Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, their gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.

The Gift of the Magi by O Henry

Monday, November 23, 2009

Snow Is The Least Of Their Troubles

Meet the people who live in a snow globe.
They go about their lives snowboarding and building a snowman. Then YOU show up. Shake up their little world.

Monday, November 16, 2009

X Mas

I have been studying the Christmas decorations.
I have reach the conclusion that I will not decorate this year. My father is not here and he is the one that loved the tree.
I simply do not have the strength or energy to put up a tree. Everything else is stored up so high that I can not reach them.
I guess this year my motto is Merry X Mas: Go Scrooge Yourself.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today sucked.
I am worried if I will really get any help with all this stuff.
Everyone seem to have a reason not to help. I cant afford to hire anyone.
Maybe I should just sell the house and set up a trust to take care of my dad. Once that is done I could just blow my funking head off and be done with it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I thought I would post weekly a wrap up of my week so I could remember it.
Here what I ma happy for this week.

I am not in the hospital.
My friend is helping me with all the paperwork.
My copy of COD Modern Warfare 2 arrived faster than I thought.
The pecans have hit the stores.
The radishes are big this year.
My neighbors.
I got two cool cab drivers.

Things that make me unhappy this week.
The fact I had to pay 0.44 cents in due postage because some idiot at some office does not know how to read a postage meter.
The price of cab fare.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

November Rain

I had no trick or treaters. Well actually I had no candy to give away so I didn't answer the door.
I hope we get some cold weather soon. However it is nice a cool here finally. Fall has settled in and so should winter the few days it lasts here.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


It is 46 degrees here. Winter is here for a few hours. It should be back on the eighties tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vince Did It

I been playing WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 for the X Box 360.
This is either one of the worst video games ever or one of the funniest.
First off everyone and every thing looks as if it was made of play doe that had been left in the sun too long.
The controls have been changed again but not for any improvement. Mostly just to the effect of being annoying. However the controls are responsive.
The audio is well done, nothing special just good enough to be understood.
The storyline in the main game is silly beyond words. You start out as a member of the audience of a show when Santino Marella invites you to challange him for his championship belt. You win the belt and start you career as a WWE Superstar.
The game does have a few good points.
You can make your own finishers. You can even make one where you launch yourself off the corner post.
You can off course create your own wrestler and his own entrance.
This is a rental.

Friday, October 16, 2009


For the first time since 1975 the will be no Cost Of Living Adjustment.

Under the law, Social Security payments are supposed to increase annually if U.S. Consumer Price Index increase. But over the past 12 months, prices have declined. The CPI-W the price index upon which Social Security adjustments are based on has dropped 1.7 percent since September 2008.

So it's supposedly cheaper to live now. OK on that logic I think congress should take a pay cut of 1.7 percent and there should a pay freeze for two years.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Record High

We set a record high today. Tonight we should have a very welcome cool front. I want a cold front.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cowboys Win

The Dallas Cowboys won their last game. In a tight back and forth game the Cowboys won in overtime.

Dallas Cowboys 26
Kansas City Chiefs 20

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Monday, October 05, 2009


Microsoft has announced project Natal. Basically a motion capture device for your home. Natal they claim will replace your controller.
In my view this will not happen for several reasons. One the Natal system requires very precise lighting. Lighting most homes do not come with.
Another and the main one is the player. People mostly do not want to jump around to play a game. They want to sit down and relax while they play a game.
However I do welcome the research into Natal. Natal could open doors into not only gaming but other fields for the disabled. I hope that in Microsoft's endeavorers they do not forget the disabled.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

More Bad News

My father back in the hospital.
And of course it being the weekend I can't reach anyone to talk to.
This is so frustrating.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hows Your Dongel

I heard from my over seas friend Barry.
He is doing well in the UK and it was very nice to catch up with him.
He had never hear of a Slim Jim!
I also tried to talk him into getting Halo 3 ODST. He has a bone to pick with Bungie so he did not want to buy the game.
Maybe he will find a used copy someplace.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Historically speaking today was the day it was most likely to get rain. We did not get so much as a drop.
However my sister came by and paid me a visit.
I have a lot of little tasks to do this week.
The price of cab fair will place a huge strain on my wallet.
It is getting cooler here and I couldn't be happier.
The weather men are saying we will have our first cold front by this weeks ending. We may even have a stronger cold front by next week.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cowboys Win

Today the Cowboys won their game.
Cowboys 34
Bucs 21

Go Cowboys.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Peak of Season

Today marks the peak of hurricane season. We are half way through and have grand luck so far.
Now if we can get through until December we will have had a safe season.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

09 - 09 - 09

Today was a bad day.
It started very early when my father called me furious for one reason or the other. I had a doctor appointment a few hours later and was so upset by his call I never got back to sleep.
The the appointment. The 90 minute class turned into a four hour adventure. It turned out that the medicine I was on had done its job so well that it would not register on the machine. So I had to go to the blood lab.
I have to go back Friday for more blood work.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

R U Ready For Some Football

Cowboys Football Season starts soon.

I'm looking forward to this.

Sunday September 13th will be the season opener at Tampa Bay.

Go Cowboys!


We have a new hurricane. His name is Fred.
Position is 12.6 North 30.6 West
Max winds 75 mph.
Max gust 90mph.
Heading WNW @ 11 mph.
Pressure 987mb.

The current projections show him heading north out to sea and staying away from us.

September 10th is the peak of hurricane season.

Saturday, September 05, 2009


Long time no post.
A lot has happened from the last time I have posted.
My father has had a stroke.
He is getting better little by little.

In other news we are near the peak of hurricane season and I have already bored up the house just in case.

Also new game season is here and the next few months offer some new games for the 360.
In line are WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010. I am not to sure about this game, I hope they fix the fowled up control scheme from last year.

Next is Halo ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) I have this as a must have. I love the Halo first person shooter series. In this game you will not play The Masterchief. You play a standard trooper.

Finally is the most promising game GTA4 The Ballad of Gay Tony. I know very little about this game other than it is made by the boys at Rockstar games. I trust these guys to deliver the goods.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mid Point Big Teeth

Today marks the mid point of summer so hopefully it will start cooling off some. However I am not holding my breath.

This also marks the teeth of hurricane season. If we can get through the next six weeks without being destroyed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Long Time No Post

Well things are very busy. My father been ill and I have hand my hands full taking care of him.
This month is almost done and the next two months are the teeth of of hurricane season. I am hoping for an uneventful season.

We are in a major drought. In fact the city is close to fining people for water their yards.

Meantime old water manes are breaking left and right and spilling thousands of gallons of water here and there.

I am feeling OK but I can not wait for it to cool off.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I got my new Dell Netbook.
I love it. It's very light and nice and small.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Welcome To Mars

I have been playing Red Faction Gorilla for the X Box 360.
This is one of the most enjoyable games I have played this year. You play a demolition expect who comes to Mars looking for peace but finds himself in the middle of a revolution. The colonist are tiring to expel the evil corporation from their lives.
The game is challenging at points but not frustrating.
The graphics are good but not ground breaking.
The audio is well done with the minor annoyance of having several people talking to you at the same time and their voices overlapping into a useless blabber.
The controls are easy to use with a minor learning curve.
The story line is better than a Arnold Schwarzenegger film but not by much.
The high point of the game is the fact that almost everything is breakable. You can take down a building, car, truck, or person with your trusty ax. Tanks are another matter. There is a wide variety of weapons and vehicles to use.
There a simple joy to driving a two story tall dump truck through a building.
This is a game you will recall, totally.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It has been a hard month for people who live and die by celebrities.

In the past month we have lost...
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson

Also Fred Travalena
Billy Mays
Gale Storm
Jack Nimitz


I received a surprise today.
A free copy of Adobes Photoshop Elements 7.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Million Little Details

Today was a day full of little duties and jobs that make life so much fun.

I changed pharmacies to one that delivers as the cab fare across town is taking a huge bite out of my wallet.

