Sunday, April 30, 2006

Game Lie

I have canceled my service with GameFly.
On their website it states it will take around four days to get a game to you.
However it takes me a week, except for the most recent game I asked for TWO weeks ago.
GameFly says they are working on their problem but it seems the longer I am with them the wore the service gets.
GameFly is a great service if you live with the state of California.
But if you live else where forget it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Mythbusters

Tonight Adam and Jamie revisited some of the myths they have already looked into.
They built the confederate rocket but this time it was powered by meat.
They also delved into the splitting the arrow down the middle. They made arrows out of materials that would have would have been available at the time. They busted that myth but brought in an expert to try to split the arrow. He failed as well. Then they made an arrow out of bamboo which matches the arrow in the Robin Hood film. That worked splendidly.
Yet another Busterless show.

Perfect Dark Hero

I have been playing Perfect Dark Zero.
PDZ is the sequel to the classic game Perfect Dark. The game is actually as good if not better than the original. A rarity for video games or movies for that matter.
There is a wide variety of weapons and gadgets.
There is plenty to shoot at.
So if you have the chance give Perfect Dark Zero a try.

Tampering with the Cosmos

I have been watching Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" on The Science Chanel.
If you have never seen Cosmos you have missed out.
Carl Sagan has a wonderful way of explaining the way the heavens move, breath, and behave.

However it is NOT the original series that ran on PBS.
It has been edited.
While Sagan discussed dinosaurs the simple line drawing where replaced by CGI of dinosaurs used in other TV series such a Dinosaurs Planet.

Is this necessary?
I doubt it.
It seems this is a case of not being able to leave well enough alone. People like this would draw eyebrows on the Mona Lisa.

Cheers to The Science Chanel for running Cosmos.
Boo to Science Channel for not being able to keep there hands off a classic.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Free Comic Book Day - Saturday May 6th.

Yes free comic book day is back.
Here a link for all the details.

Free Comic Book Day

Monday, April 24, 2006

Intellectual property Protection Act 2006

Here is an article from C-Net on the new DMCA 2006.
I love how Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is using the founding of terrorist to cover the fact he doing the RIAA's (Record Industry Association of America) bidding.
If you ask me the RIAA are the terrorist here.
SONY must be praying this thing passes so they can go after the people who uncovered their root kit tom foolery.
If this passes you will no longer be able to make back up copies of your CD or DVD collection.

So read and help fight more bad law sponsored by big business.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Mythbusters

Tonight Jamie and Adam looked into the myth that a bullet fired into the air could kill you on it way back down.
The myth was busted with conditions.
A bullet fired strait up will not kill you as it's terminal velocity is not lethal.
However a bullet fired at an angel can kill. In fact it has killed one man in the San Fransisco area.
The others experimented with more vodka myths.
It was a Buster-less Mythbusters.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Well, at least he didn't shoot his mouth off.

(Orlando, Florida-AP) April 14, 2006 - A federal agent who accidentally shot himself in the foot while telling kids about gun safety says he's become the butt of too many jokes - so he's suing his employer.
Lee Paige told a group of Orlando, Florida children that he was the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun. Moments later, he shot himself.
Paige was then suspended for five days without pay, and the videotape of the shooting was turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
But the tape soon began making the rounds of the Internet and late-night talk shows.
The lawsuit contends the tape was leaked by the DEA and that the subsequent publicity subjected Paige to "derision" and "ridicule."

Now I have a few questions here.
1. What was he doing with a loaded weapon in the school?
2. When did he chamber the bullet so it could be fired?
3. Did he sleep through gun safety class?

Instead of him suing the DEA, the parent and teachers of the school should be suing him and the DEA.
He is upset because he feels the DEA made the subject of ridicule.
No I think shooting yourself in the foot makes you the subject of ridicule.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Family, Food, and Free Music.

Part of my family from my fathers side is in town. The youngest person a kind soul who works in a bank, don't ask me why, brought me several computer disks worth of music.
We went out to eat.
Now the restaurant is very nice and the rolls are excellent but having a cockroach wandering trough your booth is unnerving. Especially the way he eyed my dinner roll. He or she wiggled their antenna in a purely lustfully way.
I don't mind sharing my food but I prefer they be of the same species.

Monday, April 10, 2006

True Crime: New York Pity

I have been playing True Crime: New York City.
This is a good game but not the Grand Theft Auto killer as boasted.
There are two problems.
1. The control layout is poorly done.
2. The game is not finished. It is buggy. It freezes around every forty minutes. This is a carry over from the problems of the previous title.
The game despite it's problems is fun. The city is huge and there are lots of little details. You can simply walk around the streets frisking people and arresting the ones who are carrying drugs. You can turn the drugs over to the police via a tiny little Police Station or sell the drugs off and make money that way. You can restore your health by staying in a hotel, learn new fighting moves at dojos.
I hope there is a sequel to this game but this time I hope they invest time into play testing and remove the bugs.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hitman: Blood Money

I have been playing the demo for Hitman Blood Money.
This is the third in the Hitman series and seems to be the best. My own big complaint is that you could not adjust the target speed.
You spend too much time trying to aim at your target.
Hopefully they will have this problem fixed by the release date next month.

My Big Cable

The cable big has gotten so ridiculously big we have switch cable and High Speed Internet providers.

They should show up Wednesday.

The WWE has a new group called the Spirit Squad. The are a collection of hyperactive yahoos. Now not only did they approve of this stupid idea they have been handed the Tag Team belts.
Where is the nWo when you really need them?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jamie & Adam Will Be Back

Wednesday April Nineteenth.

Adam & Jamie will tackle the myth that a bullet fired into the sky can kill you if it hits you on its return trip to Earth.

Sounds like fun.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Deleting Play List on iPods

Here the easy way to do it.
Create a Play list of the songs and pod cast you want on your iPod.
Connect the iPod to PC.
Launch iTunes.
Wait for the iPod connect icon to appear.
Under options select iPod, then under that select "Update Playlist Manually"
Then go to your iPod playlists shown on iTunes. With the iPod connected you can chose which playlists you want to delete.
After deleting the play list you don't want update the iPod with a playlist you do want with the songs or pod cast you wish to have on your iPod.

To bad Apple could not be bothered to have this info in the instruction booklet that comes with the iPod. Too bad Apple could not be bothered to include a useful instruction manual with the iPod in the first place.

The DiePod

If you missed The Simpson's tonight you missed a great gag.
Grandpa Simpson decided he wanted to commit euthanasia.
The doctor who was helping him connected him to a machine called "The DiePod."
The play on word was toped by a great sight gag of grandpa connected to a giant iPod via an I.V..

iPOd Barfo

I have an iPod Nano.
What a mistake.
The Nano is so poorly designed that there is no way to delete an old play list from the Nano.
How stupid do you have to be to create a company related device that you can not delete a file off the product?