Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dec 24th 2007

It is now Christmas Eve day. All in all not a bad year so far. We where spared any hurricanes. My health is still good. I have only been to the emergency room once this year. My father is doing well and the cat still rules the house with an iron paw.

Also add Halo 3 being as good as the hype.
Some excellent tasting pecans, and peanut butter chews.
My friend who was in such grave straits seems to be doing better.

May next year be just as good.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Dallas Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 20
Carolina Panthers 13

The Cowboys are still number one in the National Football Conference East Division.
The rest of their season will be played at home.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Idiots and Cell Phones

In a recent trip to a store I ran into a woman shouting into the air. She turn and I saw she was wearing one of those cell phone head sets. She was so enthralled with her phone call she had no idea of how rude she was being. She was ignoring everyone else in the store, blocking the way with her shopping cart carrying on a conversation so loud the dead could here her.

The sad part is she was trying to collect money for her church.
In her arrogance she has inconvenienced and annoyed everyone in the store but had served as a poor example of the people who attend her church.

Before you use your cell phone be aware of where you are and the people around you.

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 6
Philadelphia Eagles 10

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cowboys Win, Time Warner Loses

Dallas Cowboys 38
Green Bay Packers 28

In a game that I didn't get to see due to the childish bickering between Time Warner Cable and The NFL. Like most juvenile arguments this one is over money. So basically it was to big rich spoiled kids arguing over who controls the toys. However Time Warner may have suffered more than they thought. Several apartments complexes changed cable providers to companies that had no part in the argument. Also there was a wave of personal subscribers doing the same.

It would serve both parties right if their greed cost them money.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 28
Washington Redskins 23

The Cowboys are still in the lead in the National Football Conference east division.

Go Cowboys!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

That Time Of The Year

Fall is here and while it has not gotten much cooler the local stores are finally selling nuts. My favorite Pecans are going for 6 dollars a pound! So much for that bit of happiness. Once again something one can enjoy has been priced so only the rich can enjoy it.

Christimas Tree

In an effort to clean out the garage the Christmas tree has made its earliest appearance ever. It is decorated and waiting for Santa. And of course Bill the cat has chosen it for his new napping spot.
We hope to have a garage sale and raise a little Christmas cash.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Cowboys win

Dallas Cowboys 38
Philadelphia Eagles 17

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halo 3 ranking

I have been playing Halo 3 and have achieved the rank of Master Sergent. I think I have reached the highest rank my skills will let me. The game is still enjoyable however.

Halloween has come and gone and we had 30 trick or treaters. Last year we had none.

Monday, October 22, 2007

A real cool front.

Last night our first real cold front of the year. It's currently 59 degrees. It should remain cool until Thursday.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cowboys win

Dallas Cowboys 24
Minnesota Vikings 14

In a game that was at one point tied at 14 all, the Cowboys claimed the lead an stayed ahead for a win. Next week is a bye week and the cowboys still hold their place as division leader in NFC East Division.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Great entrance...

We had a new cold front come in last night. It lowered today's temperatures by a mere three degrees. However, what an entrance! It had a light show (lighting), music (thunder), and ever water works. The winds gusts piled a ton of chairs that where placed around a hotel swimming pool into a huge group blocking a door. The wind ripped a few trees out of the ground and the thunder was so loud the salt and pepper shakers in my house where dancing in place. The damage here was nothing compared to Michigan. Whole houses being shredded in moments. It looked like a hurricane hit.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fighters Stronghold

The fine folks who made the X Box 360 game Oblivion have released a free expansion pack for it called "Fighters Stronghold."
I just finished downloading it and will tell you more later.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dallas Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 27
New England Patriots 48

In a see saw game the Patriots fought the Cowboys then took a clear lead and stayed ahead.

Monday, October 08, 2007

200th Post

This is my two hundredth post. What should I say to mark such a event.