I also caught McAfee up to their old tricks again. McAfee makes anti virus software. But to me they have become nothing more than a pack of thieves. I never did get the software t download properly and it never was installed on my computer and yet despite my complaints to McAfee they tried to bill me for another years of service. Typical internet thievery.

I also update my cell phones phone book and calander.

There has been a lot of little things today to keep me busy.

It still plenty hot here.

I just want to get through hurricane season without any major nad events happening.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Survive This

I would like to introduce a surviver style TV show for people who are sick of surviver style TV shows.
It will be called "I'm A Surviver Style TV Producer Punch Me In The Face."

People will enter by mail, e-mail, or phone call. Once a week one person will be chosen at random. They will be flown to a tropical and spend a week playing on the beach and having the time of their lives. Then on show day they will be escorted to a ball room full of self important looking people talking on cell phones. They will choice one person and punch them in the face. If that person does indeed produce a surviver style TV show he will be beaten and have all their worldly possessions taken away and left alone on a desert island. The contestant will be given a million dollars cash.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me And The Man In The Moon

After years of looking I have finally found a song I heard once on the radio.
The song is called "The Man In The Moon" by the band The Scream.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

You Can't Stop & Roll

The leadership in Iran and Washington DC are learning democracy's best friend is the Internet. The Internet can be slowed down but like they have learned in China it can not be stopped.

Iran is on the edge of major changes mostly due poor leadership.
There is also the effect of Twitter.

Twitter is letting the average person with a decent cell phone show the rest of the world see the conditions good or bad they must live in.

Twitter has killed the day of the slow to respond major news organization. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox NEWS all made asses of themselves last weekend by not reponding to the events in Iran.

Not New

Tonight may have been the last new episode of the Mythbusters for a while. They will show a rerun of an old show next week. I hope they are jut taking a week of to finish editing some shows and have new material for us in the future.

This week they looked into the myth that if you drive fast enough you can keep the inside of you convertible dry in a rain fall.

The build team looked into several myths involving popcorn. Just think about it makes me hungry.

All I have is old hideous microwave popcorn. Popcorn should not be damp.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weather R Not

Today was another record matching day.
The entire past week we have either top or tied the record highs. It may cool down over the weekend by two degrees and then back to the record breaking heat. Currently it's 95 and hazy, like John McCain.

It's so hot I saw two trees fighting over a dog.

It's so hot the squirrels are handling their nuts with pot holders.

Fight Club

A young woman has come out claiming that the fight clubs set up in the state school is nothing new. That some students where even bused in for a state wide championship fight.

Meanwhile representatives of the state are in court claiming that the state should not be left open to lawsuits as a result of the investigations.

Here is a prime example that if you are handicapped you are considered to be a second class citizen or even less. If cattle where treated like this PETA and every other animal rights group would be yelling bloody murder.
But in this case you here no noise at all.

SHAME on the state of Texas. Those responsible should, if found guilty go to jail. I can guarantee no one will go to jail and as little that can be done will be done. Even less of the State thinks it can get away with it.

Catching Up

Long time no post.

Yesterday I saw my general practitioner. He is trying to help me from traveling a bunch on needless trips in this insane heat. I may be able to have a home nurse take my blood for the blood work I'll need for my blood thinner.

I have yet to make it to the grocery store and need to go. Fathers day is coming and I need to refill a medicine. I would also like to see if they have a new copy of my favorite comic book The Justice League of America. I wish there was a comic book store that mailed out.

The part that really sucks about being stuck at home is I miss my best friend so much.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Last night The Mythbusters looked into a so called myth that you can curve a bullet by firing a gun while it is in motion.
The one good thing in this movie was Angelina Jolie.
The one good thing in this myth was it's over with. I think the Mythbusters are running out of fuel.
Adam and Jamie looked into weather or not a sonic boom will brake glass.
This was fun and Jamie let Adam fly in a Blue Angels jet.

Is It Me Or Dose

Is it me or does Morgan Webb just get better looking?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Numbers Game

After a brief bit of number crunching I have discovered need fifteen more post to have a post a day equivalence in my blog. After this post I will need fourteen more post so at years end I'll have roughly a post a day. Expect a lot of small and even more pointless posts from me in the future.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Kiss Kiss Bore Bore

Last night Howard Stern was on the David Letterman show.
This led to some of the most boring TV ever.
Two old dogs so busy kissing each others ass. This was a ego fest complete off the scale.
Letterman is done. He just like Stern has been doing the same set of joke for decades.

Please CBS find someone new.

Monday, June 08, 2009


G4 TV is looking at E3 which is the Electronic Entertainment Expo. They are previewing the most recent tech regarding entertainment.
And of course Bungie is pushing their new Halo game Halo 3 ODST. I am trying my best not to watch any of these previews so I can be surprised by the entire game when it comes out this year.

I have seen a few games I liked but nothing worth parting ways with my money over.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


David Caradine was found dead today in his hotel room.
I'm stunned.
He was always a favorite of mine and someone I wanted to meet.
Anything with him in it was something I'd watch.
It's almost like losing a friend.
I hope he dancing someplace.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I am still recovering from my most recent hospital stay Thursday and Friday of last week. Other than the usual collection of doctor appointments I'm looking forward to a quiet week. The heat is on here and I am trying to stay cool as possible.
New Mythbusters Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't Blink

I saw a wonderful film last night.
Creator staring Peter O'Toole.
Here a great line from the movie...
"I tell you Sid, that one of these days we'll look in to our microscope and find ourselves staring right into God's eyes, and the first one who blinks is going to lose his testicles."


It is raining here. Raining wonderful rain. We need enough to refill the local lake.

New Mythbusters

Tonight a new episode of Mythbusters looking into fire and ice myths.
I looking forward to this.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Think Rip Off

In the past decade I have purchased two item from Think Geek. Neither ever worked. Think Geek can kiss my ass.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Strange Seed

Are these some kind of strange seeds or alien pods?
Have off worlders taken over my favorite grocery store?

New Phone

Here my new cell phone and the Stikfa that guards it.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not Good

This has been one of those weekends that make you want to throw yourself into a wood chipper.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Cute

I saw the nurse practitioner for my cardiologists today. After I explained everything that had happened she looked over my medical records and gave it some heavy thought and announced "I have no idea what to do with you. Get out."
I asked her if that was it and she smiled and added "you cute too now get out."

The rest of the day was quiet and I am planing to try to get to the grocery store tomorrow.

If It Ain't One Thing

I am having to entirely reworking my schedule for the next six weeks. For reasons beyond my control there has been no nurse scheduled for my big tooth pull next week. So I have to cancel that and start from square one.

I have to see two doctors. Hope they can agree on some points and then hope they will agree on doing the paperwork to get a nurse to baby sit me after the extraction. I really wish someone would just put me in a hospital for a day where I was not dependent on an ambulance ride to get some help if things go south.

Also I'm going to have to get a new phone as mine is running like a lemming as fast as it can towards the edge of the cliff.

My life in the past year has gotten as complicated as building the great wall of China.

In other news my good friend who just got out of the hospital is feeling better and it seems to me his spirits are picking up even though the fates seems to be lining up against him. Being sick is a very expensive business. He is learning this. Something I figured out long ago and whenever I get some monumental bill I say to myself "What are they gonna do? Kill me?"

Thank god we do not have the Canadian health care system everyone except the people in Canada seem to love so much.

But then again President and CEO Obama has put his foot down demanding that cars now must get an average mileage of 35.5 miles to the gallon. Big friggin deal. Our Saturn does 34 mpg and it over nine years old. Come on, if your gonna demand something make it good. How about 45 or 50 mpg.

Of course we can expect the price of cars to sky rocket.

Cell phone that actualy make and recieve calls would be nice too.

On top of all this I want some bread but I can not get to the store for a few days. The price of cab fare is killing me money wise.

At least there will be new Mythbusters tommorow.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Speak Up

There are as few things as annoying as getting someone on the phone with no sence of humor at all.

