Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Feel Like Dancing

Today is the final day of hurricane season.
Tropical Update: Nothing Cooking.
Stomach: Very Very Happy

Don't Eat The Roach

I've been playing Fallout 3.
This is a game made by Bethesda. They made one off my all time favorite games Oblivion.
The game is a lot like Oblivion but set in a post nuclear apocalyptic world. However the game is dull as a butter knife. As much as I wanted to like this game I just couldn't.
First off paint dries at a faster pace than this game moves.
Secondly everything is a depressing shade of gray.
Third everyone speaks in hushed tones like the are afraid of waking someone kid.
Finally all the none player charterers look like they escaped from an episode of Clutch Cargo.
Everyone stand or sits perfectly still and only moves their lips. The only NPC that does any real acting is a Robby The Robot rip off that guards the entrance of a town called Megaton.
I am very disappointed with Fallout 3.
This is a rent if you must game.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Once Again Into The Breech

I've been playing World At War. In fact I am stuck. I must clear out the gun crew of a few cannons and then work my way into a huge building. The big problem is there are no save points and I keep getting blown to bits by grenades. If that is not frustrating enough the headset for my 360 has broken.
I still recommend this game though.

Go Ask Alice

My cardiologist office called and he has taken me off one pill entirely. I don't know if this is good or bad but that one less pill to keep track of.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 34
Seattle Seahawks 9

The boys are back.

Go Cowboys.

Parade O' Crap

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade gets better every year. OK OK I'm sorry it's difficult to put sarcasm across in a blog.
The parade is now a long commercial for every pop star, soap opera, Broadway play, and Al Roker project under the sun.
In fact there hardly is any parade in this parade.
There more plugs in the parade in Elton Johns hair transplant.
I give up. I'll just line up my Hot Wheels cars and have a far more enjoyable parade on my table top.

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
Here a list of things I am thankful for.
My Xbox Live friends Barry, Fish, Gavin, and Hellz.
The fact I'm not in the hospital.
The price of gas going down.
The Mythbusters.
My dads good health.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

These Are The Voyages

The Biography channel has announced a new talk show.
William Shanter's Raw Nerve.
Premiering December 2nd William Shanter will be interviewing people one on one in a style only Shanter can do.
I think Shanter is one of the most fascinating people around and here he is interviewing people like Kelsey Gramer, Valerie Bertineli, and Lenard Nimoy.
Shanter interviewing Nimoy has to be good TV.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good News

I saw my heart doctor today.
Other than some blood work next week there nothing to report. The biggest news was they have new wallpaper and everyone hates it.
I have gained 10 lbs over the past year.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Moma Said You Shouldn't Play With Elvs

I have been playing A Kingdom For Kerflings.
This is a game from the Xbox Live market place. You play a giant who must help his knee high friends the Kerflings.
Kerflings are not the brightest things walking but work hard and are very friendly although they do like being touched. You and the little folk build a kingdom (aperantly no one cares if the giant catches cold). You guide the moving and harvesting of resorces and build the places where they are put to use.
This is a simple pick up and play game with nothing fancy going on.
However it is a great deal of fun for the creative and bossy types.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 35
San Fransisco 49's 22

The 49's grabbed an early lead but Cowboys took a decive lead in the second quarter and maintained it.


Today I feel like absolute crap. The only good part was the final serving of Jello and the Dallas Cowboys won today.
I'm slowly feeling better.


There is nothing worse than being alone.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fresh Off The Platypus

Rockstar has announced an expansion for their game GTA 4. This will be the first in a two part story entitled "The Lost & The Damned" There will be a new main character in this story. Also new vehicles and weapons. This is shedual for released in Febuary.

