Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have been mulling over the recession.
Personally I have no debts I'm a cash only kind of guy.
I do find it strange that when you turn on the news the people on walls street and the car industry are telling me how to run my finances. Frankly it the car industry and wall street that got us in this mess so I think they should sit down and shut up.
It's time to let the plain folks drive the car for awhile.
Now the plain folks are partly responsible for this mess. Everyone is addicted to the endorphin rush of instant gratification. I feel the panes for a new magazine or video game. Even now I am eying a new hat.
Plain folks bought house that they could not afford. Of course congress did everything they could to make this as easy as possible. After so many years of my wandering on this planet I have learned that a great deal of evil or good can be laid at the feet of congress. The big problem with congress is their vision can only see up to the next election. We must get congress to understand that they must develop a long term vision.
They want to spend money on "infrastructure" or more simple put road work, bridge repairs, and cable laying. In other words shovel work. Problem being one: these project take so much time to start and two: they are temporary.
Beliefs and visions must be changed. We can not spend our way out of this, we must go from spending to saving.

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