far my favorite game by far.
And I have discovered there are glitches in the game. So have very interesting effects.

GAME GLITCHESThe see through wall in the Desert map game glitch: At the Desert multi-player map, there is an area where you can take cover and see through the wall. In order to do this, you must have Bases 2 and 4 open. Go into the cave temple base. Once you go through the hall, go up the sand hill, and not the stairs. Go in the little courtyard from either entrance then turn left. There should be a bowl near the wall. Stand as close to the wall and as far in as you can into the wedge created. While standing, go into cover. If done correctly, you should be able to see through the wall. This is most effective during the Infection game type with the Plasma Rifle. Hide there and whenever you see a skeleton, use the secondary function (invisibility). They will usually walk out because it is very difficult to see you. The dummy flag game glitch: In a capture the flag game, have one player get the flag and bring it back to his base to score. Before he scores, have the party leader go to the enemy base and stand on the enemy flag holder (the colored circle under where the flag starts). Stand over it in a position so that he can see the color on every part inside of the circle. Once he is positioned, score the flag and stay there. Every time you score it should say "Enemy flag returned" at the bottom. After that, the flag will come back out as though you dropped it before you made it to the scoring spot. If you stand there, the flag will score very quickly, but you will not be able to tell until the round is over and it shows the scores. If the player on the enemy flag holder dies or moves too far away for any reason, the flag will come back to the enemy base. The Hawk's barrier game glitch: Have a Hawk and one of the two vehicles. Throw the Hawk and get on the vehicle. While driving around, hold the RB and the secondary function of the Hawk will activate. Usually the Hawk's secondary function will protect you from explosions and have a white lined barrier appear around you. However this glitch will only provide the visual effect and will not protect you. This does not work on the gunner position of the hovercraft. The floating game glitch: Get in a hovercraft. get in. Have another player shoot you in the head and kill you. Then, have them jump in and quickly jump out of the hovercraft.. Do not press a button to respawn until they are out of the hovercraft. When you respawn, you will be able to walk on air, including walking above the desert wall. To get down, you have two options. Either walk into a wall and press A, or have someone shoot you in the head and kill you if you are to high to reach a wall. You can keep stair stepping up the mountains to get even higher.

For even more try

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Is Buster Busted?

In yet another Busterless episode of The Mythbusters they explore the myth than you can paint a room by placing a stick of dynamite in a can of paint.
This is a myth?
They got the idea from the British TV series Mr. Bean.
Well the answer is no.
Now who couldn't see that coming.
Grant and the second team of Mythbusters looked into mind control.
They busted that myth.
Have the Mythbusters run out of ideas?
Have they run out of steam?
Have Adam and Jamie jumped the shark?
Where is Buster?
Did he get more mail than the other Mythbusters and therefore get fired?

Answer to those questions and more same Mythbusters time same Mythbusters channel.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Outfit

I have been playing The Outfit.
It's a World War 2 shooter with a good sense of humor.
My favorite part is one of the playable charters is equipped with a flame thrower.
There is even a tank with a flame thrower.
The gimmick of the game is something called DOD or Destruction On Demand.
Just about every thing can be blown up. The building collapse nicely.
You can, for a price, buy air strikes, tanks, jeeps, and canons.
You make your money by killing the bad guys.
The game is slightly difficult but in the that you can accomplish a mission but it will take so doing.
The controls and nicely lay ed out. The graphics and audio or very good but not great.
So if you want to blow stuff up give this game a try.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Game Lie

I have canceled my service with GameFly.
On their website it states it will take around four days to get a game to you.
However it takes me a week, except for the most recent game I asked for TWO weeks ago.
GameFly says they are working on their problem but it seems the longer I am with them the wore the service gets.
GameFly is a great service if you live with the state of California.
But if you live else where forget it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Mythbusters

Tonight Adam and Jamie revisited some of the myths they have already looked into.
They built the confederate rocket but this time it was powered by meat.
They also delved into the splitting the arrow down the middle. They made arrows out of materials that would have would have been available at the time. They busted that myth but brought in an expert to try to split the arrow. He failed as well. Then they made an arrow out of bamboo which matches the arrow in the Robin Hood film. That worked splendidly.
Yet another Busterless show.

