Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Big Bang Burnout.

I am suffering from Big Big Theory burnout.
As the show has gone into syndication and the reruns are being shown over and over on channel after channel the formally quirky gang has just gotten sad.

Howard has gone from weirdo who needs a girlfriend to sicko who has an angel of a girlfriend but has no idea how lucky he is.

Sheldon has gone from Mega mind to Mega bore in need of a good bitch slap. Sheldon spends so much time walking around with his own head up his ass you wounder how angry he got Hancock. He has a girlfriend brighter than he is and could not see that fact with both hand and a tricorder.

Leonard is the only human member of the group but I wish he grow a spine.

Penny has gone from cute to a self centered slut who counts on her good looks to get her by.

Priya is a user bitch who uses her looks, her parents, her brother, and Leonard to get things her way.

Raj is sad and becoming a drunk.

I have no complaints with the actors themselves. They are all very talented. It's just that the people they play have stop growing and are turning into a darker version of the younger selves.

Let's hope the Big Bang team bows out with some class, before they get thrown out.

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