Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It has been a hard month for people who live and die by celebrities.

In the past month we have lost...
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson

Also Fred Travalena
Billy Mays
Gale Storm
Jack Nimitz


I received a surprise today.
A free copy of Adobes Photoshop Elements 7.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Million Little Details

Today was a day full of little duties and jobs that make life so much fun.

I changed pharmacies to one that delivers as the cab fare across town is taking a huge bite out of my wallet.

I also caught McAfee up to their old tricks again. McAfee makes anti virus software. But to me they have become nothing more than a pack of thieves. I never did get the software t download properly and it never was installed on my computer and yet despite my complaints to McAfee they tried to bill me for another years of service. Typical internet thievery.

I also update my cell phones phone book and calander.

There has been a lot of little things today to keep me busy.

It still plenty hot here.

I just want to get through hurricane season without any major nad events happening.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Survive This

I would like to introduce a surviver style TV show for people who are sick of surviver style TV shows.
It will be called "I'm A Surviver Style TV Producer Punch Me In The Face."

People will enter by mail, e-mail, or phone call. Once a week one person will be chosen at random. They will be flown to a tropical and spend a week playing on the beach and having the time of their lives. Then on show day they will be escorted to a ball room full of self important looking people talking on cell phones. They will choice one person and punch them in the face. If that person does indeed produce a surviver style TV show he will be beaten and have all their worldly possessions taken away and left alone on a desert island. The contestant will be given a million dollars cash.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me And The Man In The Moon

After years of looking I have finally found a song I heard once on the radio.
The song is called "The Man In The Moon" by the band The Scream.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

You Can't Stop & Roll

The leadership in Iran and Washington DC are learning democracy's best friend is the Internet. The Internet can be slowed down but like they have learned in China it can not be stopped.

Iran is on the edge of major changes mostly due poor leadership.
There is also the effect of Twitter.

Twitter is letting the average person with a decent cell phone show the rest of the world see the conditions good or bad they must live in.

Twitter has killed the day of the slow to respond major news organization. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox NEWS all made asses of themselves last weekend by not reponding to the events in Iran.

Not New

Tonight may have been the last new episode of the Mythbusters for a while. They will show a rerun of an old show next week. I hope they are jut taking a week of to finish editing some shows and have new material for us in the future.

This week they looked into the myth that if you drive fast enough you can keep the inside of you convertible dry in a rain fall.

The build team looked into several myths involving popcorn. Just think about it makes me hungry.

All I have is old hideous microwave popcorn. Popcorn should not be damp.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weather R Not

Today was another record matching day.
The entire past week we have either top or tied the record highs. It may cool down over the weekend by two degrees and then back to the record breaking heat. Currently it's 95 and hazy, like John McCain.

It's so hot I saw two trees fighting over a dog.

It's so hot the squirrels are handling their nuts with pot holders.

Fight Club

A young woman has come out claiming that the fight clubs set up in the state school is nothing new. That some students where even bused in for a state wide championship fight.

Meanwhile representatives of the state are in court claiming that the state should not be left open to lawsuits as a result of the investigations.

Here is a prime example that if you are handicapped you are considered to be a second class citizen or even less. If cattle where treated like this PETA and every other animal rights group would be yelling bloody murder.
But in this case you here no noise at all.

SHAME on the state of Texas. Those responsible should, if found guilty go to jail. I can guarantee no one will go to jail and as little that can be done will be done. Even less of the State thinks it can get away with it.

Catching Up

Long time no post.

Yesterday I saw my general practitioner. He is trying to help me from traveling a bunch on needless trips in this insane heat. I may be able to have a home nurse take my blood for the blood work I'll need for my blood thinner.

I have yet to make it to the grocery store and need to go. Fathers day is coming and I need to refill a medicine. I would also like to see if they have a new copy of my favorite comic book The Justice League of America. I wish there was a comic book store that mailed out.

The part that really sucks about being stuck at home is I miss my best friend so much.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Last night The Mythbusters looked into a so called myth that you can curve a bullet by firing a gun while it is in motion.
The one good thing in this movie was Angelina Jolie.
The one good thing in this myth was it's over with. I think the Mythbusters are running out of fuel.
Adam and Jamie looked into weather or not a sonic boom will brake glass.
This was fun and Jamie let Adam fly in a Blue Angels jet.

Is It Me Or Dose

Is it me or does Morgan Webb just get better looking?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Numbers Game

After a brief bit of number crunching I have discovered need fifteen more post to have a post a day equivalence in my blog. After this post I will need fourteen more post so at years end I'll have roughly a post a day. Expect a lot of small and even more pointless posts from me in the future.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Kiss Kiss Bore Bore

Last night Howard Stern was on the David Letterman show.
This led to some of the most boring TV ever.
Two old dogs so busy kissing each others ass. This was a ego fest complete off the scale.
Letterman is done. He just like Stern has been doing the same set of joke for decades.

Please CBS find someone new.

Monday, June 08, 2009


G4 TV is looking at E3 which is the Electronic Entertainment Expo. They are previewing the most recent tech regarding entertainment.
And of course Bungie is pushing their new Halo game Halo 3 ODST. I am trying my best not to watch any of these previews so I can be surprised by the entire game when it comes out this year.

I have seen a few games I liked but nothing worth parting ways with my money over.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


David Caradine was found dead today in his hotel room.
I'm stunned.
He was always a favorite of mine and someone I wanted to meet.
Anything with him in it was something I'd watch.
It's almost like losing a friend.
I hope he dancing someplace.