Perfect Dark Hero

I have been playing Perfect Dark Zero.
PDZ is the sequel to the classic game Perfect Dark. The game is actually as good if not better than the original. A rarity for video games or movies for that matter.
There is a wide variety of weapons and gadgets.
There is plenty to shoot at.
So if you have the chance give Perfect Dark Zero a try.

Tampering with the Cosmos

I have been watching Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" on The Science Chanel.
If you have never seen Cosmos you have missed out.
Carl Sagan has a wonderful way of explaining the way the heavens move, breath, and behave.

However it is NOT the original series that ran on PBS.
It has been edited.
While Sagan discussed dinosaurs the simple line drawing where replaced by CGI of dinosaurs used in other TV series such a Dinosaurs Planet.

Is this necessary?
I doubt it.
It seems this is a case of not being able to leave well enough alone. People like this would draw eyebrows on the Mona Lisa.

Cheers to The Science Chanel for running Cosmos.
Boo to Science Channel for not being able to keep there hands off a classic.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Free Comic Book Day - Saturday May 6th.

Yes free comic book day is back.
Here a link for all the details.

Free Comic Book Day

Monday, April 24, 2006

Intellectual property Protection Act 2006

Here is an article from C-Net on the new DMCA 2006.
I love how Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is using the founding of terrorist to cover the fact he doing the RIAA's (Record Industry Association of America) bidding.
If you ask me the RIAA are the terrorist here.
SONY must be praying this thing passes so they can go after the people who uncovered their root kit tom foolery.
If this passes you will no longer be able to make back up copies of your CD or DVD collection.

So read and help fight more bad law sponsored by big business.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Mythbusters

Tonight Jamie and Adam looked into the myth that a bullet fired into the air could kill you on it way back down.
The myth was busted with conditions.
A bullet fired strait up will not kill you as it's terminal velocity is not lethal.
However a bullet fired at an angel can kill. In fact it has killed one man in the San Fransisco area.
The others experimented with more vodka myths.
It was a Buster-less Mythbusters.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Well, at least he didn't shoot his mouth off.

(Orlando, Florida-AP) April 14, 2006 - A federal agent who accidentally shot himself in the foot while telling kids about gun safety says he's become the butt of too many jokes - so he's suing his employer.
Lee Paige told a group of Orlando, Florida children that he was the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun. Moments later, he shot himself.
Paige was then suspended for five days without pay, and the videotape of the shooting was turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
But the tape soon began making the rounds of the Internet and late-night talk shows.
The lawsuit contends the tape was leaked by the DEA and that the subsequent publicity subjected Paige to "derision" and "ridicule."

Now I have a few questions here.
1. What was he doing with a loaded weapon in the school?
2. When did he chamber the bullet so it could be fired?
3. Did he sleep through gun safety class?

Instead of him suing the DEA, the parent and teachers of the school should be suing him and the DEA.
He is upset because he feels the DEA made the subject of ridicule.
No I think shooting yourself in the foot makes you the subject of ridicule.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Family, Food, and Free Music.

Part of my family from my fathers side is in town. The youngest person a kind soul who works in a bank, don't ask me why, brought me several computer disks worth of music.
We went out to eat.
Now the restaurant is very nice and the rolls are excellent but having a cockroach wandering trough your booth is unnerving. Especially the way he eyed my dinner roll. He or she wiggled their antenna in a purely lustfully way.
I don't mind sharing my food but I prefer they be of the same species.

Monday, April 10, 2006

True Crime: New York Pity

I have been playing True Crime: New York City.
This is a good game but not the Grand Theft Auto killer as boasted.
There are two problems.
1. The control layout is poorly done.
2. The game is not finished. It is buggy. It freezes around every forty minutes. This is a carry over from the problems of the previous title.
The game despite it's problems is fun. The city is huge and there are lots of little details. You can simply walk around the streets frisking people and arresting the ones who are carrying drugs. You can turn the drugs over to the police via a tiny little Police Station or sell the drugs off and make money that way. You can restore your health by staying in a hotel, learn new fighting moves at dojos.
I hope there is a sequel to this game but this time I hope they invest time into play testing and remove the bugs.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hitman: Blood Money

I have been playing the demo for Hitman Blood Money.
This is the third in the Hitman series and seems to be the best. My own big complaint is that you could not adjust the target speed.
You spend too much time trying to aim at your target.
Hopefully they will have this problem fixed by the release date next month.

My Big Cable

The cable big has gotten so ridiculously big we have switch cable and High Speed Internet providers.

