Thursday, March 30, 2006

Driver Stuck In Traffic

I have been playing Driver: Parallel Lines .

The game is good but not great. The story is about a man who works as a Driver in New York City during the 1978 then is imprisoned until 2006.

There is a large quantity of cars to play with.

The city (New York City) is large and has plenty to do and see. One of the high points is the music. It is music you would have actually heard during those time periods.

The graphics are a slight upgrade from the last game, however the removal of the Make A Movie feature kills what separated Driver from all the other Grand Theft Auto rip offs.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Digging For Da Vinci

This week on "Digging for the Truth" Josh delved into the whole The Di Vinci Code book story. Was Mary Magdalene the wife of Jesus and was she the Holy Grail. He basically blows Dan Brown's interesting book out of the water by discovering the material Brown based his book on was in fact a fabrication.

Josh has in fact looked into the Holly Grail itself and came to the conclusion that the quest itself was more important that the item.

Another well done show for Josh and The History Channel.


I have been playing with Protopage .
Protopage is a web page you can set up to your liking. You can post sticky notes like grocery lists, upcoming birthdays, reminders to set up doctor appointments, and other note you use to gain some control over your life.
You can also set up shortcut to your assorted email boxes, weather, news, and sports feeds.
It is free, kind of fun, and useful.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Chiefs and Myths

Well the comedy Chanel has killed chief of south park, kind of. Last we see of chief his body which has been impaled in a shrub and torn apart by a wolf and a bear. His friends of the Great Adventure Club witch is a cross between NAMBLA and The Church of Scientology are taking his corpse and turning him into some Darth Vader variant.

The Discovery Chanel has shown how dependent they have become on the Mythbuster series by having a all day Mythbuster marathon. Maybe if they tried to make more new show than milking the last ounce of life out of the reruns they be doing better.

The Mythbuster may fall into the same trap as Hercules and Zena Warrior Princess. They over sold the show to so many different channels that the charm wore off quickly. They should learn from Star Trek Next Generation and sell there reruns to one large network seen in several million households.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Blood No Sweat and Shivers.

I had my blood drawn yesterday. Having the blood work done was faster than the paper work.

It is 46 degrees outside. My kind of weather.
IF the forecast holds the next week will be nice and in the 70's.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Reruns and Reboots

Tonight (Wednesday) will be a repeat of the Mythbusters. They will deal with the Jawbreaker myth.
I have also been playing The Sims 2. A fun game in which you micro manage a little person whose life you have charge over. You tell them when to eat, sleep, play, and who to make friends with.
My sole complaint is who fats it gets frustrating when you have to keep so many friendships afloat, keep your job, and keep fed.
The relationships is the controlling factor of the game.

I have blood work to do Thursday morning.

It's a nice 58 degrees outside and other than the occasional cat fight it has been very quite.

They say the high tomorrow will be in the high sixties. Anything is better than the usual nighties and hundreds.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Doctors and Lab Mice

I saw my heart doctor today. He said I was doing so well he see me in four months. I have some blood work next week but other than that I free for a while.
The Sci Fi network is running Doctor Who. It's fun but it's not the say without my favorite Doctor Tom Baker.

Speaking of classic TV check out AOL / Television In2TV.

It is free for now. You can watch free TV shows including Alice, Babylon 5, Chico and the Man, Freakaziod, Wonder Woman, Kung Fu, and my favorite classic show... Pinky and the Brain.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fill It And It Won't Fly

On the new Mythbusters episode they tackled the myths that a raft full of helium will fly. They also dealt with the myth that cell phone will interferer with an air planes electronics systems.

They ended up building a raft made up of fifty tubes of twenty five hundred feet clean plastic full of helium arranged in two layers of fifty tubes each.

It was an episode without Buster.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Today is Purim
Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the time when the Jewish people in Persia where saved from extermination.

For more info try this link.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

THE War Is Coming

Jeff Wayne's is working on a CGI film based on his 1978 musical retailing of H. G. Wells "War Of The Worlds"
The 48 million dollar budgeted film will recreate the original book as written by Wells. You will see the Martin flying machine as mentioned early in the original writing and the dreaded Martian tripods ( not the "flying" tripods of George Pal's 1953 classic movie.)

For more info try this LINK

No release date has been set.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

NEW Mythbusters

Tonight The Discover Channel ran a new episode of the Mythbuster.
They attacked the myths of Benjiman Franklin's kite flying for a lighting strike.
They also took on the major myths around flatus, or gas, you know butt burps, OK, farts, there are you happy?
Adam built a gadget to catch his own gas. They studied the components of the flatus and tied to discover if a man could produce enough gas to kill himself. Of course Buster was dragged into the whole mess.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I have been playing the X-Box demo for "Driver Parallel Lines" .

Driver PL is the las test installment of the Driver series. However this time the game is also available on the X-Box.

You play a man in two decades. You start out in the seventies and then serve a twenty year jail sentence to be released in the nighties.

From what I have seen of the demo my favorite component of the game may have been removed. It was the movie making feature. You could record part of a stunt or car chase then change to position of the cameras, and slow time.

I'm looking forward to playing the full game. It should be released sometime in the middle of the month.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Internet Nondiscrimination Act of 2006

Ron Wyden or Organ has proposed a bill that will stop ISPs from billing internet sites such as Google for unfettered access to the internet.
Here is an article posted by the International Herald Tribune.
Good for him, ISP such as Time Warner are making enough money by overcharging you and me for high speed internet access. They do not need to be black mailing services like Google to make more.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I just got back from the dentist and other than the shoots and the chair I did not hurt. The chair was dreadful. The lumbar support just hit the curve of my spine exactly to make it very uncomfortable.

Tonight is The Mythbusters. It is two reruns. I thought they where running a new season. They did run four new shows and thats been it as far as I can remember.

I love my Gameboy Advance. I played Texas Hold em' in the dentists waiting room.