Monday, August 22, 2011

Star Suck

The purpose of Starbucks is to give people who spend a vast majority of their day being ground under the heels of their so called superiors. They can for a brief moment have the illusion they are in charge of their lives. For a moment or two they can make decisions effecting their live for how ever their over priced coffee lasts. They can vent there frustration on the employees. Of course their is payback. The workers will spit, sneeze, and god knows what other nameless bodily functions into the shrieking customers coffee. Why is would the coffee be so dark in color or hidden on all that foam.

Cowboys Lose

The Dallas Cowboys lost their second preseason game last night.

Dallas Cowboys 7
San Diego Chargers 20

I personally blame Rob Ryan. Anyone who puts that much energy into chewing gum can't be giving the game his undivided attention.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cowboy Preseason Games

Sunday August 21 7:30 pm San Diego Chargers
Saturday August 27 7:00 pm Minnesota Vikings
Thursday September 1 6:30 pm Miami Dolphins

Friday, August 12, 2011

That Time Of The Year Again

Last night was the first preseason game of the year. Football is back and "The Boys" are off to a good start.
Dallas Cowboys 24
Denver Broncos 23

The Cowboys produced another come from behind win to start the preseason off with.
This means cold weather can't be too far away, Pecans will be tasty again, the holiday season is approaching.
Time to find my Cowboys hat and shirts.
I love this time of year. Goodbye heat hello cold. I want a long cold winter.
Go Cowboys!

Saturday, July 09, 2011


Attention Nabisco. A Ritz cracker is not a tiny plate. And stop telling me what to do with my snack food.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Hello Again

Well I fell down again. But a lots has been going on here. Here a brief list of whats been happening on my side of the planet.

As you may know someone predicted that the world would come to an end. Well it didn't. Or did it?
My theory is the world was destroyed and replaced with an exact replica. Exact with one minor difference. In this the new replacement world the Earth is slightly closer to the sun so everything is hotter.

My friends widow has moved back to town and I have been spending time with her and her daughter. They remind me a great deal of how much I miss my friend since his death.

The summertime heat has been grinding me under it heel. I have very little energy and even simple things take tons of energy.

But time seems to be moving along at a quick pace so barring a hurricane soon the cooler months will get here. I am looking forward to that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday to me.

Today I will do as little as possible.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello Again

An old friend dropped by and hung out for a few days. It was nice having company but having people under feet reminds one why you chose to live by yourself.

This week is my birthday. I have nothing planed. I may sleep the day away. My fathers death has left me very tired.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Day Sunshine

Today was a good day. A friend of mine will be in town this weekend and I hope to get to visit with him some.
I also had a real good glazed doughnut today.
I am still playing Red Dead Redemption. I got my first bear and cougar kills in the game.
It was very sunny today and I almost turned the AC on today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So Far So Yummy

Today I emptied the trash. And I just made a brilliant batch of bacon.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shoot Em Up

I have been playing Red Dead Redemption. I just today have left the United States and moved into Mexico. This game is a blast to play even though it is as buggy as hell.

I am also trying to disciple my self into working out with my free weights on a daily bases.

My friend Mike was given an egg by a passer by. A just laid still warm egg. Only in America.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I am watching a Farscape marathon thanks to my Netfliks account.
Farscape was a science fiction show done by the Jim Henson's Creator Shop.
The show was very adult in nature. The make up effects and special effects where top notch. The scripts where wild compared to Star Trek.
If you get a chance you should give this show a try.

Friday, February 11, 2011

One For The Road

Today was warmer than yesterday and tomorrow will be next to last of this cold snaps. Next week it should be in the seventies. I am sad to see the cold weather come to an end. This means that soon it will be hotter than hell.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Shaken Not Wrirred

I think I have finally hit upon a good formula for an quality milk shake. I have been adding too much milk. The milk shake I made today was fantastic. It reminded me of the milk shakes I use to get at the pharmacy next to my father store. This milk shake was nice and thick and tasted wonderful.

I will now play with some flavors. I want to try butterscotch and banana.

The weather here has gotten colder. We may have freezes for the next for nights.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Today was a quiet day.

We should have another cold snap coming starting Wednesday morning.
I am also watching a new DC Comics movie Superman & Shazam. It looks like a retelling of the life story of Captain Marvel.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Monday Monday

Today was Monday. We are waiting for another c0ld snap to hit town. It may freeze yet again. Anything is better than sweating.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

And So It Goes

Today I felt awful all day. I just started feeling better. I am presently watching an episode of Futurama.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Beep Beep

With all this cold weather there has been a very noticeable lack of traffic on my street. This has made sleeping easier. Tomorrow will be the first day of back to more "normal" weather. I am expecting the amount of traffic to go back up to it's usual dull wirr of car and truck engines.

