Sunday, May 31, 2009


I am still recovering from my most recent hospital stay Thursday and Friday of last week. Other than the usual collection of doctor appointments I'm looking forward to a quiet week. The heat is on here and I am trying to stay cool as possible.
New Mythbusters Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't Blink

I saw a wonderful film last night.
Creator staring Peter O'Toole.
Here a great line from the movie...
"I tell you Sid, that one of these days we'll look in to our microscope and find ourselves staring right into God's eyes, and the first one who blinks is going to lose his testicles."


It is raining here. Raining wonderful rain. We need enough to refill the local lake.

New Mythbusters

Tonight a new episode of Mythbusters looking into fire and ice myths.
I looking forward to this.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Think Rip Off

In the past decade I have purchased two item from Think Geek. Neither ever worked. Think Geek can kiss my ass.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Strange Seed

Are these some kind of strange seeds or alien pods?
Have off worlders taken over my favorite grocery store?

New Phone

Here my new cell phone and the Stikfa that guards it.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not Good

This has been one of those weekends that make you want to throw yourself into a wood chipper.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Cute

I saw the nurse practitioner for my cardiologists today. After I explained everything that had happened she looked over my medical records and gave it some heavy thought and announced "I have no idea what to do with you. Get out."
I asked her if that was it and she smiled and added "you cute too now get out."

The rest of the day was quiet and I am planing to try to get to the grocery store tomorrow.

If It Ain't One Thing

I am having to entirely reworking my schedule for the next six weeks. For reasons beyond my control there has been no nurse scheduled for my big tooth pull next week. So I have to cancel that and start from square one.

I have to see two doctors. Hope they can agree on some points and then hope they will agree on doing the paperwork to get a nurse to baby sit me after the extraction. I really wish someone would just put me in a hospital for a day where I was not dependent on an ambulance ride to get some help if things go south.

Also I'm going to have to get a new phone as mine is running like a lemming as fast as it can towards the edge of the cliff.

My life in the past year has gotten as complicated as building the great wall of China.

In other news my good friend who just got out of the hospital is feeling better and it seems to me his spirits are picking up even though the fates seems to be lining up against him. Being sick is a very expensive business. He is learning this. Something I figured out long ago and whenever I get some monumental bill I say to myself "What are they gonna do? Kill me?"

Thank god we do not have the Canadian health care system everyone except the people in Canada seem to love so much.

But then again President and CEO Obama has put his foot down demanding that cars now must get an average mileage of 35.5 miles to the gallon. Big friggin deal. Our Saturn does 34 mpg and it over nine years old. Come on, if your gonna demand something make it good. How about 45 or 50 mpg.

Of course we can expect the price of cars to sky rocket.

Cell phone that actualy make and recieve calls would be nice too.

On top of all this I want some bread but I can not get to the store for a few days. The price of cab fare is killing me money wise.

At least there will be new Mythbusters tommorow.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Speak Up

There are as few things as annoying as getting someone on the phone with no sence of humor at all.

Friday, May 15, 2009

There A Chevelle On My Muffin

I went to the grocery store today. It was an endeavor. I ended up tired and very annoyed. I did however get to see my friend Irma who looked great. I also got a Hotwheels 69 Chevelle and some banana nut muffins.

Between the heat and minor annoyances by the time I was home I was so tired I went strait to bed and slept for 9 hours.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Glowing Stikfa Paradox

I have been tiding up my room. I even dusted my Stikfa collection. Stikfas are small action figures that can be placed in all kinds of positions.

I did not get to the grocery store today. I woke up real late and there and been some miscommunication between the pharmacy and my doctors office. He has cleared up that mess.

I have figured out how to pay for the tooth being pulled. I am now a lot less worried about that.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Molecules At Play

I am in a silly mood.
I blame this in part on tonights episode of The Mythbusters.