They should show up Wednesday.

The WWE has a new group called the Spirit Squad. The are a collection of hyperactive yahoos. Now not only did they approve of this stupid idea they have been handed the Tag Team belts.
Where is the nWo when you really need them?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jamie & Adam Will Be Back

Wednesday April Nineteenth.

Adam & Jamie will tackle the myth that a bullet fired into the sky can kill you if it hits you on its return trip to Earth.

Sounds like fun.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Deleting Play List on iPods

Here the easy way to do it.
Create a Play list of the songs and pod cast you want on your iPod.
Connect the iPod to PC.
Launch iTunes.
Wait for the iPod connect icon to appear.
Under options select iPod, then under that select "Update Playlist Manually"
Then go to your iPod playlists shown on iTunes. With the iPod connected you can chose which playlists you want to delete.
After deleting the play list you don't want update the iPod with a playlist you do want with the songs or pod cast you wish to have on your iPod.

To bad Apple could not be bothered to have this info in the instruction booklet that comes with the iPod. Too bad Apple could not be bothered to include a useful instruction manual with the iPod in the first place.

The DiePod

If you missed The Simpson's tonight you missed a great gag.
Grandpa Simpson decided he wanted to commit euthanasia.
The doctor who was helping him connected him to a machine called "The DiePod."
The play on word was toped by a great sight gag of grandpa connected to a giant iPod via an I.V..

iPOd Barfo

I have an iPod Nano.
What a mistake.
The Nano is so poorly designed that there is no way to delete an old play list from the Nano.
How stupid do you have to be to create a company related device that you can not delete a file off the product?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Driver Stuck In Traffic

I have been playing Driver: Parallel Lines .

The game is good but not great. The story is about a man who works as a Driver in New York City during the 1978 then is imprisoned until 2006.

There is a large quantity of cars to play with.

The city (New York City) is large and has plenty to do and see. One of the high points is the music. It is music you would have actually heard during those time periods.

The graphics are a slight upgrade from the last game, however the removal of the Make A Movie feature kills what separated Driver from all the other Grand Theft Auto rip offs.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Digging For Da Vinci

This week on "Digging for the Truth" Josh delved into the whole The Di Vinci Code book story. Was Mary Magdalene the wife of Jesus and was she the Holy Grail. He basically blows Dan Brown's interesting book out of the water by discovering the material Brown based his book on was in fact a fabrication.

Josh has in fact looked into the Holly Grail itself and came to the conclusion that the quest itself was more important that the item.

Another well done show for Josh and The History Channel.


I have been playing with Protopage .
Protopage is a web page you can set up to your liking. You can post sticky notes like grocery lists, upcoming birthdays, reminders to set up doctor appointments, and other note you use to gain some control over your life.
You can also set up shortcut to your assorted email boxes, weather, news, and sports feeds.
It is free, kind of fun, and useful.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Chiefs and Myths

Well the comedy Chanel has killed chief of south park, kind of. Last we see of chief his body which has been impaled in a shrub and torn apart by a wolf and a bear. His friends of the Great Adventure Club witch is a cross between NAMBLA and The Church of Scientology are taking his corpse and turning him into some Darth Vader variant.

The Discovery Chanel has shown how dependent they have become on the Mythbuster series by having a all day Mythbuster marathon. Maybe if they tried to make more new show than milking the last ounce of life out of the reruns they be doing better.

The Mythbuster may fall into the same trap as Hercules and Zena Warrior Princess. They over sold the show to so many different channels that the charm wore off quickly. They should learn from Star Trek Next Generation and sell there reruns to one large network seen in several million households.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Blood No Sweat and Shivers.

I had my blood drawn yesterday. Having the blood work done was faster than the paper work.

It is 46 degrees outside. My kind of weather.
IF the forecast holds the next week will be nice and in the 70's.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Reruns and Reboots

Tonight (Wednesday) will be a repeat of the Mythbusters. They will deal with the Jawbreaker myth.
I have also been playing The Sims 2. A fun game in which you micro manage a little person whose life you have charge over. You tell them when to eat, sleep, play, and who to make friends with.
My sole complaint is who fats it gets frustrating when you have to keep so many friendships afloat, keep your job, and keep fed.
The relationships is the controlling factor of the game.

I have blood work to do Thursday morning.

