Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Old Days

Here a pic of my good friend Mando and the legendary Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The year is drawing to a close and one of the more morbid things to do is look at all the people that have passed on in the past year. Here the ones I remember.

Eartha Kitt singer actor ground breaker.
Barry Moorse actor Space 1999.
Suzanne Pleshette actor Bob Newheart Show.
Roy Scheider actor Jaws, 2010 A Space Odyssey.
Sir Aurthur C Clark writer 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Charlton Heston actor The Ten Commandments, Planet of the Apes Touch of Evil.
John Archibald Wheeler physicist coined the terms Black Hole and Worm Hole.
Alexander Courage composer wrote music for Star Trek and other TV series.
Robert Lynn Asprin writer The Myth series.
Dick Martin director and co host of Laugh In.
Harvey Korman actor The Carol Burnett Show and Blazing Saddles.
Bo Didley guitarist Im A Man.
Satn Wiston special effects makeup artist Ailens.
George Carlin comedian Dirty Words.
Don S. Davis actor Stargate SG1.
Isaac Hayes singer Shaft.
Jerry Reed guitarist singer actor Someky and the Bandit, Hotstuff ,songs Eastbond and Down, When Your Hot Your Hot.
Bill Melendeze animater Peanuts specials.
Majel Barrette Roddenberry actor Star Trek.
Dr. Michael DeBakey heart surgen.

Post Christmas Shoping

We went to the local strip mall yesterday. There where lots of bargain hunters. I did not find anything worth buying.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dallas Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 6
Philadelphia Eagles 44

In a game where the Cowboys must win they failed to even show up.


The cool front finally came in. There was a chill in the air and you had to bundle up to go outside. It was glorious.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Today we set a new record high of 90 degrees.
But we did get a new cool front so tomorrow should not exceed 70 degrees.
We need a cold front!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happiness And Cheer

Christmas day has past. However in keeping with my moms wishes the tree will be up until January 1st.

I have already seen a Christmas tree thrown out waiting for the brush collector.

How quickly time moves.

I hope we get a good cold front Saturday. We have had to run the air conditioner the past few days.

I never found my Christmas stocking. I have no idea where it is.

Such is life.


"Happiness is a large and caring family... in another city"
George Burns

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Cup Of Warm Coffie

It's still cold here and there was a line of seagulls sitting on a coffee shop enjoying the exhaust heat.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Top Five

Here in no particular order are my top five games of the year.

Sid Meier's Civilization
One of my favorite games this year. Brilliantly done from beginning to end and on all side.
Sharp audio and graphics and well done controls. Add to this a plethora of down loadable content including new seriousness and maps. a great deal of the DLC is free.

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009
After the train wreck of a game last year the series has greatly improved. Well done graphics and audio and improved controls. This is a must have for wrestling fans.

Call Of Duty World At War
Set in World War 2. An excellent game with plenty to do. The single player game is excellent and the on line play is exceptional.

Garnd Theft Auto 4
Outstanding game. Well written, great production and game play. On line play is endless.

Saints Row 2
Far better than the original. A clearly over the top game.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Boom Boom Out Go The Lights

I woke up this morning to either thunder or mortar fire. It traveled from one side of the house to the back yard then from one power pole to the other. My next door neighbor lost power and my other neighbor saw fireworks in my backyard.
I called the power company and they showed up in under an hour. After forty minutes of asking questions and staring at the power lines the power guy trimmed some trees and fiddled with this and that.
I have no idea what happened but the power is purring along fine.

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 24
Baltimore Ravines 33

Just plain sad.

Friday, December 19, 2008


A disappointing Mythbusters this week. The show they claimed was new was in fact a rerun of a Christmas special from last year.
Here are a few of the results.
A snowman will melt slower if he is dressed in cloths.
An ice sickle can fall fast enough and be large enough to be lethal.
The temperature in the surrounding rooms of a house will decrees when you light the fire place.
I hope Jamie and Adam have some new stuff for the new year.

Short Sleeve December

It was in the low 80s here today. That and 100 humidity made for a very muggy day. Christmas stuff is now on sale at the stores but I did not find anything wort buying.
We should have a cold front tomorrow night or Sunday night depending on how fast the fronts travel. It is snowing all over the USA and I am envious.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rectal Probe

I have been playing Destroy All Human Path of the Furon.
You play Cryptosporidium, a grouchy, grumpy, and greedy alien who sound like Jack Nicholson. Crypto had a bit of a bender and crashed his flying saucer into a Los Vegas hotel. He now manages that hotel and is not have fun as a family of bad guys want him out of business. Armed with rays guns, cloaking devices, mental powers, and rectal probes Crypto is out to take care of bussiness.
The game is fun, the scene of humor is childish, and the voice work is outstanding.
The graphics are poor for a next generation system.
The controls are fine.
The audio is well done.
I give this game a 3.5 mostly because of the sadly done graphics.
This is a rent if you want a silly game.