I also am contemplating going to the grocery store tomorrow.
For me going to the store is a long involved process. This makes things a drag because it use to be as simple as pie (why isn't cake simple?) Now I have to compose a list I even have to note which Hotwheel car I am looking for. I long for the days of just hop in the car and go.

I will also have to call for a cab.

Now for unknown reason the fact I found a video on you tube of Airwolf taking off at some air show has popped into my mind. You even here the radio chatter betwen the pilot and the ground crew.

I can't wait to have this tooth pulled. I just hope I don't wind up in the hospital or worse.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Overseas Bro

My adopted brother has been working on a new CD. It is a tribute to Adrian Borland.
He and his guitar player formed The Crucified Twins just for this project.
Check out the website and give my brother some support.


This is the bruise on my arm made by the IV from my mis adventure last Friday. If this is the most of my complaints I doing pretty dang good.


My good friend Mike and his father have been restoring this Camaro. They may have it done very soon.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Day Of Firsts

Yesterday as a day of first for me some of which I can do without repeating.

I took my first cab ride ever. I went to HEB to pick up a prescription. The driver was real nice. Once there I found the store was uncharacteristically empty of stock. I pick up my prescription and went about my shopping then checked out. I had to wait ten or so minutes for the cab but that was no big deal.

The second driver took a long way home but it was nice being away from screaming TVs and the sights where interesting.

I got home unloaded and laid down. About 6:30 my heart started racing. I figured it would stop on it's own as it always has so I just laid down.

At 10:00 I called an Ambulance. This resulted in my first ambulance ride ever.
The chief nurse name was Kim the same as my best friend. They gave my an IV and oxygen. After about three hours they sent me home in my third cab ride ever. The driver was cute and a bit of a flirt. She also had the dirty dishwater blond hair I find so sexy. This was the best cab ride.

I got home and went to sleep.

From what the ambulance driver, doctors and nurses say I think my oxygen pump is going out or I have it set way too low. I have turned it up and feel fine.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Victory Is Mine

I finally got a date set up to have the tooth pulled. The last Tuesday of the month.

I played GTA last night for the first time in weeks. I love flying the helicopter in that game.

A Sea Dragon helicopter landed in a local parking lot when a control panel started to smoke.

There has been one confirmed case of swine flu here.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Clean As Clean Can Be

The floors are so clean you can eat off them.
The bathrooms are sparkling and there are new sheets on all the beds.

We set a new high temperature.

And if that is not enough there will be a new episode of Mythbusters tonight.

I still have yet to hear from that dentist.

My head ache is gone and I feel rather well.

Even better yet there where NO bills in the mail.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Post Feh

I have again tried to comment or a blog and again I was blocked. So I tried to email the bloger only to find my computer or Microsoft wanted a number typed in. This number is in a manual that did not come with my computer. Feh on Microsaft.

So until that person sends me their email address somehow I will not be able to talk to them.

This is enough to make an angle sing off key.

And while I'm fehing. Feh on the major news networks for they hyper over reacting of the swine flue. Feh with flem even.

Also Feh on who ever bought the Hotwheel car I was looking for today. NO! Double feh on them for they bought the Bugatti Veyron.


My father does not have a staff infection.


My father may have a staff infection.

I have called the doctor dentist yet again and yet again there is no call back.

I feel dreadful.

They have closed the local school district even though there are no confirmed cases of swine flue.

I am now operating under the theory of get them before they get you. Tonight I feast on bacon. Take that pigs.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Feeling Better

Last week a very good friend of mine wound up in the hospital. He had developed several blood clots in several locations. I was very worried about him. He was a real good and close friend. Someone whose opinion mattered a lot to me and he was also a teacher. I consider him as important to me as my late friend Ken who was in several ways a mentor and Sensei. My friend is doing much better and sounds far better than he did this time last week.
This makes me happy.

Friday, May 01, 2009

The Cleaner

I spent most of the day cleaning this and that. I was a pillow for the first time in ages and it is now all lumpy but very clean.

I have to work on my so called office. There are papers piling up like chopped wood.

I dread the on coming heat.