It's a nice 58 degrees outside and other than the occasional cat fight it has been very quite.

They say the high tomorrow will be in the high sixties. Anything is better than the usual nighties and hundreds.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Doctors and Lab Mice

I saw my heart doctor today. He said I was doing so well he see me in four months. I have some blood work next week but other than that I free for a while.
The Sci Fi network is running Doctor Who. It's fun but it's not the say without my favorite Doctor Tom Baker.

Speaking of classic TV check out AOL / Television In2TV.

It is free for now. You can watch free TV shows including Alice, Babylon 5, Chico and the Man, Freakaziod, Wonder Woman, Kung Fu, and my favorite classic show... Pinky and the Brain.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fill It And It Won't Fly

On the new Mythbusters episode they tackled the myths that a raft full of helium will fly. They also dealt with the myth that cell phone will interferer with an air planes electronics systems.

They ended up building a raft made up of fifty tubes of twenty five hundred feet clean plastic full of helium arranged in two layers of fifty tubes each.

It was an episode without Buster.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Today is Purim
Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the time when the Jewish people in Persia where saved from extermination.

For more info try this link.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

THE War Is Coming

Jeff Wayne's is working on a CGI film based on his 1978 musical retailing of H. G. Wells "War Of The Worlds"
The 48 million dollar budgeted film will recreate the original book as written by Wells. You will see the Martin flying machine as mentioned early in the original writing and the dreaded Martian tripods ( not the "flying" tripods of George Pal's 1953 classic movie.)

For more info try this LINK

No release date has been set.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

NEW Mythbusters

Tonight The Discover Channel ran a new episode of the Mythbuster.
They attacked the myths of Benjiman Franklin's kite flying for a lighting strike.
They also took on the major myths around flatus, or gas, you know butt burps, OK, farts, there are you happy?
Adam built a gadget to catch his own gas. They studied the components of the flatus and tied to discover if a man could produce enough gas to kill himself. Of course Buster was dragged into the whole mess.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I have been playing the X-Box demo for "Driver Parallel Lines" .

Driver PL is the las test installment of the Driver series. However this time the game is also available on the X-Box.

You play a man in two decades. You start out in the seventies and then serve a twenty year jail sentence to be released in the nighties.

From what I have seen of the demo my favorite component of the game may have been removed. It was the movie making feature. You could record part of a stunt or car chase then change to position of the cameras, and slow time.

I'm looking forward to playing the full game. It should be released sometime in the middle of the month.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Internet Nondiscrimination Act of 2006

Ron Wyden or Organ has proposed a bill that will stop ISPs from billing internet sites such as Google for unfettered access to the internet.
Here is an article posted by the International Herald Tribune.
Good for him, ISP such as Time Warner are making enough money by overcharging you and me for high speed internet access. They do not need to be black mailing services like Google to make more.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I just got back from the dentist and other than the shoots and the chair I did not hurt. The chair was dreadful. The lumbar support just hit the curve of my spine exactly to make it very uncomfortable.

Tonight is The Mythbusters. It is two reruns. I thought they where running a new season. They did run four new shows and thats been it as far as I can remember.

I love my Gameboy Advance. I played Texas Hold em' in the dentists waiting room.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Warlord Returns

DC Comics has brought back Mike Grell's classic comic book The Warlord.
However Grell is not involved, Bruce Jones and Bart Sears are writing this version of a modern day pilot stranded in a land governed by barbarians and dinosaurs.
It will be interesting to see what they do with this comic.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A Busy Day In The Neighborhood

Last Thursday was my birthday. I turned forty something.
I got some cupcakes, peanut butter cookies, and the dinosaur Stikfas I pre ordered months ago showed up.
I also got to talk to my best friend Kim.
My dad has been on a redecoration being. The is a new ramp for the scooter I do not have yet and a freshly painted wall in one room. Best of all the drain in my bathroom was cleaned out.
I have reshedualed all my doctors appointments.
I see my dentist Wens day and my heart doctor in a few weeks.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Feeling Better Baby

I fell better than I have in some time. I bought some of those anti bacterial wipes and attacked my bathroom with them. It's amazing how dirty things get when you aren't constantly cleaning after yourself.
I am not a germ a phobia on the scale of Howie Mandel who wears rubber gloves to play poker but I have become aware how important it is to keep things clean.
The handles on you bathtub, showers and sinks are a great place to hang out if your a germ. So are doorknobs and remote controls. So I'm wiping them all down and letting them dry. It will be well worth the effort if I don't get as sick as I have been the last two weeks.
Tonight is Mythbusters but it is a pair of repeat programs.
I am also looking forward to watching last nights episode of DLTV with Patric Norton.
I miss Tech TV.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

So it continuous.