Like Old Times

I got to play Halo 3 with my overseas brother and friend "Fish."
We have not played together in ages and is was fun although I got stuck in the floor and spent most of the game watching people run by me.
I learned my friend Gav has closed his XBox account so I won't be playing with him anymore. Sad really. Poor old man having a business to run. He a kid really and owns his own business. Good work OLD man.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

War Is Heck

I got Call of Duty World of War for the 360.
This game is a blast.
You play the parts of an average grunts in WW2. You fight overwhelming numbers of bad guys some of who behave like you owe them money.
There is also a "Death Card" collection. The cards behave much like the skulls in Halo 3. They open odd and some silly in game effects. There is a card that allows you to fire exploding bullets when you are injured and waiting for medical attention.
The graphics are well done.
The audio is also very well done.
The controls are easy to understand.
I give this game a 4.5 out of 5. (Based on the point there is no such thing as a perfect five game.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I saw my doctor today. All the usual stuff. While waiting afterwards I noticed this skylight. This is the best part of an otherwise stomach churning bad building.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The Thanksgiving decorations are out.
No plans have been made and we may not have guests for the first time in ages.
Hopefully this year the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade wont be one long ego feast for Al Roker.
Shut up Al I want to see the floats, the bands, and the balloons not your ego a go go.

Cowboys Win Romo Returns

Dallas Cowboys 14
Washington Redskins 10

The Redskins took an early seven point lead but the Cowboys came back in the second quarter and moved ahead in the fourth quarter to win the game.

Here that Gavin, MY Cowboys beat your Redskins.

This was the first game with Tony Romo back in charge.

Welcome back Tony.

Go Cowboys!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Music

My trip to the mall had a nice find in the Christmas cutout bend. I picked up two Cd's for under 7 dollars.
However the main cause for the trip was the controller for my 360 died. That was 50 dollars I would have much rather kept.


As you can see by this photo of my inside outside thermometer it is finally below 60 degrees outside. Winter is more or less here finally. Now hopefully it will stay cool for a few months.


I went to the mall earlier this week and found this interesting item in the parking garage.
There is a rumor that the mall will get a new book store. Yeah!

Friday, November 14, 2008


THQ who published Smackdown vs Raw 2009 has released an announcement that a patch will be issued.
"The patch will allow fans of the leading fighting video game franchise to give all of their created Superstars full attributes after completing the new Career Mode one time through. Given the overall popularity of the Create-A-Superstar feature and the fans' ongoing demand for more flexibility, this new patch will greatly enhance the player's ability to fully customize many created Superstars at the same time."
Now the question is why didn't they see this flaw before the game was sent to retailers. Unlike the "Abbot Flaw" in Fable 2, this was so obvious the game should have been fixed while in development.
Someone was not thinking. I'm sorry but if your too damn lazy not to think things through you should lose your job.
I look forward to the patch. Now if only they would add a flame thrower to use on Triple H.
The patch will be released sometime before January 31st 2009.

Stop The Maddness

In July 4 1997 the Sojourner robot was sent to Mars to explore while its cowardly creators stayed in a nice safe warm building on Earth. The Sojourner died alone September 27 1997. Now the tragedy continues while two innocent robots perish in the vacuum of space. The Mars Phoenix Lander has died leaving only a sad binary message saying "Triumph". Also The Spirit Rover was consumed by a hateful Martian dust storm.
Why would the dieing breath of a brave robot be to plug a Canadian hard rock band?
When will the heartless madness stop. When will NASA cease sending defenseless robots to Mars only to die a bitter cold death.
Therefor I would like to announce the forming of an action comity called PETME.

People for the

Unite and force NASA to stop this heartless course of action. No more of our robot brothers and sisters must die alone in space where no one can hear you scream.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Will Goggle Provide Some Soup

Goggle has announced that they can track an out break of the flue by tracking search requests on the topic of the flue.
Goggle will combine with the CDC (Center of Disease Control) to run a website with daily graphs showing where the flue is breaking out. The data will show the location and intestacy of flue out breaks allowing the CDC to react quicker to problemed areas.
OK everyone on Thanksgiving day at noon everyone do a search for The Plague.

