Sunday, December 25, 2005

Melancholy Christmas

It has been a very melancholy Christmas.
First off I haven't felt all that great and Christmas eve was really hard. I simply didn't have any energy.
Secondly. I miss my mom. My mom died of cancer many years ago. I also miss my sister. My sister has moved out of town and apparently out of my life.
Finlay I miss our old cat Mookie. Mookie loved Christmas especially the wrapping paper. To him wrapping paper is the best toy in the world.
Our current cat Bill loves to nap under the Christmas tree but that seems to be the extent of his feelings for Christmas.
There was also only four houses on my block with any Christmas lights what so ever.
I dread New Years eve.
I also was sadden by the way television has handled Christmas. With all the different versions of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol movies the are (over ten I can count) why does TBS show "A Christmas Story" over and over to the point of noisome.
And the only network that has seem to have received the Christmas spirit. The Shop at Home network has been playing a b roll of Christmas tape over and over with lots of Christmas Muzak. The have also been running CG's of Charities phone number and web sites. My favorite part of the show has been a two minute segment of a man dress as a toy soldier. He plays the part to the hilt and seems to really enjoy the kids reaction to him. He has a wind up key on his back the spins around and around. My guess is he is in some mall. I would like to know more about this fellow.
Thats it for now...
Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night.

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