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 25
Buffalo Bills 24

In a skin of your teeth game the cowboys won by a single point in the last two seconds of the game.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Breath In

I had my respiratory test today. I did basically the same as last years test. No improvement but no lost ground. I'm happy with that.
My visiting family and friends road off today on there Harley's. Three guys traveling America all by themselves, excluding laptops, cellphones, digital cameras, GPS. All they need is a satellite dish and to mount lazy boys to the engines and it would be like driving the house around. Well there still the bathroom problem to figure out. Give them time.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Cowboys Wing Big

Dallas Cowboys 35
Saint Louis Rams 7

In a game that started with the Cowboys taking an early lead and was soon tied by the Rams, then the Cowboys pulled ahead and stayed there. The Cowboys are 4 - 0 for the first time since 1995. 1995 was the last year they went to the Superbowl.
That game was won by the Boys 27 to the Pittsburgh Steelers 17.

Go Cowboys!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Friends and Family

Two members of my family and an old friends are visiting us from way out of town. They all three have rode the motorcycle almost clean across the US to get here. They are not enjoying the record setting rainfall we are having this year but I am loving it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Master Chief is here!

The wold son will be rid of all illegal aliens.
Well the extraterrestrial kinds at least, for Master Chief Petty Officer SPARTAN-117 or simply know as John will be here at Midnight.
John is the star of the game series Halo. The tough as nails Master Chief stared in Halo and Halo2 and the upcoming sequel and closer of the Halo trilogy Halo 3.

The fictitious Master Chief or THE MASTER CHIEF as followers of the Halo series call him has a following any politician, rock star, or actor would envy.

Voiced by Steve Downes and created by Marcus Lehto, Rob McLees, and Shi Kai Wang is a mystery man as all good western and gun toting hero should be. Never shown without his helmet and soft spoken he rides into town, kicks ass, then rides off without a goodbye.

The Master Chief was voted eighth greatest video game hero ever.

Midnight tonight marks the release of Halo 3.

In the words of one of the games other characters..."Let's get freaky people!"

The Idiots of the Week Award.

I hereby announce that this weeks of the "Idiot Of The Week Award" is ABC News Overnights hosts Ron Corning and Taina Hernandez. Both of them displayed extreme lows in professionalism and commons sense while doing a segment on the recent death of Marcel Marceau. If their behavior reflect that of ABC News in general all parties involved should be ashamed of themselves.

Not Know When To Stop

I had blood work done Thursday. While sitting in the waiting room I was watch a specially made program done for the company who's office I was in. Everyone was watching the program with wrapped attention. The show descried what the company does and the steps they take to guaranty you privacy. During the show they showed a nurse or tech taking blood. They showed the needle breaking the skin. At this point every either held a magazine in front of their face, closed his eyes, or turned away. The producers of this video had everyone attention up till that point. They simple did not know when to stop so they lost their viewers. A little self control would have helped these people.

Dallas Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 34
Chicago Bears 10

The Cowboys pulled a clear victory over the Bears.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cowboys Win Second Game Of The Season

Dallas Cowboys 37
Miami Dolphins 20

In the second game of the season and an away game the Cowboys won by 17.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Doctor doctor...

On Tuesday I saw my doctor and he said my foot looked better and that I should come back in three months.
I saw my cardiologist Thursday and other than the usual blood work and a respiratory test he said he saw no reason to change my medications.

Let the terror comence

As of today there are 100 days until Christmas.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The week to come.

I have doctors appointments on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.
Tuesday I see my doctor so he can have a look at my foot.
Thursday I will see my Heart Doctor.
Friday a carpenter is going to be here to finish the jobs the other two men we hired failed to complete.

Cowboys win first regular season game.

Dallas Cowboys 45
New York Giants 35

In the first game of the season the Cowboys won. The game started with an early touchdown by the Giants. Then the Cowboys developed a large lead but the Giants quickly tightened the score. The Cowboys claimed the win in the final part of the last quarter.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Goodbye Felix

Hurricane Felix made landfall at 8 am at Punta Gorda, Nicaragua.
This is well south of us. Felix should blow himself out by late tomorrow afternoon.
There are 86 days left in hurricane season.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


There is now another class four hurricane named Felix headed our way. It should make landfall around Wednesday morning and renter the Gulf of Mexico the following day if not sooner. If Felix follows the project path he will impact Mexico late next week. Again I hope the hurricane maintains its current projected path and misses us entirely. We in any case receive even more rain. Both of our major water sources are full and over flowing.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 14
Minnesota Vikings 23

The Cowboys lost after a promising start of the final preseason game. The Cowboys made a touchdown in under the one and a half minutes of the first quarter of the game.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dallas Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 16
Houston Texans 28

In the third preseason game and first away game of the season the Cowboys lost to the Texans. The Texans to a very early lead in the game and the Cowboys never caught up.

