Sunday, May 16, 2010

Time For Your Morning Heart Attack Sir

Last Thursday I woke up to my heart racing at a break neck speed to parts unknown.
By the time the cab got here and we got to the emergency room it was seven am. Just as I walked in one of four ambulances showed up carrying someone having a heart attack.
I learned later that seven in the morning seems to be time to have a heart attack. Everyone is waking up and getting ready for what ever the day holds. So they are placing their once happily sleeping hearts under stress and as a result are having a heart attack.
So after the paper work a nurse took me to a bed where I laid and listen to my heart do its impression of a warp engine in over drive. I also got to listen to a woman fighting to breath, a guy coughing up a small portion of his lung and two elder people having their morning heart attacks. After almost half an hour plus a nurse came in and did more paperwork. Took blood samples and Finally gave me some oxygen. half an hour later a doctor came in and we talked a bit and he announces "Your heart rate is almost normal so now I am waiting to hear from your doctor. Can I get you anything?"
I asked for a cold Sprite remembering Doctor Cooley telling me if I felt bad I should have one as they did good things for me.
I never had a better tasting Sprite.
A short while later filled with another ambulance showing up and a visit from a friendly janitor who moped up the floor with a big smile on his face.
Finally the doctor shows up again and announces I am low on Magnesium so they will give my some via IV drip. The doc stayed a bit longer and we talked a bit. The nurse set up the IV and left me to watch the clock.
The nurse came in unhooked me and had me sign even more paper work. And with that my big scare was over.
The whole miss adventure took three hours.

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