Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Inhale Exhale

I took my breathing test today. The results where about the same as last year.

Monday, June 23, 2008

"Tonight's Forcast... Dark!"

George Carlin the comedian passed away today. Carlin was brilliant and insightful. This world will be that much darker without George.

George Denis Patrick Carlin 1937 - 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Breath In

Wensday I have my yearly repository exam.
Thats the one where I breath heavy into a machine that looks like a cross between an aqua lung and a fax machine.

However Kim's new shop is not to far away so I hope to be able to drop in and say hi to her.

I saw my heart doctor last week and he reduced one pill by half. I take that as good news.

My dad saw his eye doctor and they say his eyes are getting worse although he doesn't feel that way.

I still have yet to have my yearly blood test by the blood specialist. I dread this as just getting an appointment is like hand to hand combat with an octopus. The office staff seems to be only given to arguing or stalling. I am however gonna give them a fight they wont forget.

I am walking on my own. My walk looks like a cross between John Wanye's limp and Tim Conway's shuffle he used as the old man character.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Signs of a Truely Advance Civilazation on Mars

NASA reported today that they have fund ice on Mars.
They claim to have found evidence that there is enough frozen water to cover the entire surface of Mars in 11 meters or 36 feet deep.

"The south polar layered deposits of Mars cover an area bigger than Texas. The amount of water they contain has been estimated before, but never with the level of confidence this radar makes possible," said Jeffrey Plaut of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena Calif.

The conclusion:
The Martians had their drinks on ice.

What more signs of civilization do you need?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Gettin Hitched, Ditched, and Bitched.

The Bay Area of California is now allowing Gay or Same Sex marriages.
There of course be a great deal of whooping, yelling, foot stomping, and hand wringing.
In other words the people who make anti headaches meds are having a field day.

I say let them get married.
The bigger the wedding the better.
Consider it a economic incentive plan for the bay area.
Think of all the florists and catering's who will make money off this. More over if you look forward you will see a army of devoice lawyers lining up to dance jigs over the bodies of even more fallen marriages. Marriage concealer's of course will have their business double.

Let them get married.
They will find the grass is only not greener on the other side but the grass is full of snakes, spiders, and dead lawn mowers.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tenacity Or Stupidity

According to a BBC report Hilliary Clinton has announced that she will finally withdraw from the Democratic presidential nomination race and back Obama.

I have heard a lot of people saying they have started to admire Hillary for her tenacity in still running the race to the bitter end.

I'm not so sure that it is tenacity or sheer stupidity.
Is Hillary so dim she can not see the screamingly obvious?
I also wounder if the fight to the bitter end is part of a long term game plan designed to cast her as a strong candidate for the next Democratic presidential race?

I also wounder about how her own self image is effecting herself. She by my understanding has more than once has tried to compare herself to Bobby Kennedy.
Does Hillary see herself as someone so important that she can be compared to Bobby Kennedy?

I personally think Hillary is dangerous.
I will not vote for her to hold any office.
I feel she is simply trying to guarantee her place in history in a way not connected the the Clinton / Lewinsky scandal. She is out for herself and has no consideration for how her actions effect the people around her or the people she represents.

Hillary has a place in history already and has shown herself to be a shrewd and clever person.

The coming presidential race will be interesting to watch. From this point it time it looks like Obama will be victorious but election day is a long ways away and anything can happen.

More Bad News

My father came back from San Antonio today. He was there for his twice a year checkup. They would like to operate again but he said he wanted to wait a while.

Hurricane season has started and I can not wait for it to end.

I received a bill from ATT for 190.00. I called and told them I felt I had be repeatedly lied to. I was told my contract would expire on April 5th of this year. I was given the run around until I asked if it was necessary for me to contact the Texas Attorney General Office, The FCC, and The Texas Communication Commission.

They suddenly decided that I owed them no money what so ever.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Return

Well my xbox came home and I have restarted playing Grand Theft Auto 4.
I still love this game.