The Cowboys will play another away game this Thursday.

Go Cowboys.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Goodbye Dean.

Dean came ashore well below us but we did get some rain. There is now a tropical wave beneath Florida and is headed into the Gulf of Mexico.

100 Days remaining.

Hurricane season ends November 30th which means there are a hundred days left.
There are no signs of any new activity forming.
If we can just get through the next three months safely we be clear.
September is always a bad month.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dean and the media.

Some of the local media here have taken the stand that Dean is no longer a threat.
Dean will later today become even more of a threat than ever before. Dean will have crossed the land and headed back into The Gulf of Mexico.
Once in the gulf Dean can take and new course and regain strength.
Dean will be a viable threat until he is well inland.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dallas Cowboys Win Second Preseason Game

Dallas Cowboys 31
Denver Broncos 20

In a game I slept through the Dallas Cowboys defeated the Denver Broncos by 11 points.
I hope they keep this winning streak alive for the rest of the season.

Go Cowboys!


The maps showing the course that hurricane Dean may take indicate that he may make landfall near the US / Mexico boarder if not south of this. However hurricanes do as they wish and he can do any number of things.
I do hope the projections are correct.

May everyone come out of this OK.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Go Flash go.

Filmation Associates has released the animated series "Flash Gordon."
The series was created in 1979 and based on the Classic comic strip "Flash Gordon."
The DVD comes contains the first season of the two season series.

NOW they tell me.

Well it turns out that the end of hurricane season is November 3o not October 30 has I thought.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Now Hurricane Dean

At 5 am EDT Tropical Storm Dean developed winds over seventy five miles an hours making it a category one Hurricane.

If you don't like the weather...

The weather here has changed radically in the past few days.
Monday was the hottest day if the year and the hottest day in over twenty years.
Today we are under a tropical storm advisory. Tropical storm Erin currently sits at 26.5N, 95.1W. We are already receiving rain from the out arms of the storm and expect major rainfall for the next few days.
Add to this the fact there is a another tropical storm Dean is headed in our general direction. Dean is at 13.2 N, 51.3 W. Dean is expected to intensify into a hurricane by the end of the week and may move into the Gulf of Mexico and threaten the golf cost.
There are seventy six days left until the end of hurricane season.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dallas Cowboy win first preseason game.

Dallas Cowboys 23
Indianapolis Colts 10

In the first preseason game of the year the Dallas Cowboys defeated the Indianapolis Colts by 13.
The game was the first for Cowboys new head coach, Wade Phillips.

The Colts placed Anthony McFarland on the injured reserve list. On Friday he tore his patella tendon. He under went surgery this Tuesday.

Go Cowboys!

Monday, July 30, 2007

H. R. 811

H.R. 811: Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007

Introduced by U S Representative Rush Holt, Democrat from New Jersey District 12.
His official website is here.

To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require a voter-verified permanent paper ballot under title III of such Act, and for other purposes.

The bill was introduced on February 5 2007 and has been approved for debate.

For a full copy of the bills text you can look here.

Same Ol' Situation

Well it has finally stopped raining here and is getting hot. The less than a hundred days left in hurricane season and the gulf is quite. Hopefully we can make ti through the next few months without any alarms.

I also learned that Crazy Taxi is coming out for the portable game system Sony PSP. Crazy Taxi got it's start on the Sega Dreamcast system and was a truly fun game. You play a one of three or four cabdrivers that must pick up and drop off wares before time runs out. The game is also noted for it's original music by the band "The Offspring."

I can't wait to get my hands on this game.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rain Rain...

It has been raining for the past week here. I have been enjoying it. Last night I turned all the lights and radio off and just laid there and listened to the rain.

It better than a hurricane.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It Can Happen To You...