Friday, May 15, 2009

There A Chevelle On My Muffin

I went to the grocery store today. It was an endeavor. I ended up tired and very annoyed. I did however get to see my friend Irma who looked great. I also got a Hotwheels 69 Chevelle and some banana nut muffins.

Between the heat and minor annoyances by the time I was home I was so tired I went strait to bed and slept for 9 hours.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Glowing Stikfa Paradox

I have been tiding up my room. I even dusted my Stikfa collection. Stikfas are small action figures that can be placed in all kinds of positions.

I did not get to the grocery store today. I woke up real late and there and been some miscommunication between the pharmacy and my doctors office. He has cleared up that mess.

I have figured out how to pay for the tooth being pulled. I am now a lot less worried about that.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Molecules At Play

I am in a silly mood.
I blame this in part on tonights episode of The Mythbusters.

I also am contemplating going to the grocery store tomorrow.
For me going to the store is a long involved process. This makes things a drag because it use to be as simple as pie (why isn't cake simple?) Now I have to compose a list I even have to note which Hotwheel car I am looking for. I long for the days of just hop in the car and go.

I will also have to call for a cab.

Now for unknown reason the fact I found a video on you tube of Airwolf taking off at some air show has popped into my mind. You even here the radio chatter betwen the pilot and the ground crew.

I can't wait to have this tooth pulled. I just hope I don't wind up in the hospital or worse.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Overseas Bro

My adopted brother has been working on a new CD. It is a tribute to Adrian Borland.
He and his guitar player formed The Crucified Twins just for this project.
Check out the website and give my brother some support.


This is the bruise on my arm made by the IV from my mis adventure last Friday. If this is the most of my complaints I doing pretty dang good.


My good friend Mike and his father have been restoring this Camaro. They may have it done very soon.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Day Of Firsts

Yesterday as a day of first for me some of which I can do without repeating.

I took my first cab ride ever. I went to HEB to pick up a prescription. The driver was real nice. Once there I found the store was uncharacteristically empty of stock. I pick up my prescription and went about my shopping then checked out. I had to wait ten or so minutes for the cab but that was no big deal.

The second driver took a long way home but it was nice being away from screaming TVs and the sights where interesting.

I got home unloaded and laid down. About 6:30 my heart started racing. I figured it would stop on it's own as it always has so I just laid down.

At 10:00 I called an Ambulance. This resulted in my first ambulance ride ever.
The chief nurse name was Kim the same as my best friend. They gave my an IV and oxygen. After about three hours they sent me home in my third cab ride ever. The driver was cute and a bit of a flirt. She also had the dirty dishwater blond hair I find so sexy. This was the best cab ride.

I got home and went to sleep.

From what the ambulance driver, doctors and nurses say I think my oxygen pump is going out or I have it set way too low. I have turned it up and feel fine.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Victory Is Mine

I finally got a date set up to have the tooth pulled. The last Tuesday of the month.

I played GTA last night for the first time in weeks. I love flying the helicopter in that game.

A Sea Dragon helicopter landed in a local parking lot when a control panel started to smoke.

There has been one confirmed case of swine flu here.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Clean As Clean Can Be

The floors are so clean you can eat off them.
The bathrooms are sparkling and there are new sheets on all the beds.

We set a new high temperature.

And if that is not enough there will be a new episode of Mythbusters tonight.

I still have yet to hear from that dentist.

My head ache is gone and I feel rather well.

Even better yet there where NO bills in the mail.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Post Feh

I have again tried to comment or a blog and again I was blocked. So I tried to email the bloger only to find my computer or Microsoft wanted a number typed in. This number is in a manual that did not come with my computer. Feh on Microsaft.

So until that person sends me their email address somehow I will not be able to talk to them.

This is enough to make an angle sing off key.

And while I'm fehing. Feh on the major news networks for they hyper over reacting of the swine flue. Feh with flem even.

Also Feh on who ever bought the Hotwheel car I was looking for today. NO! Double feh on them for they bought the Bugatti Veyron.


My father does not have a staff infection.


My father may have a staff infection.

I have called the doctor dentist yet again and yet again there is no call back.

I feel dreadful.

They have closed the local school district even though there are no confirmed cases of swine flue.

I am now operating under the theory of get them before they get you. Tonight I feast on bacon. Take that pigs.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Feeling Better

Last week a very good friend of mine wound up in the hospital. He had developed several blood clots in several locations. I was very worried about him. He was a real good and close friend. Someone whose opinion mattered a lot to me and he was also a teacher. I consider him as important to me as my late friend Ken who was in several ways a mentor and Sensei. My friend is doing much better and sounds far better than he did this time last week.
This makes me happy.

Friday, May 01, 2009

The Cleaner

I spent most of the day cleaning this and that. I was a pillow for the first time in ages and it is now all lumpy but very clean.

I have to work on my so called office. There are papers piling up like chopped wood.

I dread the on coming heat.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Air Force Idiots

Congratulations United States Air Force on making a bunch of brain dead idiots out of yourself.
Take a bow morons.

One of the large jumbo jets that act as Air Force One flew circles around lower Manhattan scaring the living hell out of thousand. If the jumbo jet was not enough the fighter escort did not help matters. The result of the photo op was terrorizing a large number of people who work in the financial district of the big apple.

As a result some candy ass paper pusher at the White House issued this:

Statement from Louis Caldera, Director White House Military Office, on Air Force One flight over New York

“Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.”

Caldera you are an Asshole.

Sick Of The Swine

I'm sick of the end of the world swine flu reports being pushed by the news networks. The reporting is wildly inaccurate and they know it. They are purposefully inflating the numbers.
Personally I hope it backfire on the news channels. I hope enough people get so tired of hearing about this they turn the news channels off leaving the news chanels having to answer some very pointed questions from their sponcers.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I just had some pre cooked microwavable bacon. It was dreadful. It is as thing as a paper towel. no mater what you do you can't get all the grease off. It has no taste good or bad what so ever. It smells like wet cardboard.

Not only that it gave me a headache.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Tuesday and Wednesday we set new high record temperatures.

I am still waiting to hear from this dentist.

What has happened to Valerie Bertinelli. I use to adore her but in her most recent Jenny Craig commercial she looks plastic. One of the reason I liked her so much was she was a real girl. The girl next door. Now she looks like she has a spray on tan and laser whitened teeth. She looks as phoney and as platic as every other hollywood starlet.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today high temperature was 95 degrees.


It is getting warmer here. The high today may be 87. This I could do without.

Things have been quite and I have been playing phone tag with a dentist.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


IF you like me don't read this post.

I have reached the realization that I am lonely.
I long ago gave up on a long term serious romantic relationship.
I did this for several reasons.
1. I am not very good with people. I am not a hermit and I do have friends. I do have someone I adore as well. My friends are dear to me and I consider loyalty extremely important. I just am not good with people. I am not a patient person.
2. I think it would be greatly unfair to the other person. I spend more time sick than well. I do not like to go out. I am not a nightclub person. I am not very athletic. I do not do well in the sun, it may give Superman and Birdman their powers but the heat drains me. This world would not exists with out heat of the sun but I make a point of avoiding it.

Also for most of my early life I was the target of other people. Not just kids but adults as well. My experience in school have taught me that so called adults of the world are the last people I want left in charge.

Case in point. I had so much hope for are present president I was very happy he had been elected. But slowly he has exposed himself to be another arrogant jock.

I am sure you will say I have no one to blame but myself and there is no doubt in my mind you may be right. However in my own defense I have reached a point where everything is work. Even the simple task of going to the mall requires so much preparation and aggravation that there are points it simple is not worth the effort.

Most of my friends have moved on with thier lives and rightly so. By and large they are doing splendidly and I really enjoy hearing of their succeses in the world.

I guess I will simply have to dig in and get use to being alone.

Thank God for the Mythbusters.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bunny Hop

The Easter Bunny and his wife made an appearance in my front yard. I thanked him for the two little toy cars he brought me. He and his wife ate a freshly planted flower then went about their work. I guess he is updating his own maps.

