Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Ironbound Vampire DVD

I was given a DVD to review. It's called The Ironbound Vampire.

The Iron bond Vampire was made in 1998. It is the story of a Vampire spreading misery to the populous of Newark, as if living in Newark isn't miserable enough. This is a low budget underground movie, which makes sense as the audio sounds like it was done in a subterranean tunnel.
The film looks like it was edited and lit by someone wearing a too large miner's hat.
The film was written, directed, and produced by Karl Petry.
You know a film is bad when the high school kids are better actors than the adults. But that should not be surprising as everyone seems to be graduates of the Ed Wood's school of over acting. In fact two of Ed Wood's actors Doloras Fuller and Conrad Brooks make appearances in the film.
The film will teach you a few things about the vampire community you may not know, such as Vampire weddings are messy and mullets seem to be very popular among Vampires.
The film moves as fast as a decomposing corpse. The plot is more soap opera than horror film. There are interviews with several of the Vampires victims. I am surprised they haven't joined forces and sued the Vampire.
The DVD does include out takes from the movie, the trailer, and a debate on vampires.

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