Saturday, August 05, 2006

More Pointless Grinding of Teeth

From: PC Magazine,1895,1998079,00.asp

House Wants to Kick MySpace Out of Schools
By Errol Pierre-Louis
Social networking sites such as could soon be banned from schools and libraries, pending the passage of a new law aimed to protect kids. The Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) is intended to limit a pedophiles access to networking sites which have become immensely popular among kids and young teens. Critics believe the act is too broad and does not necessarily accomplish anything meaningful other then cutting off users from popular Web sites. The act already passed the House of Representatives on July 26th by a sweeping 410 to 15 margin.
Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick (R-Ohio) introduced the DOPA act. In his speech before the vote, he described social networking sites as "a happy hunting ground for child predators." The act covers all federal institutions receiving funding for computers and Web access via the US E-Rate scheme, which primarily means schools and libraries. The American Library Association (ALA) estimates that two-thirds of US libraries receive this funding.
The act would require these institutions to install filters to block social networking sites where children might be subject to "unlawful sexual advances." The act leaves the final definition of a social network up to the Federal Communications Commission, but suggests that any site that enables users to build personal profiles and converse with other users should be banned from libraries and schools. This definition would include many sites, like,, blogging sites, and interactive news pages.Leslie Burger, president of the ALA, in a statement called the act "redundant and unnecessary legislation," pointing out that the Children's Internet Protection Act already requires libraries to block Web content that is harmful to children. Other critics believe the act only succeeds in limiting children and teen access to popular sites rather than actually "deleting" online predators.
Sites like "Save Your Space" have popped up with an online petition looking to rally support against the impending act. Their organization's goal is to collect 1 million signatures in a month.
In order for the act to become law it must pass the Senate in a vote likely to take place in early August.

Here my view.
This is just a grand bit of saber rattling. If Congress wanted to deter crimes against children they would make the punishment a great deal stronger.
This is a typical over reaction that will punish the innocent and have absolutely no effect on the perpetrators.

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