Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cowboy Wins.

Dallas Cowboys 27
Washington Redskins 10

Here We Go Again.

Well the Dallas Cowboys are at it again. They had a good first half as usual then folded in the second half of the first game of the season.
They have a game tonight against the Washington Redskins.

Come on Boys kick some ass.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dallas Cowboys Lose First Game

Dallas 17
Jacksonville 24

Well hopefully they will do better.

No Saints Here

I have been playing the X Box 360 game "Saints Row."

First of this is an adult game.

Much like the Grand Theft Auto series of games there is plenty of gun play, running over pedestrians, car stealing, drug dealing, and playing driver for some hooker and their Johns.

The graphics are nicely done and the audio is well done. The game play is easy to follow. The is not a very difficult game but does require you to try different solutions to missions.

You play a mute member of a gang called the Saints.

You help your fellow gang members drive off or flat out kill member of other gangs.

The bad news is this game is VERY buggy. There all several problems with the graphics of the game, the game is also infamous for freezing and items such as cars, cloths, and weapons disappearing.

In short the game was rush to released and the makers did not take their time testing the game.
This is sad.

Hopefully they will learn a lesson and take more care with the next game.

Honer Among Texans

The store I bought my X Box 360 from replaced it after much hand ringing and foot dragging. Much noise was made over how Microsoft frowned on such things as helping your customers.
However I have the replacement system.
The new system makes far less noise than the previous one.
All in all I am happy with the way my local vendor dealt with me, but thinks Microsoft needs a few million lessons in how to treat their customers.

Shame on Microsoft.