Thursday, January 31, 2008


The release date for the long awaited Grand Theft Auto IV.
The second announced release date is April 29 2008.
The game is full of promise and the pressure is on the games creators. After the release date being pushed back and the talk of all the improvements this game better be a blockbuster. The makers of this game have a great deal on the line.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Dick and Nudelaftwaffe

Today was Dick Cheney's birthday.
There was a twenty one gun salute after which twenty one lawyers where rush to the hospital with gun shot wounds to the face. They all survived... unfortunately.

Germany has announced a nude airline.
No really !
More here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Record High Temperature Set Today

Today we set a record high temperature of 86 degrees.
The previous record was set in 2006 at 85 degrees.

We are expecting a mild cold front Thursday.

Monday, January 28, 2008

50 Years Ago Today

Today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the greatest toy in the world the LEGO.
LEGO means roughly "Play Well."
LEGO's are one if not my favorite toy ever. You can build all kinds off things with LEGOs.
Happy Birthday LEGOs.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Today I had some extremly good corn.
It was hot and yellow.
I love corn that is not overly sweet. It had a rich taste to it.

Too Much Too Late

There is a new map pack for the XBox 360 game John Woo Presents Stranglehold.
The map pack costs $15.00 and gives you ten new maps and twenty one new characters for online play only. You can also unlock 250 Gamerscore points.

Unfortunately hardly anyone plays this game anymore and the price is so high.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Free Game From Microsoft

In a letter from Marc Whitten The General Manager of Microsoft X Box Live that cane be found here.

Microsoft has announced the will be for a limited time will be giving away free copies of the XBox Live Arcade game Undertow.

This is there way of apologizing for the extremely poor performance of Live over the holidays.

There is no mention of what happens if you have already paid for Undertow.

Once again Microsoft as a clear view of the problem and still fails to deal with it properly.


Today The Ovation network is show the classic movie The Seven Samurai.

Yesterday I bought the XBox 360 game Burnout Paradise.
It's a great game.
You start with a junker of a car and you unlock better and faster cars as you play through the game. The more races and other activities you complete the more cars you get. There a grand total of seventy five cars.
The graphics are nicely done.
The controls are very well done and easy to use.
The audio is also nice except for the games major flaw. There is a DJ that talks none stop. He quickly gets annoying.

All in all Paradise Burnout is worth at least a rent.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today Is A Day

I saw my heart doctor today and everything looked good.
It has been really cold here. It did not get out of the forties today. It will steadily warm up over the weekend.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bigfoot on Mars

Big Foot (the creature) not the truck has been photographed stomping around on the rocky surface of Mars.
Why is Bigfoot on Mars simple, to get away form those damn nosy poperatzy from the Science Chanel, Discovery Chanel and The Learning Chanel.
The poor guy has been relentlessly stalked by these overly curious camera toting busy bodies.
Bigfoot successfully moved to Mars only now to be stalked by NASA. Obviously NASA is jealous of Bigfoot's advance space flight technology.
My advice to Bigfoot is he should start hanging out with Oussama Ben Laden or even better yet B D Cooper.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Give Me A Beat

The Christmas Carols are gone and the music at the grocery store is back to its mix of tunes from the eighties. There is something surrealistic about shopping for corn on the cob while music you loved in high school fills the air.

Not Neo Again

AMC American Movie Classics is running The Matrix yet again. The Matrix has become the replacement of The Beastmaster as most over shown film ever. It is a good film but it is not a classic. Enough of Neo already.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Halo 3 Rankings

I have made the rank of Lieutenant 3rd grade in Halo.
This game is down right addictive.

I have yet to meet someone that has downloaded the new maps. I guess they are waiting for the maps to be free some time in the next few months just before the release of the new map back.

I have learned some new tricks in the game. I now know how to board enemy aircraft and vehicles while in use, force the operator out and take control of the craft.

I still enjoy taking screen shots and enjoy posting them in my file share.

I have also made a few film clips.

If you haven't tried Halo 3 yet you should

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Playing Online

I got to play Halo 3 with my nephew Mike. We played Big Team Battle.

It's nice and cold here. It's in the forties here here and may freeze tomorrow night.

New Mythbusters

Tonight they showed a new episode of The Mythbusters.

They looked into a series of myths connected to the James Bond film series.
They tackled the myth of shooting a propane tank to cause it to explode?
Can you jump a boat over a police car?
Can a watch with an electro magnet in it deflect a bullet?

More fun from Jamie and Adam.

