Friday, February 20, 2009

Face Book Face Broke

This has been a scary, funny, and long day.
I woke up with a racing heart. 110 bpm.
After taking my meds and a shower I went to the ER. There of course was a lot of questions, a lot of being poked. A great deal of X Rays taken (I can now read a book without using a light). Apparently my hemoglobin count had sky rocketed. As far as I can figure hemoglobins are tiny little goblins that live in your blood and carry important stuff to parts of your body. Stuff like oxegen, news on the latest Van Halen album, importnat stuff like that.
As I left the ER a guy walked in holding an ice pack above his eye. His friend said a two by four had fallen forty feet off the top of a building and hit him just above the eye. The nurse aked if he blacked out and the friend said "No he shock his head grabed the two by four and broke it over his knee then asked for some coffie." This is one guy I won't piss off.

I do not get face book. It so dull and boring why are people flocking to this thing?
Another thing the term of use looks like an excuse to sell your kids. They harvest more information on you than the department of homeland security.

1 comment:

Angel said...

I have a facebook page, but mainly because most everyone I know has a facebook I'm just flocking like the masses. I'm 35 now and figure I don't have the time or energy to be original any more. I'll leave that to the kids.