Monday, March 30, 2009


Why don't they make medicine that taste like bacon?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights Out

Today was Earth Hour.
For one hour all over the world lights where turned off in order to save the world.
This of course does not calculate all the Earth Hour babies that we will soon be seeing that will add to the drain on the earth's resources.
To me Earth Hour was another contemptible feel good effort done mostly to make these people feel good about themselves. I showed my contempt by watching the Mythbuster with all the lights turned on. I rarely have many lights on as lights produce heat and I can't stand heat.
If these people want to really help the earth than they should put on pressure on gavement local state, and natioal to give tax breaks to people who use solar panels and windmills. Of course some of them will protest against windmills as they are afriad birds will be killed. You can't have it both ways so pick one. And why dont we here these groups surport geo termal power or even water power.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Lost And Anoying

I have noticed very few people are playing the live content of GTA's The Lost and Damned. However there are plenty of foul mouthed teen wanna be gansta in the normal GTA live world.

I have also been playing Wheelman.
In Wheelman you are a driver for assorted European underworld types. This game is fun but has some bugs.
The game will freeze after a mission for a moment.
The cops attack in mass. Not just one or two cop cars but six or more. The only way to be rid of them is to outrun them to a safe point where they suddenly give up for no reason. (Maybe they saw a dentist office?) Otherwise this is a great game. This is not a GTA killer but give the makers a few years and they may be a true challanger to Rock Star.

The graphics are very well done. Sharp and clear. The world is wide open with pleanty to explore and lots of side missions and things to unlock.
The audio is OK. No one really tries to speak clearly. Evryone mumbles as if they are afraid of the parents cathing them.
The controls are responcive. The control layouts are a lot like GTA but not a dead on copy.
The player chariter has a tendancy to just stand there for a moment before doing whatever he is instructed to do.
This is a must rent.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Enough To Make An Angel Angry

I just spent half an hour trying to post a comment and a friends blog.
No matter what I tried or how nice I talked to my laptop I could not leave a comment on the blog.
Maybe Bloger has something against sarcasm.
Maybe this is a policy instated by the new socialist government we now find our selves under.

In any case. It's enough to make an angle toss her laptop across the room.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This little guy was waiting for his friend.


A Twitter user may have caused a miss trail in a recent court case.
Twitter is a free "micro blogging" service that allows you to use a limited number of words to let people who follow you know what your doing all through the day.
The user made comments on a court case he was sitting on after the verdict was delivered to the court.

Also Jennifer Aniston may have broken up with her ex boyfriend over the fact that while hewas too busy to talk to her on the phone he was constantly updating his Twitter page.

This is not two examples of people falling afoul of technology but two people with little or no self control.

A dearth of self control is also to be blamed for the recent AIG debackel.

We are running into a generation of people whoes lack of self control is not only hurting them but inocent bystandereds as well.

Mothers teach your kids love, respect, selfcontrol, and how to dance.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend Weather

The weekend weather looks like it will be a nice change.
Friday we may have a cool front taking the temperature down into the 70's for highs and lows in the 40s and 50s. Also we may get some rain as well. Rain is one thing we are in dire need of.

Mall Walking

I went to the mall today.
There where men walking around with arms full of blue prints. One person told me they hope to have the repairs and upgrades done early next year.
They have added a small place where you can get a massage. There are all kinds of stools and chairs for people to sit and rest in.
One of the anchor stores will grow in size by a good deal.
I hope they do finish the job and not just walk away leaving our mall a mess.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

China Town Throw Down

I have been playing GTA China Town Wars for the Nintendo DS.
This is an adult video game.
You play a young Chines man who has come to America to deliver a sword. Not soon after your feet hit the ground there is an attempt on your life, the sword is lost, you are kidnapped and dumped in a river.
This is a top down game.
The graphics are in the GTA early games style.
The sounds, controls, and graphics are up to the usual Rock Star standards.
Another well done game by Rock Star.

Bad News

My father has bleeding in his eye yet again. He will have treatment on the 30th. The treatment is a shot into his eye that will stop the bleeding and slow the swelling as well hopefully.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


If the end of the world according to the Mayans comes in the year 2012 which is two years away do I really need to watch my cholesterol intake?

If we the American People are major owners of AIG can't we start firing some jack asses just to get the point across?

If Facebook is free why do people complain every time they change something?

If Letterman is so good why has he been doing the same joke for decades?

Why is Rush Limbaugh the head of the republican party, he dresses like a cheap mobster, why not Alice Cooper?

