Friday, November 14, 2008

Stop The Maddness

In July 4 1997 the Sojourner robot was sent to Mars to explore while its cowardly creators stayed in a nice safe warm building on Earth. The Sojourner died alone September 27 1997. Now the tragedy continues while two innocent robots perish in the vacuum of space. The Mars Phoenix Lander has died leaving only a sad binary message saying "Triumph". Also The Spirit Rover was consumed by a hateful Martian dust storm.
Why would the dieing breath of a brave robot be to plug a Canadian hard rock band?
When will the heartless madness stop. When will NASA cease sending defenseless robots to Mars only to die a bitter cold death.
Therefor I would like to announce the forming of an action comity called PETME.

People for the

Unite and force NASA to stop this heartless course of action. No more of our robot brothers and sisters must die alone in space where no one can hear you scream.

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