Majel Barrett Roddenberry, widow of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry died today.
She died of leukemia at age 76.
She started out as second in command of the Enterprise in the unaired pilot, then played head nurse Christine Chapel in Star Trek the original series and then Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek The Next Generation. She also appeared in other Star Trek movie and TV series as the voice of the computer system. She also served as producer of two other TV seris.
Union Pacific
railroad engineers enlisted her voice talents for their track-side defect detecor devices, used in various Union Pacific railroad locations deployed west of the Mississippi River. When a defect is identified, the system responds with her voice announcing information to the train's head-end crew.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lazy Day

Today I did nothing but sleep and decorate for Christmas.
It still cold here but warming up but I for some reason just slept the day away.
They say we will have another cold front by Monday. Fine by me.
I have finished the decorating and wrapping but can not find my Christmas Stocking.
I hope to find it as I have used the same hand made one for as long as I can remember. That stocking and I have been through some nasty times together.

Are There No Prisons

Here my Christmas movie for the day.
A Christmas Carol made for TV in 1999.
This is a close retelling of the Dickens book, however a small bit of overacting and a absolutely silly ghost of Christmas Past make the a mediocre movie.
Patrick Stewart better know a Capitan Pichard from Star Trek The Next Generation plays a closed and tightfisted Scrooge. The film flowes wonderfully until the last two ghosts. The ghost of Chriistmas Present is over acted and the finnal spirt is down right laughable. The ghost of Christmas past is a man in a cloak with some kind of structure serving as the ghost head complete with two low powered LED lights for eyes. The shoulders of this ghost are far too low below the head of this ghost for it to be belivable and the constant close ups of the LEDs just make matters worse.
Patrock Stewart does a great job as a self centered and self absorbed Scrooge.
Liz Smith returns for a third movie appearance as the char women Mrs. Dilber.

Little People

How will you treat the little people?
They are just going about their business.
Singing Christmas carol and Santa is making his rounds and then you come along. You shake up the quite little world that lives inside an on line snow glob. You click the globe to shake it then thing go wild. Snow people and even Santa go wildly careening through their tiny world.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


There where kids actually singing Christmas carols in our grocery store today.


You know it's cold when the paper mache pumpkin is wearing a Santa hat.

Roller Skating In L. A.

When in love some guys write poems, some sing songs, some fight wars, and some buy flowers.
Not Steve Martin. He makes a movie. A very funny movie.
"LA Story" made in 1991 staring Steve Martin.
This film is a love story between Martin, the city of Los Angels, and his then wife Victoria Tennant.
Martin plays a TV weatherman Harris Telemacher just trying to survive the insanity of life in Los Angeles California. Then Harris falls in love, with a girl played by Sarah Jessica Parker, a woman played by Tennant, and his city L A played by itself.
This movie is a cynical and warped look at L A culture, love, and cappuccino.

Monday, December 15, 2008


It is 38 degrees outside right now. The forecast calls for it to be in the low 70s this week but back in the 80s.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Island

Another of my favorite Christmas CD's is Leon Redbone's Christmas Island.
Redbone echoes the singing styles of days gone by.
The CD is just pure fun and the best track is his version of Frosty The Snowman with a guest appearance by Dr. John.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Little Sting & Stuff

I finally got my flue shot today. I didn't even feel it. It hurts a tiny bit but otherwise everything OK.
It was strange getting a flue shot in a grocery store.
"Yes I like some beef jerky, oatmeal cookies, and a flue shot."
I am done with the wrapping and am waiting for my father to open his birthday present. He has been making a big deal about having a birthday present warped in birthday wrapping paper instead of Christmas paper.
I have also dug out all my Christmas CDs and have been listen to them. I have found some great Christmas Music CD's in the most unlikely spots over the years. Currently I'm listening to a collection of Christmas guitar works I bought in a gas station for under a buck.
It will be in the high 70's tommorow but we are expecting another cold front Monday night. Goodie more cold weather.
Saves money by not having to run the air conditioner.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

Last night we set a new record low.
It was 30 degrees here beating the old record set in 1966 by 1 degree.
I love this cold weather. It makes breathing so much easier and I have energy to spare instead of being exhausted in a few hours.
We have about 60 more days of this before the weather returns to it's usual hell on earth standard.

The Pigs Says "Ah Crap!"

Today I had a serving of bacon.
This is the first bacon I have had in years and years. It was delicious!
Pigs of the world beware.

Santa's Little Helper

Opus is a kind and gentle soul.
Opus has a friend named Bill.
Bill the cat. Bill is the Kieth Richards of the cat world.
Opus also has a wish.
A Wish for Wings That Work.

Opus the penguin and Bill the cat appear in "A Wish For Wings That Work"
Made by Steven Spielberg Animation Studios in 1991.
Opus wrights Santa a letter asking for the power of flight.
Guest voices include Robin Williams as an angry kiwi and Dustin Hoffman as a cross dressing cockroach.