Well the scooter drama rolls on, still.
I had a meeting with a new guy from a new store and after answering a bunch of questions and having everything but my inseam measured he says he will have the paper work completed so I can take it with me Monday when I see my heart doctor.
I can only guess at what his reaction will be.
I am half dreading my dental appointment Tuesday but I want the filling done and over with.
My dad has been feeling bad as of today. I think he picked up something at the VA Hospital in San Antonio. Ever time he goes up there he seems to come back with some kind of bug.

V P Bang Bang

Well the up roar over Vice Presidents Dick Cheney's accidental shooting of friend and fund raiser Harry Whitenton goes on.
By my understanding both parties are to blame. Both Cheney and Whitenton was not following standard safety procedures while hunting.
What gets me was the fact that Cheney was using an expired permit. He the Vice President of the United States, you think at least he would take his duties as a hunter seriously or that someone in his office staff would have looked into his permits and made sure they where up to date.
The media is shrieking over the fact they had to learn of this from a one lung newspaper based in a city that is a hemorrhoid on the ass of the nation. Frankly I have no love for the major media and so called news services.
Well at at least it will give the late night guys something to joke about for a while. I think David Letterman came up with the beast line in "Ladies and gentlemen we have found weapons of mass destruction and it's Dick Cheney."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I see my dentist next Tuesday.
I'm a little concerned that he will be too gun ho and want to do everything at once. I know what my body can take and having several holes drilled in my head at once is not one of them. Hopefully I can get him to take things one step at a time.
I also have an appointment with my cardiologist Monday morning. I hope I will get a good report. I know next time I see him which will be mid summer heat wave I will feel drained and exhausted.
If I read the schedule right there will be no Mythbusters tomorrow night. BOO!
Come on Discovery channel you are really letting me down.

Goowy stuff.

Yesterday was Valentines day.
All day long I had the J. Giels band song "Love Sticks" going through my head.

I played with Goowy.
Goowy is a web based desktop environment.
It allows you to use widgets to check several emails clients, search using various search engines, play games, view short movies, and keeps track of you local weather.
I was not bowled over by it.
It is nice and good looking but I didn't see anything Konfabulator does not already do.
You may want to give it a try at

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Gettin' Better All The Time

I feel much better.
I hope I can see my dentist Thursday or Friday.
I father has a appointment with at the VA hospital Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully it will be more good news.
His last check up came back glowing and they said he was doing better than expected.

Last Wednesday Mythbusters was a repeat. TV show have gotten softer on there idea on how many episodes makes up a season. Your lucky if they produce twelve to fifteen shows and call that a season. I my day it was twenty to twenty four episodes, or fifty shows with some programs.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I feel much better. I don't have much energy but I feel human again.

I have been playing a demo for the xbox game "Totaloverdose."
It's another of one of those mindless shooters. You play a young man who goes running and gunning for various reasons.
It's a blast.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another Tricky Day

I feel better so, much so I am catching up on my bills.

Apple has announced a new iPod. Around $150.00. Now I know what I want for my Birthday.

A rerun of an old Mythbusters episode will play tonight on the Discovery channel. Tomorrow night is a new episode.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Breath Deep

Well I'm back from my doctors and he gave me some medicines. I already feel a little better.
I did get to watch Bravos Celebrity Poker Showdown. A collection of B to C list celebrities play Texas Hold 'Em to win money for a charity. This is the first time I sat down and watched any type of poker being played.
To me poker is harder than chest. In chest you can see your opponents pieces but in poker you do not know their cards. You can deduce what they have by the way they bet and how their react to the cards being dealt.

Long Time No Hear From or Pardon My Wheezing

I fell like hell. I think I have another respiratory infection. I'll find out more when I see my doctor today.

Last weeks Myth busters was fun. The busted the myth that helium in a football will give the football more lift.

I really didn't watch the Super bowl. What few commercials I saw where uninspiring except for the Budweiser horse one. A young colt decides thinks he can move the Budweiser wagon and does, actually there where a couples of Cly dales helping him as the secretly pushed from behind.