Funny As Hell

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't Beam Me Up

I do not like the way the new Enterprise from the soon to be released Star Trek film looks. It is over designed and over done. I look like the same horrid design as the robot from the remake Lost In Space movie a few years back. Some people just can't leave well enough alone.

Blood And Money

I saw the new doctor Tuesday. He wants to pull two or three teeth. But he has to talk to my heart doctor and I had to have blood work done for him.

'So today I had the lab work done. They have started something new I like. Instead of the one big needle and tube they are now using a needle that is connected to the tube that collects the blood by a plastic channel. You now don't feel the need moving around in your arm when they change tubes for different tests.

All this of course will cost major money that I don't have.
So I'll be toothless and broke. I guess they are prepairing me to be homeless.

I am tired and a little cranky. Add to this my cell phone is even crankier than I am and wants to be charged every other night instead of the once a week they claimed.

Also there been a lot of long distance phone calls some I know my phone bill will sky rocket.

As I will be homeless soon I guess they can't take away my house.

It seems everything in life is a matter of either blood or money.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things Not To Look Forward To & To Look Forward To

I see the doctor today. I am not looking forward to this. My somatic hurts and I am on edge but I don't know why. I think it's mostly because I never meet this man before. I'll be happy when I finally get all this done and over with.

Tomorrow night a new episode of Mythbusters. I am really looking forward to that.

Monday, April 13, 2009


My friend Irma has been real busy with her job. So much so it is effecting her health. I'm worried about her.

Hippie Roses

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Night Alright

I watched The Ten Commandments. This is simply one of the finest films ever made. An example of what a great story, great special effects, and a great cast can accomplish.

I recommend the book The Making of the Ten Commandments.

I also got to spend some time on line playing with my over seas brother. We played Grand Theft Auto 4.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

New Busting

Tonight started the new season of The Mythbusters. The did a two hour special on car myths. The show was great and very funny.
It's good to have the busters back.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I Can't Wait

New Mythbusters tomorrow night.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


I'm using a cane again. Mostly to get in and out of chairs.

New Mythbusters this week. I can't wait.

I wish it would rain. We are 4 inches below normal for the year.
It may rain Saturday but the odds are low.

I'm still playing GTA4. This game is brilliant. I wish I could say for some of the people you run into on line.

Spent more time trying to comment on a blog with no result. It has to be my laptop. Maybe Goggle hates me.

I love the fact that a UK neighborhood called the cops on the Goggle Street View car and told them they where not going into their neighborhood. Good for them.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Lights Out

The power went out today. Calling the power company proved fruitless as they where getting hammered by other left in the dark.
I just decided to take a nap.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009


One week until new Mythbusters !!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Why don't they make medicine that taste like bacon?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights Out

Today was Earth Hour.
For one hour all over the world lights where turned off in order to save the world.
This of course does not calculate all the Earth Hour babies that we will soon be seeing that will add to the drain on the earth's resources.
To me Earth Hour was another contemptible feel good effort done mostly to make these people feel good about themselves. I showed my contempt by watching the Mythbuster with all the lights turned on. I rarely have many lights on as lights produce heat and I can't stand heat.
If these people want to really help the earth than they should put on pressure on gavement local state, and natioal to give tax breaks to people who use solar panels and windmills. Of course some of them will protest against windmills as they are afriad birds will be killed. You can't have it both ways so pick one. And why dont we here these groups surport geo termal power or even water power.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Lost And Anoying

I have noticed very few people are playing the live content of GTA's The Lost and Damned. However there are plenty of foul mouthed teen wanna be gansta in the normal GTA live world.

I have also been playing Wheelman.
In Wheelman you are a driver for assorted European underworld types. This game is fun but has some bugs.
The game will freeze after a mission for a moment.
The cops attack in mass. Not just one or two cop cars but six or more. The only way to be rid of them is to outrun them to a safe point where they suddenly give up for no reason. (Maybe they saw a dentist office?) Otherwise this is a great game. This is not a GTA killer but give the makers a few years and they may be a true challanger to Rock Star.

The graphics are very well done. Sharp and clear. The world is wide open with pleanty to explore and lots of side missions and things to unlock.
The audio is OK. No one really tries to speak clearly. Evryone mumbles as if they are afraid of the parents cathing them.
The controls are responcive. The control layouts are a lot like GTA but not a dead on copy.
The player chariter has a tendancy to just stand there for a moment before doing whatever he is instructed to do.
This is a must rent.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Enough To Make An Angel Angry

I just spent half an hour trying to post a comment and a friends blog.
No matter what I tried or how nice I talked to my laptop I could not leave a comment on the blog.
Maybe Bloger has something against sarcasm.
Maybe this is a policy instated by the new socialist government we now find our selves under.

In any case. It's enough to make an angle toss her laptop across the room.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This little guy was waiting for his friend.


A Twitter user may have caused a miss trail in a recent court case.
Twitter is a free "micro blogging" service that allows you to use a limited number of words to let people who follow you know what your doing all through the day.
The user made comments on a court case he was sitting on after the verdict was delivered to the court.

Also Jennifer Aniston may have broken up with her ex boyfriend over the fact that while hewas too busy to talk to her on the phone he was constantly updating his Twitter page.

This is not two examples of people falling afoul of technology but two people with little or no self control.

A dearth of self control is also to be blamed for the recent AIG debackel.

We are running into a generation of people whoes lack of self control is not only hurting them but inocent bystandereds as well.

Mothers teach your kids love, respect, selfcontrol, and how to dance.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend Weather

The weekend weather looks like it will be a nice change.
Friday we may have a cool front taking the temperature down into the 70's for highs and lows in the 40s and 50s. Also we may get some rain as well. Rain is one thing we are in dire need of.

Mall Walking

I went to the mall today.
There where men walking around with arms full of blue prints. One person told me they hope to have the repairs and upgrades done early next year.
They have added a small place where you can get a massage. There are all kinds of stools and chairs for people to sit and rest in.
One of the anchor stores will grow in size by a good deal.
I hope they do finish the job and not just walk away leaving our mall a mess.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

China Town Throw Down

I have been playing GTA China Town Wars for the Nintendo DS.
This is an adult video game.
You play a young Chines man who has come to America to deliver a sword. Not soon after your feet hit the ground there is an attempt on your life, the sword is lost, you are kidnapped and dumped in a river.
This is a top down game.
The graphics are in the GTA early games style.
The sounds, controls, and graphics are up to the usual Rock Star standards.
Another well done game by Rock Star.

Bad News

My father has bleeding in his eye yet again. He will have treatment on the 30th. The treatment is a shot into his eye that will stop the bleeding and slow the swelling as well hopefully.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


If the end of the world according to the Mayans comes in the year 2012 which is two years away do I really need to watch my cholesterol intake?

If we the American People are major owners of AIG can't we start firing some jack asses just to get the point across?

If Facebook is free why do people complain every time they change something?

If Letterman is so good why has he been doing the same joke for decades?

Why is Rush Limbaugh the head of the republican party, he dresses like a cheap mobster, why not Alice Cooper?

Why is Z the last letter in the alphabet?

If bacon so bad for you why don't pigs move faster?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wear The Green

Happy Saint Patrick's Day


No more money bonus or bail out for AIG under any circumstance what so ever. Period. Ever.

Joy Of A Dollar

I went to Dollar Tree today.
Dollar Tree is a store where everything s a dollar.
And there are some amazing finds to be had for a dollar.
I found two DVDs. One was a Clutch Cargo DVD. Clutch was an animated TV series that started in the late fifties.
There was also a Sherlock Holmes movie staring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce.
Also got a set of three note pads.
I love Dollar Tree.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I saw my heart doctor yesterday. He said all was well and I should come back in four months.

I am back to playing GTA 4. This game is simply amazing and has to be one of my all time favorites.