Why is Z the last letter in the alphabet?

If bacon so bad for you why don't pigs move faster?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wear The Green

Happy Saint Patrick's Day


No more money bonus or bail out for AIG under any circumstance what so ever. Period. Ever.

Joy Of A Dollar

I went to Dollar Tree today.
Dollar Tree is a store where everything s a dollar.
And there are some amazing finds to be had for a dollar.
I found two DVDs. One was a Clutch Cargo DVD. Clutch was an animated TV series that started in the late fifties.
There was also a Sherlock Holmes movie staring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce.
Also got a set of three note pads.
I love Dollar Tree.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I saw my heart doctor yesterday. He said all was well and I should come back in four months.

I am back to playing GTA 4. This game is simply amazing and has to be one of my all time favorites.

An old online friend of mine has returned to the net after taking a great deal of time off. It's good to have an old friend back.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I bought the Watchman DLC game.
The graphics are nice but not great.
The audio is at times murky and at other time well done.
The controls are slow to respond.
The bad guys can kill you with one or two moves while it takes you many more to take them out. If done properly this would be a fun challenge, but here it just a cheap way to kill you easily.
The game is cheap, not fun, sloppy, and not worth the $20.00 it costs.
I regret buying this game and will not spend any money on any other offerings from this studio.

Kick It

Today is Chuck Norris's birthday. Chuck is tough. There is no ctrl key on Chucks computer, Chuck is always in control.

I see my GP today and get his input on having this tooth pulled. The tooth doesn't hurt but I want to get this over with.

The new Transporter film comes out on DVD today. I want it. I think Jason Statham is the best action star to come out in years. I put him up there with Jet Lee and Jackie Chan.

Yesterday President Obama reversed President Bush's ban on stem cell experiments done by the government. President Bush did not ban stem cell research he placed in the hands of private industry. This move can be of help but there so much more he can be doing. I grow more disappointed with are new president everyday.
President Obama sir. Stop printing money. This wil only succed in making everything far worse.
How about consecrating on the beating American civil liberties have taken since 9 11.
How about doing something about all the dark fiber we have not being used.
You can make history as the president that brought the USA Internet service up to par with Japans and North Korea.
How about improving are cell phone technology.
How about all the promises to improve first responders communications.
In America anything is possible we just need someone to point the way. Be that someone not just another empty suit doing what the money boys tell you to do.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Yesterday we sprang forward an hour. This is as enjoyable as slamming your head in to a brick wall.
I have played Halo Wars until I'm sick of it. I am back to playing GTA4.
I have two doctors apportionments this week and have to have a tooth pulled next week.
I have yet to pick up my free comic book but there is no date on the card they sent me so I will try this week.
I am so hungry for a doughnut.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Thought

There is one thing faster than the speed of light.
The speed of dark.

Small Halo

I have been playing Halo Wars.
This is the Halo game not made by the makers of Halo.
Halo Wars is a real time tactical game.
This is not a first person shooter.
The story telling graphics are beautiful. More so than the ones seen in Halo 3.
You command an entire army. You build bases, once the bases are built you can build tanks, warthogs, and other vehicles. You can also train troops types such as granaders, flame throwers, and more. All the troops and vehicles are small but well detailed and run about on large but very well done maps.
The audio is well done. The graphics are also well done.
The controls take some getting use to but can be mastered.
All in all this is a must rent for Halo fans. Some will not enjoy the fact this is not a first person shooter.
I gave Halo Wars a 4 out of 5 if you enjoy this style game. If you want a shooter wait for Halo 3.5 due later this year.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

George Takei Voice Is A Sedative

The Authors Guild is claiming the Amazon Kindle text to speech function is a threat to the audio books sales. Have these guys heard the Kindle voice. I think the only author that should feel threated is Dr. Stephen Hawking.

Yet Amazon has given in to The Authors Guild.

By the way you should not listen to a George Takei audio book while operating heavy machinery. The man has the most relaxing voice on the planet.

Also I guess The Authors Guild does not want to sell books to the blind.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Where Airwolf When You Need Her

Iran has obtained engineering and communications on Marine One.
Marine One is a VH-3D helicopter operated by the "Nighthawks" based at Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico Virginia.
A computer containing a peer to peer file sharing program also had the entire blueprints and avionics package. The program was used by outsider to gain access to the sensitive material.

When will the companies learn and stop placing such sensitive materials on laptops.
Why was there a peer to peer program on a computer containing this kind of material.
Why aren't the people who use these programs bonded.

This kind of faults in security are laughable.