Thursday, June 08, 2006

One Good Deed ?

Long time no post.
There is so little going on here that I have little to say but here is a brief summery of the past few months.
The local grocery store had a basket with a sign stating "Book Drop Off". So I decided I drop off some books I had. As I dropped off the books I noticed in tiny print..."for children". By that time it was too late. My contrabution... Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Mummy. Well I may have a hand in the development of the next Steven King.
I have a new GP. He a nice guy and fellow lover if comic books. He gave me a physical and then he listened to my heart. Not often you hear a doctor go "Woe!"
I have abandoned my Hotmail account as the new password can not be remembered and every time I try to get into the account I have to try five or six tries. This also makes getting into my XBox Live account impossible. Lets see Tom Cruise deal with Microsoft for once.
I took my chair to the mall to visit a friend who celebrating her birthday.
The mall is now one sixth empty. Also the price of popcorn and drinks have skyrocketed.
We are days deep into hurricane season and so far so good.
I am staying out of the heat the best I can and being a good boy with what I eat.

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