Monday, February 27, 2006

The Warlord Returns

DC Comics has brought back Mike Grell's classic comic book The Warlord.
However Grell is not involved, Bruce Jones and Bart Sears are writing this version of a modern day pilot stranded in a land governed by barbarians and dinosaurs.
It will be interesting to see what they do with this comic.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A Busy Day In The Neighborhood

Last Thursday was my birthday. I turned forty something.
I got some cupcakes, peanut butter cookies, and the dinosaur Stikfas I pre ordered months ago showed up.
I also got to talk to my best friend Kim.
My dad has been on a redecoration being. The is a new ramp for the scooter I do not have yet and a freshly painted wall in one room. Best of all the drain in my bathroom was cleaned out.
I have reshedualed all my doctors appointments.
I see my dentist Wens day and my heart doctor in a few weeks.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Feeling Better Baby

I fell better than I have in some time. I bought some of those anti bacterial wipes and attacked my bathroom with them. It's amazing how dirty things get when you aren't constantly cleaning after yourself.
I am not a germ a phobia on the scale of Howie Mandel who wears rubber gloves to play poker but I have become aware how important it is to keep things clean.
The handles on you bathtub, showers and sinks are a great place to hang out if your a germ. So are doorknobs and remote controls. So I'm wiping them all down and letting them dry. It will be well worth the effort if I don't get as sick as I have been the last two weeks.
Tonight is Mythbusters but it is a pair of repeat programs.
I am also looking forward to watching last nights episode of DLTV with Patric Norton.
I miss Tech TV.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

So it continuous.

Well the scooter drama rolls on, still.
I had a meeting with a new guy from a new store and after answering a bunch of questions and having everything but my inseam measured he says he will have the paper work completed so I can take it with me Monday when I see my heart doctor.
I can only guess at what his reaction will be.
I am half dreading my dental appointment Tuesday but I want the filling done and over with.
My dad has been feeling bad as of today. I think he picked up something at the VA Hospital in San Antonio. Ever time he goes up there he seems to come back with some kind of bug.

V P Bang Bang

Well the up roar over Vice Presidents Dick Cheney's accidental shooting of friend and fund raiser Harry Whitenton goes on.
By my understanding both parties are to blame. Both Cheney and Whitenton was not following standard safety procedures while hunting.
What gets me was the fact that Cheney was using an expired permit. He the Vice President of the United States, you think at least he would take his duties as a hunter seriously or that someone in his office staff would have looked into his permits and made sure they where up to date.
The media is shrieking over the fact they had to learn of this from a one lung newspaper based in a city that is a hemorrhoid on the ass of the nation. Frankly I have no love for the major media and so called news services.
Well at at least it will give the late night guys something to joke about for a while. I think David Letterman came up with the beast line in "Ladies and gentlemen we have found weapons of mass destruction and it's Dick Cheney."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I see my dentist next Tuesday.
I'm a little concerned that he will be too gun ho and want to do everything at once. I know what my body can take and having several holes drilled in my head at once is not one of them. Hopefully I can get him to take things one step at a time.
I also have an appointment with my cardiologist Monday morning. I hope I will get a good report. I know next time I see him which will be mid summer heat wave I will feel drained and exhausted.
If I read the schedule right there will be no Mythbusters tomorrow night. BOO!
Come on Discovery channel you are really letting me down.

Goowy stuff.

Yesterday was Valentines day.
All day long I had the J. Giels band song "Love Sticks" going through my head.

I played with Goowy.
Goowy is a web based desktop environment.
It allows you to use widgets to check several emails clients, search using various search engines, play games, view short movies, and keeps track of you local weather.
I was not bowled over by it.
It is nice and good looking but I didn't see anything Konfabulator does not already do.
You may want to give it a try at

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Gettin' Better All The Time

I feel much better.
I hope I can see my dentist Thursday or Friday.
I father has a appointment with at the VA hospital Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully it will be more good news.
His last check up came back glowing and they said he was doing better than expected.

Last Wednesday Mythbusters was a repeat. TV show have gotten softer on there idea on how many episodes makes up a season. Your lucky if they produce twelve to fifteen shows and call that a season. I my day it was twenty to twenty four episodes, or fifty shows with some programs.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I feel much better. I don't have much energy but I feel human again.

I have been playing a demo for the xbox game "Totaloverdose."
It's another of one of those mindless shooters. You play a young man who goes running and gunning for various reasons.
It's a blast.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another Tricky Day

I feel better so, much so I am catching up on my bills.

Apple has announced a new iPod. Around $150.00. Now I know what I want for my Birthday.

A rerun of an old Mythbusters episode will play tonight on the Discovery channel. Tomorrow night is a new episode.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Breath Deep

Well I'm back from my doctors and he gave me some medicines. I already feel a little better.
I did get to watch Bravos Celebrity Poker Showdown. A collection of B to C list celebrities play Texas Hold 'Em to win money for a charity. This is the first time I sat down and watched any type of poker being played.
To me poker is harder than chest. In chest you can see your opponents pieces but in poker you do not know their cards. You can deduce what they have by the way they bet and how their react to the cards being dealt.

Long Time No Hear From or Pardon My Wheezing

I fell like hell. I think I have another respiratory infection. I'll find out more when I see my doctor today.

Last weeks Myth busters was fun. The busted the myth that helium in a football will give the football more lift.

I really didn't watch the Super bowl. What few commercials I saw where uninspiring except for the Budweiser horse one. A young colt decides thinks he can move the Budweiser wagon and does, actually there where a couples of Cly dales helping him as the secretly pushed from behind.

Well the scooter opera goes on. I figure it will be a month before I know one way or the other.