Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another Record Day

Today we set an all time heat record. The high today was 91 degrees. I hope this does not indicate a long HOT summer.

Sick As A Dog

My father is sick as a dog. He has strained his back and pulled the muscles in his torso. He planted nine big paradise plants, He carried nine forty pound bags of fertilizer. He has been in pain and having chills since Saturday. He claims he feels better and is moving around more.
I hope he learns from this but I doubt he will.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Today Saturday February 23 is my birthday.
Happy Birthday!

So much for that new car smell.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just A Thought

If the writers where really on strike wouldn't their protests signs be blank?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Writers Guild Strike Over

The Writers Guild Strike is over. It cost the entertainment industry an estimated $500 million. The strike that started November 5th 2007 dragged on for three months.
However don't hope to see new shows real soon. The scripts have to be written, approved, shredded by lawyers, re written, re approved, and re argued over. You can also expect a lot of hold ups from actor, director, and other who now want more money.
The Writers Guild states that 48 percent of their west coast union is unemployed. I say maybe they should look at the crap that is broadcast now and it would be easy to see why.

Looking Up

The weather man say it will be in the fifties Saturday. I cant wait.
My father sees an eye doctor today.
Hopefully he will get good news.
My new feathered neighbor has been dancing all day. He even got a piece of a doughnut. He loves doughnuts. A bird of great taste.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thunder and Lighting

A cold front is moving through the area. There is a lot of thunder and some lighting but very little rain.
It is cooling off some. Our winter is almost over entirely.
Football season is done and I miss it.
My birthday will be next week. I got a coupon for two dollars off the comic book of my choice from a local comic book store.
I may get a new cell phone for my birthday.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bad Foot

I think I may have re injured my foot. I accidentally put all my body weight on my bad foot. I almost fell into the bathtub.
My foot really hurts but it has hurt even worse.

I will survive.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


We went grocery shopping and annoyed a very busy bird. He was eating popcorn in the parking lot and he had to move aside while we went by. He was literally hopping mad. He followed me to the front door of the store screeching and fuming giving a if looks could kill look.

I drop a few pieces of my popcorn to make up for driving over his.

I have no idea what I want for my birthday and this is annoying some people.

Thats life.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ashes To Ashes

Today is ash Wednesday. A sure sing that Easter is soon to be here.
My birthday will be in a few weeks. Time flies when your busy.
As John Lennon said "Life is what happens while your busy making other plans."


I had my blood work today. The lady was so fast that she had me ready to leave before the paper work done.
I went to the local grocery store and ran into an old friend I had not seen in years. He looked good. He busy working in the movie business.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

This my new neighbor. Boy does he love to dance.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Alice Mayor Is In Deep Shih Tzu

Alice Mayor Grace Saenz-Lopez has resigned her position.
Mayor Lopez was asked by neighbors to look after a dog named Puddles. The Major took in the pooch but has refused to return it to the owners. She even told the owners the dog had died while they where away. Now that that all this has caught the attention of the national media a petition has be circulated calling for her dismissal. There has also be a vote by Alice city council of no confidence.