An old online friend of mine has returned to the net after taking a great deal of time off. It's good to have an old friend back.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I bought the Watchman DLC game.
The graphics are nice but not great.
The audio is at times murky and at other time well done.
The controls are slow to respond.
The bad guys can kill you with one or two moves while it takes you many more to take them out. If done properly this would be a fun challenge, but here it just a cheap way to kill you easily.
The game is cheap, not fun, sloppy, and not worth the $20.00 it costs.
I regret buying this game and will not spend any money on any other offerings from this studio.

Kick It

Today is Chuck Norris's birthday. Chuck is tough. There is no ctrl key on Chucks computer, Chuck is always in control.

I see my GP today and get his input on having this tooth pulled. The tooth doesn't hurt but I want to get this over with.

The new Transporter film comes out on DVD today. I want it. I think Jason Statham is the best action star to come out in years. I put him up there with Jet Lee and Jackie Chan.

Yesterday President Obama reversed President Bush's ban on stem cell experiments done by the government. President Bush did not ban stem cell research he placed in the hands of private industry. This move can be of help but there so much more he can be doing. I grow more disappointed with are new president everyday.
President Obama sir. Stop printing money. This wil only succed in making everything far worse.
How about consecrating on the beating American civil liberties have taken since 9 11.
How about doing something about all the dark fiber we have not being used.
You can make history as the president that brought the USA Internet service up to par with Japans and North Korea.
How about improving are cell phone technology.
How about all the promises to improve first responders communications.
In America anything is possible we just need someone to point the way. Be that someone not just another empty suit doing what the money boys tell you to do.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Yesterday we sprang forward an hour. This is as enjoyable as slamming your head in to a brick wall.
I have played Halo Wars until I'm sick of it. I am back to playing GTA4.
I have two doctors apportionments this week and have to have a tooth pulled next week.
I have yet to pick up my free comic book but there is no date on the card they sent me so I will try this week.
I am so hungry for a doughnut.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Thought

There is one thing faster than the speed of light.
The speed of dark.

Small Halo

I have been playing Halo Wars.
This is the Halo game not made by the makers of Halo.
Halo Wars is a real time tactical game.
This is not a first person shooter.
The story telling graphics are beautiful. More so than the ones seen in Halo 3.
You command an entire army. You build bases, once the bases are built you can build tanks, warthogs, and other vehicles. You can also train troops types such as granaders, flame throwers, and more. All the troops and vehicles are small but well detailed and run about on large but very well done maps.
The audio is well done. The graphics are also well done.
The controls take some getting use to but can be mastered.
All in all this is a must rent for Halo fans. Some will not enjoy the fact this is not a first person shooter.
I gave Halo Wars a 4 out of 5 if you enjoy this style game. If you want a shooter wait for Halo 3.5 due later this year.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

George Takei Voice Is A Sedative

The Authors Guild is claiming the Amazon Kindle text to speech function is a threat to the audio books sales. Have these guys heard the Kindle voice. I think the only author that should feel threated is Dr. Stephen Hawking.

Yet Amazon has given in to The Authors Guild.

By the way you should not listen to a George Takei audio book while operating heavy machinery. The man has the most relaxing voice on the planet.

Also I guess The Authors Guild does not want to sell books to the blind.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Where Airwolf When You Need Her

Iran has obtained engineering and communications on Marine One.
Marine One is a VH-3D helicopter operated by the "Nighthawks" based at Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico Virginia.
A computer containing a peer to peer file sharing program also had the entire blueprints and avionics package. The program was used by outsider to gain access to the sensitive material.

When will the companies learn and stop placing such sensitive materials on laptops.
Why was there a peer to peer program on a computer containing this kind of material.
Why aren't the people who use these programs bonded.

This kind of faults in security are laughable.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Burning Down The City

South Texas is under fire warning. In fact we are experiencing a drought. So what do the brilliant minds of Gregory do?
Fire the entire volunteer fire department!

During a meeting at the fire station Mayor Victor Lara, and Chief of Police Robert Garza told the volunteers there services where no longer needed. Fire Chief Mike Kohner said "The mayor canned all 21 of us."

Mayor Lara has given no reason for the dismissal.

Currently the city will count on neighboring fire departments of Portland and Ingleside.

No word if the surrounding cities will be reimbursed if they have to respond to a fire in Gregory.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Cobra Comander Must Be Pleased

Baroness Susan Greenfield is worried that social networking websites are causing changes in the brains of young users. The Baroness is a neuroscientist and director of the Royal Institution of Oxford University. She believes that use of computer games, instant messaging, chat rooms, and social networks may leave children with a short attention span.

Ummm, where was I?
Oh! The Baroness.
She says "My fear is that technologies are infantilising the brain into the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lighst, who have a small attention span and who live for the moment."

Infantilising? Is that even a word?

OK so we learned video game violance can be blamed on Girl Scout Cookies and Cobra is behind Facebook.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Free Goodie

X Box Live Marketplace is now offering a new map for the game Call of Duty World At War. The map is Makin. It is in fact the Makin map but you now play in daylight.

There will be another DLC package due in March. This one will not be free but is expected to be larger.

I Blame The Girl Scouts For Video Game Violence

A man in Austin Texas was arrested on charges of aggravated assault after he tried to strangle his girlfriend with a Wii controller. The woman was attacked by her boyfriend after an argument over weather or not he ate her Girl Scout cookies. The man is being held in Travis County jail with a bail set at $40.000.00.

First off if it was a box of Thin Mints I think any court would have forgiven the woman for clubbing the guy.
Secondly you always hide your cookies from people.
Third was he wearing the Wii strap?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dodging Reckoning

President Obama addressed congress and promised to lead us from "a day of reckoning".
How do you dodge the sum dues of what a bill we been running up for years. Moreover why is everyone being punished for the actions of a few. Not that that is anything new.
The innocent have always been punished for the actions of those in power.

Mr. Obama said "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."

I sure as hell hope so. But lets make sure those who are responsible are held accountable.

He also said
"I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary..."
Now that just damn scary. When I hear statements like that I have visions of civil liberties being buried like dead bodies. I guess he means by any means necessary. That is code for logic and thought be damned lets just over react.

There are those in government who will use this crises to excuse a big of a power grab as they can get away with.

I had hopes for this new president but the cynic in me is now alarmed at the knee jerk reaction I see the government taking.

I don't think this is the end of the great American experiment but one hell of a self inflected wound we could do with out.

I have heard a lot about the fear of America becoming a socialist state. There are too many people watching for that to happen. The news channels and the Internet should serve as the safety cap that prevents such an action.

B Day

I got my birthday presents today.
Seasons 1 & 2 of The Mythbusters on DVD.

Monday, February 23, 2009

B Day

Today is my birthday and I feel like hell.
I am hoping to feel better tomorrow so I can see my best friend.
I did get a bag of popcorn, yummy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Late NIght TV

I've been watching infomercials. Where did these people learn TV production? A box of Crackers Jacks?
Also is it a good idea to be pushing knifes on a Saturday night?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Face Book Face Broke

This has been a scary, funny, and long day.
I woke up with a racing heart. 110 bpm.
After taking my meds and a shower I went to the ER. There of course was a lot of questions, a lot of being poked. A great deal of X Rays taken (I can now read a book without using a light). Apparently my hemoglobin count had sky rocketed. As far as I can figure hemoglobins are tiny little goblins that live in your blood and carry important stuff to parts of your body. Stuff like oxegen, news on the latest Van Halen album, importnat stuff like that.
As I left the ER a guy walked in holding an ice pack above his eye. His friend said a two by four had fallen forty feet off the top of a building and hit him just above the eye. The nurse aked if he blacked out and the friend said "No he shock his head grabed the two by four and broke it over his knee then asked for some coffie." This is one guy I won't piss off.

I do not get face book. It so dull and boring why are people flocking to this thing?
Another thing the term of use looks like an excuse to sell your kids. They harvest more information on you than the department of homeland security.


