Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 25
Carolina Panthers 14

In a game who's first quarter gave the Panthers a 14 point lead, then the game changed directions in the Cowboys favor. The Boys scored 10 points in the second quarter. In the third quarter neither team made any scores. In the final quarter the Cowboys scored 25 points and broke the Panthers grip.
This was Tony Romos first game as a starting quarterback. He trow a 270 yards and a touchdown.

Good work Cowboys!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cowboys receive a Giant ass kicking.

Cowboys 22
New York Giants 36

In a very lopsided game the Giants took a very early lead and the Cowboys never caught up.
The Cowboys defense could not hold the Giants who attacked Bledsoe at will.
Tony Romo replaced Bledsoe in the second half but was intercepted early on.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Are you sitting down?

It is 65 degrees outside!!
We are expecting a high of 68 and a low a of 58.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Oh Crap Not Again.

Yesterday about noon I went to the Emergency room with a high heart rate. My heart was at 140 at noon and by the time I got to the ER it was at 95. They did a bunch of blood work and an xray. The ER doctor gave me a high blood pressure pill and sent all the info they had to my heart doctor. He said I didn't need to move up my appointment with the other doctor as the problem fixed itself for the most part and there was no long term damage. I see my cardiologist next month and my GP hopefully next week.
It my may be in the high 90s here today. I can't wait for winter.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cowboy Win Again

Dallas Cowboys 36
Houston Texans 6

In a game that started with four calls against the Cowboys of face mask pulls the action once started was fast.
Terrel Owens caught to touchdown downs passes.
This game was fun to watch.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Cowboys Lose

Dallas 24
Philadelphia 38

In a wild back and fourth game the Cowboys lost.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Cowboys Wins and Titans Behave Like Criminals

Dallas Cowboys 45
Tennessee Titans 14

The 6-foot-6, 320-pound Albert Haynesworth's stomped on the head of Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode's.

Gurode needed 30 stitches to repair the cuts left by the tackle's cleats, and he plans to talk with his family about whether or not to press charges.

The league suspended Haynesworth for five games without pay.

During 2003 Titans training camp, Haynesworth kicked center Justin Hartwig

I hope Gurode press charges and sends Haynesworth to jail.
Hayneswoth actions where those of a criminal and he should be treated as such.