Not your usual Christmas fare but good for a laugh or two.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

He's Too Much

The brothers are back. Everyones pair of bickering brothers the Misers are back in their own TV Christmas special.
Heat Miser and Snow Miser return in a sequel to the 1974 classic Year Without A Santa Clause a stop motion animation Rankin / Bass production.
The program will will be shown Saturday night on the ABC Family network. Micky Rooney will reprise his role as the voice of Santa.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Shame On Them

Do to some screw up I can no longer get into the email account I have been using for decades. This is maddening. You trust someone to provide a service and they only repay you with endless spam and incompetent service. May there stock crash and burn and the CEO's lose there jobs.
If you are not capable of doing a job do not go into business. You only shame yourself and harm the people that would deal with you.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Orders Sir

I have been playing Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.
Yet another World War 2 shooter.
You are placed in command of a squad of soldiers sent out to fight the Nazi menace.
The AI is brighter than most but still makes very stupid moves.
You position your squad to pin the enemy force down while you move around and flank the bad guys and pick them off.
This is a good game but nothing exceptional.
Everything is done nicely.
The controls are nicely done.
The audio is nicely done.
The graphics are nicely done but there are some pop ins.
The game play is nicely done.
There is noting outstanding but this is a good solid game.

3.5 out of 5.

Merry Christmas Chuck

Todays Christmas movie is not a movie but a Christmas tradition.
"Merry Christmas Charlie Brown" was made in 1965 and based the very popular comic strip series Peanuts and won an Emmy and a Peabody.
Produced and directed by Bill Melendez who also contributed the voice of Snoopy. The show still holds it's own even today.
The highlight is the speech given by Linus.
(Pay attention atheist idiots)

"'And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.' That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

There is also the ground breaking jazz soundtrack by Vince Guaraldi. The sound track is still one of the fastest selling Christmas albums available.

Simple this is a must see Christmas event.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

More Carols

My next Christmas pick movie is the 1984 A Christmas Carol staring George C Scott.
This film is directed by Clive Donner who was an editor on the 1951 version of Scrooge.

To me this is one of the best tellings of the story original made for TV.
George C Scott plays a down right nasty Scrooge.
Brilliant production quality plus a truly frighting Ghost of Christmas Pasts. If you want to see a good retailing of the Dickens classic this is the one to see.

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 13
Pittsburgh Steelers 20

Saturday, December 06, 2008

A Sim Christmas

I thought I would talk about some great Christmas movies.
So lets start with one of the best.
"Scrooge" made in black and white in 1951 then released in the USA as "A Christmas Carol."
The film stars Alistair Sim as Scrooge.
There is also a great performance by Kathleen Harrison as Mrs. Dilber who is a char woman.
Also an appearance by Patrick Macnee from BBC TV's "The Avengers" as a young Jacob Marley.
After being played on PBS chanels in the USA the movie which opened to mixed reviews gain a cult following.

There is also the 1989 colorized version famous for colorizng the camera crew reflexion in a mirror that can be seen towards the end film as Scrooge wakes up from the ghosts visit.

There is also the 1971" A Christmas Carol" produced by Chuck Jones.
Alistair Sim provides the voice of Scrooge.
Michael Hordern also returned to reprise his role as Jacob Marley.

Pop some corn and lets the spirits play.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Hair Today

I have spent my day slowly wrapping presents and playing games.

I herd of a neat easter egg involving changing the hair color of your xbox live avatar.
It is pretty simple.
go to the screen that lets you modify your features.
select the hair box but do not click.
Without touching your controller wait 60 seconds. The box will rotate after a minute. When that happens click the hair you want and if you scroll far left or far right you will find even more hidden hair colors for you to use.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Captains Chair

I watched the new talk show hosted by William Shatner.
The show is great. Shatner has a great interview style and the guest seem very relaxed. I can't wait for him to interview his former co star Lenard Nemoy.

Send In The Elves

I am done with my Christmas shopping.
Now I just have to do the most difficult part of Christmas. Wrapping the presents.
Oh the horror.
Wrapping is the devil attempt to ruin Christmas. However I have found a secret weapon against the vast plot against my enjoyment of the Holidays. Gift bags!
Yes brightly colored bag covered with preatty pictures. This is the best invetion in the past fifty years.

Now to deal with the Christmas cards.

Monday, December 01, 2008


This week The Simpsons had on of their best episodes ever.
It started with a great "couch gag" which is the opening visual joke. This time Bart had a large portable chalkboard blocking the couch and was writing "I will not bring the chalkboard home" over and over and over.
The first segment of the show was devoted to lampooning the whole Ipod or Apple cult movement. There was a great send up of Steve Jobs and his mindless minions I call Jobbers.
The rest of the show delved into bigotry, paranoia, and racism.
Great episode.