Game Problems

I have fallen victim to the Abbot Flaw. In the game Fable 2 when you talk to a quest giver called the Abbot you must listen to his entire speech before heading out on the quest. If you head out before he is done the game will not allow you to talk to him again. This breaks the main storyline of the game. So I'll have to start all over again. Not so bad but annoying.

Friendly Voices

I got to talk to my UK brother today. It was nice to hear from him.

Monday, November 10, 2008


One of my all time favorite games is Texas Hold Em for the Game Boy Advance by Skyworks and Majesco. This is a real simple card game. The whole game is well done and kept simple and easy to understand. It was released in 2004. The background piano jazz riff is worth the price of the game alone. If you want a inexpensive card game for your GBA give this thing a try.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Can You Smell...

I have been playing Smackdown vs Raw 2009.
This game is far better than last years offering in the series. The create a wrestler is back and just as deep last time. Plenty to play with here. You can also add your own Entrance music from the hard drive of your 360. The graphics are on par with last years if not better and the audio is just as good. This leads to the games big flaw. The control system is still a jumbled mess and poorly laid out. It takes two buttons to get back into the ring. Y for finishers is the biggest problem. The 2007 system was easier to use and a more natural lay out.
The big plus of this years game is the create a finisher feature. You can pick from a list of animation moves and string them in order to make a finisher. The are up to ten spaces to use. The are moves that will make your opponent bleed. Oddly there are very few pinning moves.
On a scale of 1 to 5 I give this a weak 4 due to the poor and illogical control scheme. A must have for WWE and or wrestling fans and far better than the TNA game released earlier this year.
Must rent if not buy.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tropical Update

Hurricane Paloma

Latitude 21.1N
Longitude 77.6W
Winds: 100 mph
Moving: North Eats 5 mph
Pressure: 975 millibars

Paloma course is projected North East away from the United Sates.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Mall Christmas

I went to the mall today. My friends did a great job of decorating their store front.
I dropped my camera, it's scratched up but seems to work fine.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cable Greed

The Federal Communication Commission is looking into the rearranging of the channel listings for some subscribers. Some cable providers having be moving channel into their digital listings as to force some customers to subscribe to the more expensive digital packages.
The result being that subscribers are getting fewer channels for their money or paying for the more expensive tier to get the channels they had back.
The FCC has sent out a letter of inquiry.
The letter can be seen here.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Great Bird Of The Galaxy

With the election of Obama I can't help but feel somewhere Gene Rodberry is smiling.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

History In The Making

Tonight history was made.
The first black president of the United States of America was elected.
The are also changes made in congress. The Democrats have tightened their grip on Congress.
This is also the first time in ages two Senators have run for president. This is the first time scene president Kennedy that a sitting congressman has been elected president.
This may be part of America moving more towards the left.
Remember this date.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Toys In The Attic

A 1,400 pound tank of ammonia is falling towards us. The refrigerator sized tank was let loose from the international space station. Hopefully it will burn up in orbit and fall harmlessly to earth.
I can see the headlines now. "Man crushed by orbiting freezer."

Shock The Vote

“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.”

William E Simon

Some say they are sending a message by not voting, BS. The message your sending is "I'm lazy."
If you don't vote you are not taking any actions to change the political items that you have been complaining about. You are allowing the thieves and crooks to continue to steal from you unchecked and unpunished. If you don't like what the Democrat or Republicans have to offer vote for a third party candidate. Write in a vote for someone who you think can do a better job. Failing that write in a vote of someone out of protest. Vote for Bugs Bunny.
In any event go vote.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 14
New York Giants 35

The Giants maintained their lead throughout the game.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Dallas Cowboys Schedule

November 2 4:15pm New York Giants.
November 16 8:15pm Washington Redskins.
November 23 1:00pm San Francisco 49ers.
November 27 4:15pm Seattle Seahawks.

Go Cowboys.

Tricks N Treats

Last night was Halloween. We actually had a few more kids this year than last year.
Also my father was very bored so much to my surprise the Christmas Tree was up and fully decorated. The departments stores have nothing on us.