Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blood And Money

I saw the new doctor Tuesday. He wants to pull two or three teeth. But he has to talk to my heart doctor and I had to have blood work done for him.

'So today I had the lab work done. They have started something new I like. Instead of the one big needle and tube they are now using a needle that is connected to the tube that collects the blood by a plastic channel. You now don't feel the need moving around in your arm when they change tubes for different tests.

All this of course will cost major money that I don't have.
So I'll be toothless and broke. I guess they are prepairing me to be homeless.

I am tired and a little cranky. Add to this my cell phone is even crankier than I am and wants to be charged every other night instead of the once a week they claimed.

Also there been a lot of long distance phone calls some I know my phone bill will sky rocket.

As I will be homeless soon I guess they can't take away my house.

It seems everything in life is a matter of either blood or money.

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