Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Thought

Studying quantum mechanics is like trying to understand politicians. Both make your head hurt and neither has a practical usefulness.

Digging Into The Unknown

Josh Bernstein formerly of the History channels "Digging For The Truth" will soon be hosting a new show on the Discovery channel called "Into The Unknown with Josh Bernstein".

The Discovery channel (Home of The Mythbusters) program will premier August 18th.

A Week Away

Football season starts in eight days. I can't wait.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good News Doc

I saw my doctor today. He looked at my foot, listened to my heart, and complimented my shoes.
He said my heart sounded good and my foot looked even better.
He liked my shoes with the dragons on the tops.
I feel better and am trying to stay cool.

The gulf looks clear for the week so that leaves a little over a month of the heart of hurricane season left to go.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Heat Is On

Today has been a coolish day with temperatures in the mid 90s. The next six weeks are not only the hottest and the most active hurricane wise part of the year.
I have felt horrible for the past few days and Friday my heart rate hit 117.
They took xrays and ekgs then had me take one of my own pills and sent me home. It could have been much worse.
The sooner August and September are over the happier Ill be.

Friday, July 25, 2008

After The Storm

We are home from San Antonio.
The trip up there was very quiet. There was hardly any traffic.
The tropical storm Dolly was moving over the gulfs warm waters.
We where a few of the guest of the people staying at the hotel Tuesday night. The next day the hotel was full and when we tried to book an extra night we where threatened by having our stuff fordable removed from the rooms.
Now we where paying and by my understanding what they threatened to do is a violation of several laws.
Like most bullies when stood up to the cowards backed down.
Despite the behavior of the one employ the hotel was very nice although the air condition was WAY underpowered.
The trip home was full of blinding downpours and brief moments of sun. But once outside of San Antonio city limits the skies cleared and we had a smooth and uneventful trip home.
Upon are arrival home Bill the cat ate everything in sight and did a great deal of complaining.
It is very nice to be home with my extra firm pillow and air conditioning.

Monday, July 21, 2008


We are bracing for a possible hurricane.
I am be threatened by a storm named after a great musical. Already there an overflow of "Hello Dolly" jokes. Mostly made by candy asses that have never been in a hurricane.

The timing is very annoying. I had to rebook a doctors appointment and may miss a visit from the cable company.

Dolly is presently producing winds of 52 mph.

She is too far out in the Gulf of Mexico to place a landfall. She has also just moved into warm water which may strengthen her.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Walking On Sunshine

Yesterday I was released from physical therapy. They said I was doing very well and am walking on my own very well. I have a list of exercises to do.
I'm happy with this news. I think I may buy some shoes to celebrate.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sid Meier Does It Again

Sid Meier has released his latest game called Civilization Revolution.

This game is an instant classic. The audio and graphics are very well done. The game play is simple yet complicated.

You control a leader of a civilization. You build and command an army and try to dominate the world. You must control each town and direct it's resources. You also guide the technology and use diplomacy with other world leaders.

This is a lesson in world history disguised as a game.

Battfield B S

I have tried for over a week now to set up an account to view my screen shots from Battlefield Bad Company but EA never sends the email that tells you how to set up the account. Typical. Why bother thinking things through when you can do it at the last moment. Very professional Electronic Arts.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pass The ... Water

A local gas station has been pumping water and gas into people gas tanks. The station has closed and is investigating how the water into the gas. When a local television station started asking question it turns out there is in fact no state agency who is designated to investigate such events. After that point was pointed out local congressman Solomon Ortiz Jr. claims that he will look into this matter.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

T Bone Pickens Picks Wind

One time oil legend T Bone Pickens is investing 10 billion dollars into the worlds largest wind farm.
Mr. Pickens has ordered 667 of G. E. 1.5 Megawatt wind turbines. Picken's Mesa Power is building the world largest wind farm outside of Pamas Texas. The Pamas Wind Project will generate 1,550 jobs during the build and 720 jobs afterwards.

The wind farm will gerenrate 1,00 Mega Watts of power starting in 2011.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Rain Rain

It has finally started raining here and may rain all week. As long as it is not a hurricane I am happy.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Battfield Of Fun

I have been playing Battlefield Bad Company for the Xbox 360.
The graphics and audio are fantastic.
The Storyline is fun and seems to have been inspired by the Clint Eastwood's film "Kelly's Hero's"
You and a small band of none player charterers find a box of gold and it turns out to be a small part of a huge collection of gold being moved by a mercenary.

The on line play is brilliant. You and three other players must attack other players in there base and destroy the boxes they are guarding or you must prevent the other team from destroying the boxes you are guarding.

There are four types of solders you can play. There are also many vehicles and tons of weapons to use.

I give this game a 4/5.
A must play.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More Prof There Was Intelligent Life On Mars

The results of the Phoenix Mars Lander soil test show that the soil on Mars could grow some food stuffs.
The soil can grow asparagus and green beans.

No wonders the Martians left.
What a bland diet.
One would hope for something a bit more fitting for their martini or Marstini on ice than that.

The face on Mars wasn't sad, he had gas.