Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Air Force Idiots

Congratulations United States Air Force on making a bunch of brain dead idiots out of yourself.
Take a bow morons.

One of the large jumbo jets that act as Air Force One flew circles around lower Manhattan scaring the living hell out of thousand. If the jumbo jet was not enough the fighter escort did not help matters. The result of the photo op was terrorizing a large number of people who work in the financial district of the big apple.

As a result some candy ass paper pusher at the White House issued this:

Statement from Louis Caldera, Director White House Military Office, on Air Force One flight over New York

“Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.”

Caldera you are an Asshole.

Sick Of The Swine

I'm sick of the end of the world swine flu reports being pushed by the news networks. The reporting is wildly inaccurate and they know it. They are purposefully inflating the numbers.
Personally I hope it backfire on the news channels. I hope enough people get so tired of hearing about this they turn the news channels off leaving the news chanels having to answer some very pointed questions from their sponcers.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I just had some pre cooked microwavable bacon. It was dreadful. It is as thing as a paper towel. no mater what you do you can't get all the grease off. It has no taste good or bad what so ever. It smells like wet cardboard.

Not only that it gave me a headache.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Tuesday and Wednesday we set new high record temperatures.

I am still waiting to hear from this dentist.

What has happened to Valerie Bertinelli. I use to adore her but in her most recent Jenny Craig commercial she looks plastic. One of the reason I liked her so much was she was a real girl. The girl next door. Now she looks like she has a spray on tan and laser whitened teeth. She looks as phoney and as platic as every other hollywood starlet.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today high temperature was 95 degrees.


It is getting warmer here. The high today may be 87. This I could do without.

Things have been quite and I have been playing phone tag with a dentist.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


IF you like me don't read this post.

I have reached the realization that I am lonely.
I long ago gave up on a long term serious romantic relationship.
I did this for several reasons.
1. I am not very good with people. I am not a hermit and I do have friends. I do have someone I adore as well. My friends are dear to me and I consider loyalty extremely important. I just am not good with people. I am not a patient person.
2. I think it would be greatly unfair to the other person. I spend more time sick than well. I do not like to go out. I am not a nightclub person. I am not very athletic. I do not do well in the sun, it may give Superman and Birdman their powers but the heat drains me. This world would not exists with out heat of the sun but I make a point of avoiding it.

Also for most of my early life I was the target of other people. Not just kids but adults as well. My experience in school have taught me that so called adults of the world are the last people I want left in charge.

Case in point. I had so much hope for are present president I was very happy he had been elected. But slowly he has exposed himself to be another arrogant jock.

I am sure you will say I have no one to blame but myself and there is no doubt in my mind you may be right. However in my own defense I have reached a point where everything is work. Even the simple task of going to the mall requires so much preparation and aggravation that there are points it simple is not worth the effort.

Most of my friends have moved on with thier lives and rightly so. By and large they are doing splendidly and I really enjoy hearing of their succeses in the world.

I guess I will simply have to dig in and get use to being alone.

Thank God for the Mythbusters.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bunny Hop

The Easter Bunny and his wife made an appearance in my front yard. I thanked him for the two little toy cars he brought me. He and his wife ate a freshly planted flower then went about their work. I guess he is updating his own maps.

Funny As Hell

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't Beam Me Up

I do not like the way the new Enterprise from the soon to be released Star Trek film looks. It is over designed and over done. I look like the same horrid design as the robot from the remake Lost In Space movie a few years back. Some people just can't leave well enough alone.

Blood And Money

I saw the new doctor Tuesday. He wants to pull two or three teeth. But he has to talk to my heart doctor and I had to have blood work done for him.

'So today I had the lab work done. They have started something new I like. Instead of the one big needle and tube they are now using a needle that is connected to the tube that collects the blood by a plastic channel. You now don't feel the need moving around in your arm when they change tubes for different tests.

All this of course will cost major money that I don't have.
So I'll be toothless and broke. I guess they are prepairing me to be homeless.

I am tired and a little cranky. Add to this my cell phone is even crankier than I am and wants to be charged every other night instead of the once a week they claimed.

Also there been a lot of long distance phone calls some I know my phone bill will sky rocket.

As I will be homeless soon I guess they can't take away my house.

It seems everything in life is a matter of either blood or money.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things Not To Look Forward To & To Look Forward To

I see the doctor today. I am not looking forward to this. My somatic hurts and I am on edge but I don't know why. I think it's mostly because I never meet this man before. I'll be happy when I finally get all this done and over with.

Tomorrow night a new episode of Mythbusters. I am really looking forward to that.

Monday, April 13, 2009


My friend Irma has been real busy with her job. So much so it is effecting her health. I'm worried about her.

Hippie Roses

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Night Alright

I watched The Ten Commandments. This is simply one of the finest films ever made. An example of what a great story, great special effects, and a great cast can accomplish.

I recommend the book The Making of the Ten Commandments.

I also got to spend some time on line playing with my over seas brother. We played Grand Theft Auto 4.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

New Busting

Tonight started the new season of The Mythbusters. The did a two hour special on car myths. The show was great and very funny.
It's good to have the busters back.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I Can't Wait

New Mythbusters tomorrow night.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


I'm using a cane again. Mostly to get in and out of chairs.

New Mythbusters this week. I can't wait.

I wish it would rain. We are 4 inches below normal for the year.
It may rain Saturday but the odds are low.

I'm still playing GTA4. This game is brilliant. I wish I could say for some of the people you run into on line.

Spent more time trying to comment on a blog with no result. It has to be my laptop. Maybe Goggle hates me.

I love the fact that a UK neighborhood called the cops on the Goggle Street View car and told them they where not going into their neighborhood. Good for them.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Lights Out

The power went out today. Calling the power company proved fruitless as they where getting hammered by other left in the dark.
I just decided to take a nap.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009


One week until new Mythbusters !!