Government is never the answer, it is always the problem.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dude Where My Ride

I have been playing The Lost & Damned. This is the new down loadable content for Grand Theft Auto game on X Box 360.

You take the role of Johny. The second in command of The Lost a biker gang made of a bunch of slightly over the hill wanna be outlaws. If that not enough the day you start playing the old boss of The Lost biker gang has been released from jail. And if that wasn't enough the old leader is not exactly right in the head.

This game add on cost 1600 Microsoft points ($20.00) and is 1.8 gigabytes in size.

The download offers hours of game play, new vehicles (mostly bikes), music, dialog, races, missions, and side quests.

This game is a sarcastic look at middle age crazy, life in the big city, and pop culture. This is another brilliant work from Rock Star Games.

The graphics are on the same level as the main game if not a little more polished. The audio is brilliant. The controls are very well done.

If you enjoyed the main quest of GTA4 this is a must have.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More Money For Less Work

Postmaster General John E. Potter has gotten a large raise while the post office is thinking of dropping one delivery day a week.

Potter's salary increased almost 39 percent from $186,0600 to $258,840.

This does not include incentive bonus or perks.

That will stimulate his economy.

I wounder if he has his own jet? I wounder when the last time he walked a delivery rout?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thats Why The Glove

Tabloids are claiming Micheal Jackson may have a flesh eating disease.
Funny I didn't know there was anything real left of Jackson.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What X Box Live Needs

What X Box Live needs is Top Gear Mini Cooper Ice Hokey.
A three on three ice hokey game but using Mini Coopers in place of the usual players on skates and voice overs by the big three from Top Gear.
Audio commentary from Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond.
The winner would get a trophy shaped like The Stig.

Friday, February 13, 2009

High Sticking Is An Art

I been playing the new X Box Arcade game 3 on 3 NHL Arcade. This is not a hockey simulator but a fast pace 3 on 3 hockey shootout.
It can handle up to six player with three on each team playing live.
The controls take a little getting use to.
The audio is sharp and well done.
The graphics are splendid and in no way reality based. There are power up which cause tiny goalies. Hugh players and rocket skates just to start.
This is just a plain fun game.
Must try.

It should be noted that on line play requires you to register with EA Sports. This means giving them an email address so you can be spamed.


I have been watching the new series Wolverine and the X Men.
This is a retelling of the X Men comic book series. A had full of people cursed or blessed depending on how you see it with powers.
The mutants as they are called are harassed, hunted, and experiment on. Guilty of only being born different.

The series is well done with great graphics, an excellent voice cast, and some grand writing.
The series is doing so well a second season has been announced.
People who don't like fantasy or don't enjoy comic books will not enjoy this show but anyone who ever been picked on for being different or enjoys comics will enjoy this.
This is something you should at least try.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Highway To Smell

I have played Brothers In Arms Highway To Hell.
This is a WW2 shooter.
The graphics are last generation.
The controls are confusing and sluggish.
The audio is dull.
The characters move like puppets from a Gerry Anderson program.

If you love WW2 shooters this is a rental at best.

Purrr stige

I have started the prestige section of Call Of Duty World At War.
This is a way of adding life to the game. When you reach prestige all your accomplishments are erased and you start all over from the very beginning. All the challenges are erased and all the weapons you have unlocked are taken away and you have to do it all over again. But this time you know how to get it done so it shouldn't take so long.

This is a brilliant move by the games makers to add play value and life to the game. Now if only they would do something about all the glitchers.
Glitches are faults or weakness in the game some people will take advantage of to increase their score or even make themselves invincible.
Glitchers have no honor. They must cheat to win.

Stewart Parnell

Meet Stewart Parnell scumbag, and murder.
Parnell is the President of Peanut Corporation of America.
From everything I seen Parnell knowingly shipped product contaminated with salmonella.
Congress has subpoenaed Parnell.
Upon his arrival to the hearing he refused to answer any questions.
Parnell was dismissed but may be have to reappear before the committee.

In my view if Parnell can be proved to have shipped the tainted peanut product that has led to the death of 8 people and 501 cases of salmonella related illness Parnell is guilty of premeditated murder.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Microsoft Crap

I purchased The Lost and The Damned an add on for Grand Theft Auto IV. However the content will not be available until February 17th. Typical Microsoft, anything the steal money from their customers. We pay in advance for a service that is weeks away if it ever really shows up at all.
Gates your a thief. More over your an *ssh*l*.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Back Pain

My back has been aching recently. I'm filing it under old age. I do have a very nifty little item that helps. It's a herb pack. You place it in the microwave for 50 seconds and get it nice and warm then place on the ache in your back. It works wounder. It has seeds in it that smell wonderful. Cinnamon, Peppermint, Yarrow, Spearmint, and more.

Congressman Proves Himself A Real Twit

A congressional delegation secret trip to Iraq was going just fine. Then Representative Peter Hoekstra twittered his arrival on his Black Berry.

He posted the message "Just landed in Baghdad."

Here is his Twitter page.

Twitter is a free service that lets you post messages to the public or followers.

Congress critter Hoekstra is a Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee.

How about a committee for using you brain?

Saturday, February 07, 2009


We are under Wind Advisory. The winds are gusting from 25 mph to 45 mph. There even a warning out for high profile vehicles such as RV, big rigs, and trucks.


I had an old watch repaired. It has two faces. The top one is set on Texas time and the bottom on is set on British time.

Friday, February 06, 2009


The above photo shows where the carousel once stood in my favorite mall. Much to the annoyance of mall management I was not the only one taken photos of the empty space.

Word is the real work of the refit of the mall starts on March 15th.

The mall is currently half empty. Some stores will be shutting down permanently and others are moving else where. But it seems as if the down turn in the economy is not slowing down the remodeling.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Holly Melt Downs Batman

Christian Bale apparently blow a fuse when a cinematographer ruined a take by checking a light.
I have listened to the audio and frankly Bale is right. The reason you have technical run throughs is to solve problems such as these. If the light had blown during a take it was up to the director to call a "Bust" and have the lighting reset.
Bale was right although he could have simple asked the director to have the man tossed from the set. I also fault the director for not putting his foot down on both the actor and cinematographer.

No Longer 18

Happy Birthday Mr. Funier!
And if you don't know who Mr. Vincent Damon Funier is well in his own words "...That's a drag." Maybe you should go ask Alice, Alice Cooper that is.
Today is the 61 birthday of the main man himself Alice Cooper.
Alice is a legend in rock and roll circles, an actor, a restaurateur, a golfer, and radio DJ.
Alice legend is built around his stagecraft and showmanship.
Happy Birthday Alice, may there be many a round of golf in your future.

PS. Schools out!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


It is 32 degrees outside but no wind so it does not feel so cold. That sound odd doesn't it.
The rest of the week will be below the 80s.
This may be the ending of our winter cycle here.

I am not looking forward to summer especially hurricane season.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Hero Or Heel

WWE has turned Chris Jericho into a heel or bad guy again. Jericho is amazingly good at being a smarmy self centered jack ass. He plays the part as well if not better than most.

It is fun watching a former face or good guy turn bad, Hulk Hogan proved that in his turn into Hollywood Hogan during the nWo phase of WCWs run. Hogan did turn back into the good guy which he admitted he had planed before his turn to heel.

I think on of the great all time bad guys was Scott Hall. He just dripped evil and conceit. Jericho is giving Hall a run for his money.

Wakeup Mr. Murray

Today is Groundhog day. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow so we will have six more weeks of winter. No word if Bill Murray has seen his shadow today.
Oddly enough no one is showing the classic 1993 film. If you have not seen this jem it places Bill Murray in the role of a self centered news reporter Phil Conners. Conners must relive February 2nd over and over again until he grows up. The film is very well done and even the annoying presance of Chriss Elliott can not ruin this film. If you have one of those days that go on forever give this movie a try.