They promised more new episodes next week.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dallas Cowboys Lose Big Game

Dallas Cowboys 17
New York Giants 21

The Dallas Cowboys lost a game that would have broken a trend.
The Cowboys could have had a chance at a record sixth Superbowl.
The Boys earned 11 penalties.

I hope the Cowboys learn to focus.
I hope Romo will learn to focus on football during the season. Other matter in a proper time.


Today was a sad day. My friend Susan left town today to go to Dallas. She is going there to receive help in getting her back healthy after injuring it. I will miss her a lot

Her leaving and Kens death have made the opening of this year just awful.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Yet Another Day In The Life

XBox Live is still having problems despite all their claims they have solved the problems. The rumor is that XBox will give XBox Live Gold Members a free arcade game as an apology. There has been no titles mentioned and one has to wounder why Microsoft could not see this coming knowing the amount of consoles they sold over the holiday period.

One also wounder if XBox Live was attacked via the net.

Only time will tell if they can solve the problems and if they learn anything from what happened?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bad Day

Today's is Kens funeral and I feel like hell. I keep thinking about Ken and the time we spent together and the things he taught me. I'm going to miss him a great deal.

My head hurts so much I am having a hard time seeing.

I'm also still sad that Susan will be leaving town. She gave me some free goodies from her job. I got a pen flash light and some screw drives. You can never have too many flash lights.

Yesterday marked the middle of winter. The weather guys are predicting a hard northerner late next week. I cant wait. I have a new jacket I got super cheap I want to wear.

Our cat Bill is still angry his bed has been put away. If we have guests the bed will return and he can sleep in his new bed.

My favorite mall has traded hands again and these guys are claiming they will spend millions of dollars upgrading it. It would be really nice if the mall had ONE automatic door for the handicapped. But I doubt that will happen.

I am still playing Halo 3 and getting better. I jumped onto an enemy aircraft and tossed the pilot off and to control of the fighter. My team had two aircraft including me and the opposing team had no chance. I am not that good a pilot but the ship is so easy to fly I became a one man terror. Halo keeps impressing me with how good it is.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Two Queens

The Queen of England is playing with a Wii. Apparently she likes Wii Bowling.

My friend Susan is leaving town. She hurt her back and can not find any help here in town. So she is moving away to a place that does have the therapy she is needing. I am really going to miss her.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Polishing My Halo

I'm still playing Halo 3 I am now a lieutenant 2nd class.
I am slowing getting better and I am enjoying the game a great deal.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Losing A Friend and Mentor

Today a very good friend died.
Ken was a friend, teacher, and Mentor.
He was someone I thought would never die. He was a explosion of energy , humor, and intellect.
He taught me a great deal about television. It's production and it's power.
In the past few years he has been very ill suffering a series of operations, hospital stays, and the betrayal of the company he gave over thirty years of his life.
Ken has been in a world of pain. I am happy he no longer has to suffer but I am sad at not having him around as a friend.
I feel even more saddened for his wife and child. I know they love him tremendously and are now heartbroken.
The are know number of words that can describe how much they will miss him. I will miss him as well as so will those who worked with him.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Craig Is Back

Due to a deal cut by David Letterman The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS is back live on tape.
Craig Ferguson is the best thing to hit late night television sense Johnny Carson retired.
He is fresh cleaver and energetic. Not the tired exhausted joke Letterman has been pitching for the last few years.
Welcome Back Craig.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

More RIAA Bad Behavior

If you buy a CD and make a copy to your CD the RIAA claims you are a thief.

The RIAA or Recording Industry Association of America seems hell bent on suing everyone on planet earth who has ever heard any recorded music in any manor.

To quote Alyce Lomax "
a good sign of a dying industry that investors might want to avoid is when it would rather litigate than innovate"

For more read his story at The Motley Fools

The story is here...

If you don't like the way the record industry is acting hit them where it hurts. In the wallet. Don't buy there products.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

Here in deep south Texas we are under a freeze warning.
They are predicting a freeze starting at one am to about six am.
I'm gonna let the cat in and bundle up and enjoy the cold. It's better than sweating.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

First Day of the Year

The first day of the year started out not to well as my heart palpitated for a little bit but it did get back to its normal rhythm.

The local area is under freeze warnings tonight.

I played a lot of Halo 3 New Years Eve. In one game some kid on my team kept singing "Red rover red rover please run me over" throughout the entire game.
I also got to play online with my new buddy Mike. We played a campaign mission and I showed him a few place in one map to use to let his shields recharge.

Tomorrow my father sister will leave and I'm sure my dad will miss having her around.

My father seemed to have had a great time this Christmas.

I am looking forward to the rest of the winter.