Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Long Time No Post

Well things are very busy. My father been ill and I have hand my hands full taking care of him.
This month is almost done and the next two months are the teeth of of hurricane season. I am hoping for an uneventful season.

We are in a major drought. In fact the city is close to fining people for water their yards.

Meantime old water manes are breaking left and right and spilling thousands of gallons of water here and there.

I am feeling OK but I can not wait for it to cool off.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I got my new Dell Netbook.
I love it. It's very light and nice and small.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Welcome To Mars

I have been playing Red Faction Gorilla for the X Box 360.
This is one of the most enjoyable games I have played this year. You play a demolition expect who comes to Mars looking for peace but finds himself in the middle of a revolution. The colonist are tiring to expel the evil corporation from their lives.
The game is challenging at points but not frustrating.
The graphics are good but not ground breaking.
The audio is well done with the minor annoyance of having several people talking to you at the same time and their voices overlapping into a useless blabber.
The controls are easy to use with a minor learning curve.
The story line is better than a Arnold Schwarzenegger film but not by much.
The high point of the game is the fact that almost everything is breakable. You can take down a building, car, truck, or person with your trusty ax. Tanks are another matter. There is a wide variety of weapons and vehicles to use.
There a simple joy to driving a two story tall dump truck through a building.
This is a game you will recall, totally.