Bow Wow

Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. I however watched the Puppy Bowl 5. The Puppy Bowl is what the cable channel Animal Planet offers as counter programing to the football game.
The Puppy Bowl is a large grid marked out like a football field. Then a bunch of puppies are given a ton of toys to play with. You just sit there and watch these hyper cute hyper active pups play for an hour.
Of course there is a half time show. Kitten Show. Plenty of cute kittens play while all kinds of lights and confetti are drop on them. There where two scene stealer's in this part of the show. The first was a cat how simply had enough and decided to take a nap. There was a second kitten who was overwhelmed by it all and found a nice safe place to wait it all out.

The rest of my day was spent with housework.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Fire Warning

Even though we sit on the Gulf of Mexico and it is winter my home town is in the middle of a fire warning. The humidity is so low and it has not rained in such a long time there is a danger of fire. The people who live on the outskirts of town and the refineries are all keeping an eye out for grass fires. I would love one or maybe two more cold fronts and plenty of rain.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Boom Stick

I have been playing Gears Of War 2. This game is a blast.
The graphics, audio, and controls are all well done.
I game this a must rent for shooter fans.
4 out of 5.

Shoping Around

I went back to my old grocery store today and even through you save money by going to the discount store I rather go to my old store. Here why. I get a hug at the front door. I get to see a young lady who could not be more beautiful if she tried and is a great hugger. More over the people there help you. They are friendly, they don't look at you as if your an inconvenience in their life.

I'll keep going to the discount store to save money but I will go back to my old store just for the hugs.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just A Love Machine

Here the funniest thing ever.
The Love Trainer by Sega Toys. The Love Trainer is a headset with a built in pulse sensor. The headset will not only play music from your iPod but also coach you through a season of getting it on while tracking your pulse and giving you audio cues as what to do. This gives a whole new meaning to cyber sex. Put Zeppelin's Kashmir on your iPod and let the fun begin.

Miracles & Science

I have to scratch my head over the people who want to debunk miracles. I keep hearing it is scientifically impossible. They scream to they are blue in the face that Jesus could not raise the dead. Why not, paramedics raise the dead almost daily. People who have had their hearts stop are considered dead in some circles and yet a paramedic or someone with an understanding of CPR can bring them back.
I have a friend who is a professional tracker. To some his ability to track a man down just by following a path of clues most would miss could be consider a miracles. Yet to him it just being observant and paying attention to his surroundings.
Why can't it be both. Maybe Jesus had a far superior understanding of nature and science then we even have today.
God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. No where is there a chart comparing the length of a humans day at 24 hours and the length of a day for an immortal being.
As Einstein stated everything is a matter of perspective.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Never Piss Off A Man In A Kilt

Thinking about Kodo reminded me of another of my favorite music groups Wicked Tinkers.

Wicked Tinkers is four very big boys with a habit of beating the living hell out of anything they want. Playing music beyond description other than you want to play soccer, start riots, ransack a village, and get really drunk while listening to it.

Tinker plays drums, bag pipes, didgeridoo, and animal horns. The result is something that makes you think the apocolops has arrived and wants a pizza. NOW!

Children Of The Drum

Kodo is Japaneses for "Heartbeat" or "Children of the Drum."
Kodo is also the name of a drum based music group from Sado Island. They play the taiko style of drumming. Formed in 1981 by members of the Qndekoza taiko group and in 1988 opened the currently 25 acres of Kodo Village on Sado Island. There are 48 members 24 of which are performers and 7 of those are women.

Here is a link to their website.

Christina's World Dies

Andrew Wyeth died recently. Wyeth specialized in snap shots of life. From napping puppies to New England shorelines. But he may be most noted for Christina's World. Painted in 1948 show Christina Olson who suffered from muscular deterioration which left her paralyzed from the waist down. Although Wyeth wife Betsy poised for the painting. His paintings hang in the houses of Charles Schultz creator of the comic strip The Peanuts. In the series Snoopy had a Wyeth in his dog house. Fred Rogers also owned a Wyeth.
Wyeth was the first artist ever to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom. He also has a Congressional Gold Medal, a DFA from Bates College.
Wyeth was 91.
Christians World can be seen in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.


I went to Wal-Mart today. Wal-Mart is a discount store for almost everything. The prices are .15 to .50 cents cheaper than my favorite grocery store. For the reduced prices you get employees who are all miserable. However there are some nice cheap T shirts.

In weather news it's 40 degrees outside and may get colder. The forecast for tomorrow is for the tempature not to get out of the 50s. The rest of the week will be in the 70s.

I am going to order GTA: China Town Wars for my Nintendo DS.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Money Makes The Game

For fiscal reason I think I'll cancel my X Box Live account.


Monday was coolish and Tuesday will bring a cold front. Late Tuesday we should get a cold front. Wednesday it is expected to have a high around 50. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm also looking for the new Driver game to be released in February.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Day Of Bondage

Today BBC America is showing three of Sean Connery Bond films. It is 49 degrees outside so I am curled up with some snacks and cold drinks.

Tonight also offers a new Simpson's episode. I may watch American Dad although I personally find Family Guy who is made by the same producers down right venomous. The series started at as truly creative and inventive. But in recent years Family Guys has become a program marked with anti Christian, and anti Republican not to mention having a baby referring to bestiality. That I don't mind so much except for the shear bias of it all but where are the attacks on the other religions and political parties. If you are going to perform satire of religion and politics then target everyone. Both political parties do plenty to make themselves fodder for satire.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Good News Friends & Explosions

I just got the results from my blood work and there are "Everything is stable" which I will take for good news.
I also got to play with my friends in England. We played Call of Duty: World At War. I love getting in a tank and driving around. I also made a new on line friend and played against a very good sniper. I finally got underneath the stair landing he was on and fired a bazooka at him. I barely survived but I did get him. He sent me a message that he never would have thought of that.

PS This is my 555th post.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gripe Gripe Gripe

I want to complain about something I saw on TV. Actually it more about something I did not hear. I was watching a program about the cosmos that I found very interesting. But who ever mixed the audio was either a rank amateur. The background music was as loud as the moderator voice. When the music swelled it would in fact drown out the voice over entirely.
The reason it is called background music is it belongs in the BACKGROUND! Not as loud or louder as the voice over work. Background music is use to set the tone of a scene not over whelm the scene. Background music should be 25% or up to 85% as the narrator. This should include the loudest point of the music track.
Also, where was the director and producer of the show. If you are in that kind of position of command over a show and you have your name attached to the program I think you would want to preview the program before it airs.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today I had blood work done. The trip there was full of surprises. The first was the smell, it was very heavy metallic and acidic. Like a car on fire. The was no smoke and no signs of a wreck so the smell must have either been hanging around from an earlier wreck or drifting from one of the refineries on the far side of town. When refineries smell like that there usually is a great deal of cars with lights on them running about like lost ants and end of the world chatter on the radio. This time there was neither. Another surprise was how many of the building that where once empty and shuttered where now booming with business. Of course my home town always seems to grow when times are bad elsewhere and become stagnate when the economy is fine for everyone else. The final surprise was the young lady who took my blood. She was so small. She barely came up to my chest. She was very sweet and gentle though.
I also learned that or mayor has announced he will run for a third term. I like our mayor and consider him a friend. He always stops and talks when we run into each other. And he actually will return a phone call. I have known him for decades now and he is someone I don't mind having in office. The rest of the city council however should be made to where those location bracelets like the home parolies have to wear. One has undergone such a dramatic change in personalty after being elected I believe he may have an ailen controling him somehow.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Come Back To Me

I saw an excellent movie today.
It is "A Face In The Crowd" made in 1956. It stars Patrica Neal, Anthony Franciosa, Walter Matthue, and Andy Griffith and was directed by Elia Kazan.
Griffith play a man who takes the name Lonesome Rhodes. Rhodes is a gifted story teller, singer, and humorist. Neal finds Rhodes in jail and makes a deal with the sheriff to have Rhodes released so he can take part in her radio show A Face In The Crowd. Rhodes radio show grows as does his power of personality and ego. Rhodes eventually becomes a cult of personality, corrupt, vain, self serving and in the end weak.