Well the scooter opera goes on. I figure it will be a month before I know one way or the other.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Digging for stuff

I heard from an old Internet friend today. I have not heard from Candy girl in some time and today she sent me an invite to her my space website.

Candy is a bright, funny, sexy, brilliant young lady. She has also has been a professional wrestling referee. She is also unbearably cute.

I watched a new episode of "Digging For The Truth" which is hosted by Josh Bernstein. Josh has apparently patterned himself after Indiana Jones.

The show is well done and Josh makes a great host who talks to the audience without talking down to them.

The show is fun to watch and takes you to far flung lands you might not otherwise see.
If you get a chance and have access to The History Channel give the show a try.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And the drama still goes on.

Well apparently there is no scooter in my future. By my third party understanding the doctor refused to do the paperwork saying "I am not a secretary."

However I am enjoying tonights episode of the Mythbusters.
The have invited viewers to build there own "Archimedes Death Rays."
Adam and Jamie have tracked down an old satellite dish to build a new version of their old death ray.
They have also given Grant the task of building "The Scorpion" which is flaming projectile weapon.
The have declared the "Archimedes Death Ray" myth busted.

I am looking forward to next weeks show which will deal with helium filled footballs.

Wens days = Mythbusters

Today is Wednesday.
There is no word on the scooter or the new mattress I have ordered and both where to be delivered yesterday.
I am trying to be patient.
On a good note today is Mythbusters!
I found some more on my favorite Mythbuster Keri Byron.
Here is her website devoted to her sculptors.
Here is an interview with her about being a Mythbuster.
Kari Byron Interview
So pop the popcorn and chill the drinks it's Mythbusters time.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The End Is Near ??

Well the scooter drama rolls on. I have moved to another store and if all goes well I will have to scooter by next week.
The other company is still making excuses and playing for time. I am consider filing a complaint against them with the Better Business Bureau but I have no doubt they will lie their way out of that as they have tried to with this whole mess.

With luck and grace I may have my scooter by my birthday and if it isn't too hot get to finally go to San Antonio.
The Christmas lights are down by now, but I would still be out of town without it being running from a hurricane.

The Mythbusters are now airing new shows. YES!
They took on two myths this week. Can a run away plane chop up the fuselage of another plane. Can you star a fire with a gun or ice.
Apparently you can star a fire with ice but you have to be a genius and incredibly cute like Mythbuster Kari Byron.
OK I have a crush on her (see photo) but she is a beautiful redhead and absolutely brilliant. How could a man resist?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pet Peeves

What are your Pet Peeves?
Those little things people do that make you angry.
Here are mine.
People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisles of stores.
Children running lose in stores.
People shouting into their cell phones.
Junk mail.
When commercial are louder than the body of a television program. And don't tell me it is because of the compression of commercials, do your job master control, get off you butt and turn this crap down.
The FFC when they won't enforce the rules pertaining to the volume of television commercials.
People so wrapped up in their cell phone conversation they do not pay attention to where their going. Can we have a new law? Drive while using a cell phone equals a fine of a hundred bucks.
OK and my biggy. There a young lady on my block and her boyfriend picks her up late at night for their dates. He does not go to the door and ring the door bell and wait for her. He can't be bothered to walk her to the car and open the door for her. He just leans on the horn of his car until she comes outside. Jackass.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Lost Your Bacon, Try Glow In The Dark Piggy.

OK here the strangest news story so far this year.
Scientist have created a glow in the dark pig...
Glow In The Dark Pig

Once again I say scientist are the leading cause of cancer.

More Stupidity

The drama over my powered chair goes on.
According to one person it was ordered, shipped, and delivered to someone else.
According to a second person it's all my doctors fault and we have to do the paperwork all over again.
Everyone I talk to in this company has a different story.
So I will start over again with a different company.
I don't know if this just gross incompetence or a con job but in either case my patients is at an end.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pandora's Music Box

I have been playing with a new on line music web site called "Pandora."
It is a free service that play music based on a choice of artist or song you like. It take the info you have submitted and compare and contrasts it against their library. They use such factors as beat, vocal styles, melodies, and others. I am impressed with the service.
It also has the saving grace of not requiring you to install any new software on you PC and works with Windows and Mozilla.
You may want to give it a try.

Sunday, January 01, 2006