New Record

Today we had a new record low temperature. It was 27 degrees one degree lower than the previous low of 28 set in 1989.

Not A Good Day

I'm feeling horrible. My throat feels like I swallowed broken glass. My head hurts. My eyes are dry. I have had much better days. Last night it got so cold I turned the heater off as it ran constantly, drying out the air making it difficult to breath.

It will warm up over the next few days. Soon the heat of summer will be here making us all miserable. I intend to complain about this summer a great deal. What is the fun of suffering through something if you can't bitch about it.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Feeling Sad

Had a long night last night. My heart speed up. I slowed down after a couple of hours. I miss my friend.

Thursday, February 03, 2011


It is 32 degrees outside. There is an over half hour wait for a taxi cab now. The man who answered the phone at the local grocery store said they where jammed with people.

I think I'll just stay home.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Another One Down

Today was a cold day.

Currently it is 33 degrees outside. Tonight's low should be 26 degrees.

I am loving this weather.

Friday it seems the whole city will shut down on the day when the cold snap should pass. I will never understand this city's government. I swear one of the past mayors outlawed the use of logic.

Wensday Morning Yawn

It is 25 degrees outside. No birds no crickets no cats making noise. It is very quiet except for the drone of the heater doing its best to make my room warm. I love this weather.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Cold And Dark

The local news has already report power lines breaking do to the falling temperatures. The power company claims it has teams ready to role if there are more reports of power outages.

Airlines have canceled several flights.

Frozen Hearts

It is currently 35 degrees. We are expecting days of below 50 weather. It may even snow before the cold snap is done.

I am watching "A Man For All Seasons." I also have four episodes of "Northern Exposure" to watch as well.

I played the new James Bond game. It was good but just good. The audio was muddy. The graphics where nicely done but not special. A good game. Just that and nothing more.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It is January of 2011. This IS the future. I have one question.
Where my flying car?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Old Friend Comes Home

My old laptop is home. She was repaired by my new neighbor. She is an old, clunky, and a little beat up but she my favorite.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


It's pouring down rain. I love weather like this.


Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

-Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Rain

Today has started out as a wonderfully rainy day. The rain sounds great on the roof. Another chance to apply Zombieland Rule Number 32 "Enjoy the little things."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another Day Another Dollar

Another quiet day.

Today I watched Zoombieland. Now I want a twinkling.

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Net Same Fish

I had a quiet day today. Mostly I slept. I did reactivate my Net Flix account.
I watched the new Justice League cartoon.

I miss my dad.
Then again I miss my mom and my cats too.
I thought a lot about Bill and Mookie my cats.
Bill would rather spend time with my dad than me but Mookie just wanted to be someplace where the action was. As far as he was concerned our jobs where to entertain him. Mookie would sit on my bed and watch e work on my computer.

I also miss my dog Wag.

Looking To Tuesday

Next Tuesday one of my favorite shows will be graced with a special guest star in the form of Bob Newhart. Newhart is a truly brilliant man and funny as hell. This promises to be a good show.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Top Three Games Of The 2010

3. Mafia 2
2. Red Dead Redemption
1. Halo Reach

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Shaken Not Stired

I just made my first milk shake with my brand new milk shake blender I got for Christmas.

Frontal Attack

A cold front just moved in. Wonderful thunder and lighting. Pouring rain and the tempature is going down. I love this kind of weather.

Yesterday was a sad day for me as I took delivery of my fathers ashes.

Presently he is sitting in his office.

Per his instructions I will spread his ashes out in the flower beds as he has asked.

For now he can be at rest. And he is missing all the cold weather he loathed so much.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Last Dance

My dad died this morning.

Monday, January 03, 2011

One Thing After Another

Tonight I have no natural gas to run my heater.

I small leak was found in the meter in the back yard. There is also another leak that has yet to be dealt with.

My father health to a bad turn today as well.

At least it is not extremely cold. I just hope the cold weather lasts a few more months.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Day Two The Search Goes On

Well day two of the new year had less bad news.

I found the remote to my fan, the OLD fan not the new one in my bed room. Luckily it has been so wonderfully cold I haven't needed to turn on the fan. But I did put the old fan and it's found remote in the kitchen for when it starts to get hot again.

Saturday, January 01, 2011


Today was the first day of the new year.

Today I discovered my dish washer is not working.

Oh well at least it is not leaking.

I missed the New Years countdown as I was napping and not paying attention to the time.

Let us hope the new year brings better times and old true blue friends and new good friends.