I have been mulling over the recession.
Personally I have no debts I'm a cash only kind of guy.
I do find it strange that when you turn on the news the people on walls street and the car industry are telling me how to run my finances. Frankly it the car industry and wall street that got us in this mess so I think they should sit down and shut up.
It's time to let the plain folks drive the car for awhile.
Now the plain folks are partly responsible for this mess. Everyone is addicted to the endorphin rush of instant gratification. I feel the panes for a new magazine or video game. Even now I am eying a new hat.
Plain folks bought house that they could not afford. Of course congress did everything they could to make this as easy as possible. After so many years of my wandering on this planet I have learned that a great deal of evil or good can be laid at the feet of congress. The big problem with congress is their vision can only see up to the next election. We must get congress to understand that they must develop a long term vision.
They want to spend money on "infrastructure" or more simple put road work, bridge repairs, and cable laying. In other words shovel work. Problem being one: these project take so much time to start and two: they are temporary.
Beliefs and visions must be changed. We can not spend our way out of this, we must go from spending to saving.

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Horsy! Horsy!"

I have told you how my favorite mall has changed hands and names. From Padre Staples Mall to La Palmera Mall.
Now the new owners want to remove something that is cherished by children. Namely the Carousel. According to spokes person for the mall the carousel dose not fit into there grand vision for the mall and they want the carousel gone.
They have a thorn in their side. Jimmy Sosa who like any good father is fighting a giant that is determined to take away something his children enjoy. He has started a petition to save the carousel.
I wish Mr. Sosa all the luck in the world.
The management of La Palmera Mall hopefully will see that sometimes to make things better for the most of us you must include the least of us.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Which is more annoying Gordon Ramseys or a Dalek?

Why Didn't Billy Vera Warn Me

I am a victim of the great peanut butter scare. Actually I got peanut butter poisoning from some peanut butter cookies I baked. I got slightly dizzy, and a sick stomach.
But did I felt better after about forty minutes.


In this trouble times why are we spending more than 150 million dollars on a welcome to the neighborhood party for the new president?
150 Million could help some people out. It could pay off some mortgages.
I hope this is not an indication of things to come from our new president.

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Shoes Old Blue

I spent part of my Christmas gift certificate on new shoes. They are black and white and very comfy.

My dad saw his eye doctor and they ran a ton of tests and told him to come back in two months. We are taking that as good news.

I have played Call of Duty: World at War to the point that I don't think I can get any farther in the ranks. It is too the point where the people you get assigned to play with are so much better than you you are shot right after spawning. You think these game makers would see this and program for that. I guess that requires more work than they are wiling to do. For now I been trying to find new players in the co op game and help them if I can. So of these people are beyond rude and fowl mouthed. Makes you wounder how they would behave if their grandmother was watching. Some of these kids make you worry for the future of the US but then you run into kids like my buddy Toffie. Toffie is a sweet kid and enjoys playing and helping other people. Too bad there arn't more like him.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What To Play

I been mulling over what to get for my birthday.
I have seen a watch I really liked but it's very pricey.
I thought about a Nintendo Wii but they seem like a one shot system. More gimmick than a long run play value. I also consider a Sony PS3.
First it seems like the whole Sony Home system was not thought out and or released far ahead of it being complete. Also I still have yet to see Sony make amends for the whole root kit disaster a few years back. Sony in my opinion has behaved with nothing but complete arrogance.
I think I will stick to my XBox 360 even though I consider Microsoft the second most vile and evil company alive. As nasty as they are they are beginners compared to Time / Warner Cable.


I miss Nabisco Bacon Thins. They where a great snack crackers, Unfortunately Nabisco stopped making them years ago.

Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty

Today a man went above and beyond the call of duty. Chesley B. "Scully" Sullenberger III was the pilot of US Airways Flights 1549. He landed his plane in the Hudson River saving the lives of all on board.

The plane apparently was hit by two geese. Sullenberger landed the plan in the Hudson river. He saved the lives of 155 people including one baby. The worse of the injuries was one women who suffered two broken legs.

All in all I say this man worked a miracle today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

From Hells Heart I Stab At The

Richardo Montalban died today. He was 88 years old. He was best know as Mr. Roarke of the TV series Fantasy Island. He is also know amongst Trekkers as Khan Noonien Singh in the episode Space Steed. and later the movie Wrath of Khan. He was a regular in TV and films from 1943 until 2008.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cold As Ice

We are under a freeze warning. It may be at or below freezing for an hour tonight. Time for the flannel sheets.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Gettin' Indoors

We went to the grocery store. While loading the car to head home a small black bird decided he had enough of the cold weather. He followed an elderly gentleman into the store and parked himself in front of a vending machine where the warm air from the machines fan was blowing on him. He sat down and made himself at home.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Just in time for the cold weather my grocery store had a handful of Chimineas for sale. These are outdoor fireplace made of clay. They are used for heat during cold weather barbecues. It's also if you are careful a great place to burn papers you don't want some ass wipe thief to get his hands on.

Happy Happy Joy Joy

It is 48 degrees outside. They say it will not get out of the 60s this week! In fact if the forecast comes true it may get even colder!!

In other news the kitchen has all new lighting. It's very nice and bright in there. The lights are in groups of two and threes and can be aimed. I can actually see to cook or chop food.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


It is 59 degrees. It may even be colder tomorrow. This is more like it.

The lights in the kitchen are being replaced with even brighter lights but they use less power.

I have been playing Call of Duty World at War and have found myself in the middle of the forming of a clan. A clan is when a group of friends decide to play together. I do not qualify to be in the clan due to my rank and play skill number. None the less they kept asking me to play.

The funniest part was being chased by a bad guy hell bent on killing me and was run over by his own tank.

Friday, January 09, 2009


It is 83 degrees out side in January. If I wanted this kind of heat I would live...

Come on cold front.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sprung Cleaning

Today it warmed up and I did some cleaning. I threw out pounds upon pounds of paperwork that piles up over the year.

The forecast calls for a little more weather with temperatures in the 80 and a cool front Saturday.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Apple Finally Gets It

Apple has announce that soon content from the Apple iTunes store will be DRM free.
DRM (Digital Rights Management) has been a big pain in the side for end line users aka the paying customers.
They have also announced variable pricing. From as low as $ .69 to as high as $ 1.29 per song. Albums will still be $9.99.
With this in mind I just might get an iPod for my birthday.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

The Christmas decorations are put away. The tin of Christmas popcorn is almost empty. Once the can is empty it will be cleaned out and used to store my cold weather gear. I have some heavy gloves, scarfs, hats, and a wind mask. Once in the tin they can hang out in my closet until next year.

Christmas always comes and goes to fast for me. There so much good music to enjoy. This raises another problem which is the box containing the Christmas music is falling apart. I'll have to find a stronger one.

Until November.


It is 49 degrees outside. Todays expected high is 50. This is my kind of weather.
The rest of the week should be nice and never break out of the 70s.
Enjoy it while it last this is South Texas it should be hot as hell in a few months.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Un Fun Drunks

Criticizing is fun. Face we all love to complain about politics, bad movies, crappy video games, lemon cars, and such.
But professional critics take all the fun out of it.
This is why I recommend you not listen to them whatever your field of endeavor be. People who do nothing but find fault and gripe are like drunkards. There are drunks, fun loving guys who only drink on the weekends and start telling everyone they meet "I love you man!" These guys usually have someone drive them home and can be counted on to be there when the chips are down. Then there are drunkards. Alcoholics who not only drink to the point of making them selves miserable but make all those around them miserable as well.
Professional critics wine so much it just becomes background noise, that tiny buzzing of a gnat that flies around your head and grouches endlessly.
DO NOT listen to these people. They have nothing of use to offer. They object solely to object and be an annoyance. They will not offer any support, will cower when confronted, and never ever give you praise when you do good.
Professional critics are paid to bitch and nobody likes a bitch.