Well I have a cold.
It poured a few days ago and I got caught out in the downpour. I was soaked to the skin. My cold is doing better, my throat is feeling much better and I am not as warm as I was.

I saw a video for a new game called Two Worlds. It looked really interesting. It seems to be a good deal like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I may have to pick this thing up whenever it is released.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Countdown To Dallas cowboy Football.

I have added a countdown courtesy of pYzam.
It shows the time remaining to the start of the first Dallas Cowboys football game.
I'm looking forward to the new season.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Life is a highway.

Some people claim life is a highway.
Frankly I think life is more like one of those moving sidewalk things you see at airports.
It only goes one way.
Someone else is controlling the speed and they keep changing their minds.
The repair guy take forever to show up.
You spend way to much time just standing around waiting.
There is always some idiot in front of you with his head in the clouds.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Wet Fourth

My hometown had the wettest Fourth of July ever. We had over three and a half inches of rain. The fireworks show was rescheduled for the following night.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Chris Beniot Found Dead

Professional Wrestler Chris Beniot was found dead today. Also found where his wife and son.
Beniot will be missed by a pro wrestling fans.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Update 06 19 2007

I really messed up my foot a while back. I can stand on it now but it hurts like hell.
So far we have not had a hurricane.
Any day in South Texas without a hurricane is a good day.
104 day left until the end of hurricane season.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

All the world's...

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."

William Shakespeare

As You Like It

Act 2 Scene 7

My father brother Bob died at midnight. My dad says he is grateful for the fact that Bob was no longer suffering.

My mentor is still in the hospital but is doing better and sounded better when I talked to him on the phone. I am re leaved.

Bill the cat is being treated for hair balls so he spends the time after the medicine is giving to him stomping around very angry but this passes after an hour and he is back to his usual charming and demanding self.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Family Blues

My fathers brother Bob has had a heart attack. He is not doing well. He no longer recognizes anyone.

My foot is still messed up but doing better.

The work on my bathroom is going well. The ceiling has been cleaned and painted covering the water damage caused by the crappy job the roofer did a few years ago. The new roof is doing great and there are no leaks. The new roof did a fantastic job making up for the excrement the previous roofer did.

Learn a lesson from all this and check out your roofers.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Twisted Ankles and Old Friends

I twisted my left ankle real had a few weeks ago. The doctor has not found any signs of blood clots or broken bones. I can put a little weight on it and the swelling has gone way down except for the top of my foot. I will see my doctor next Monday if my foot doesn't start looking batter.

My good friend and mentor Ken had a stroke last month and was in a local hospital for a few weeks and then he was transferred to a hospital in San Antonio. He was there for two days before he was released and went home. The company he has worked for for thirty years was fired. Typical big business.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Crackdown and Cancer

My father had the cancer from his ear removed. They "surgery" took 20 minutes. The is no large scar it looks like he scraped his ear. He says the surgery didn't hurt and he now can sleep without his ear bothering him.

I bought Crackdown for the X Box 360. The game is very mature. You play the role of a cop who is actually a clone. You steal cars, shoot the bad guys, and collect guns.

The game plays like Grand Theft Auto meets Spider man. You collect "orbs" to increase your skills such as driving and shooting.

This not a game for the kids.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Star Trek TNG 2.0

The folks at G4 have played with Star Trek the original series and now have their mitts on Star Trek The Next Generation.
Basically the whole show is squeezed into the center of the screen and is surrounded by a collection of graphics.
One graphic show a count of the number of time something happens in the show. Like the number of times Data says fascinating, the number of red alerts, or even the number of "Picards Maneuvers" which is the casts habit of pulling the top half of there uniforms down after standing up.
Another portion of the screen is made up of a "Market" where certain "stocks" are traded.
The is a bottom graphic showing a transcript of the chater from the G4 chat room.
The top is made up of trivia and pointless facts about the show.

Now I don't mind the trivia so much as it is kind of fun but why the market and chat room transcript.
Why is there so much wasted space?
All in all G4 has once again pr oven they have no self control. They raped Tech TV, destroyed Call For Help, and The Screen Savers.
Boo G4.