Sunday, January 29, 2006

Digging for stuff

I heard from an old Internet friend today. I have not heard from Candy girl in some time and today she sent me an invite to her my space website.

Candy is a bright, funny, sexy, brilliant young lady. She has also has been a professional wrestling referee. She is also unbearably cute.

I watched a new episode of "Digging For The Truth" which is hosted by Josh Bernstein. Josh has apparently patterned himself after Indiana Jones.

The show is well done and Josh makes a great host who talks to the audience without talking down to them.

The show is fun to watch and takes you to far flung lands you might not otherwise see.
If you get a chance and have access to The History Channel give the show a try.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And the drama still goes on.

Well apparently there is no scooter in my future. By my third party understanding the doctor refused to do the paperwork saying "I am not a secretary."

However I am enjoying tonights episode of the Mythbusters.
The have invited viewers to build there own "Archimedes Death Rays."
Adam and Jamie have tracked down an old satellite dish to build a new version of their old death ray.
They have also given Grant the task of building "The Scorpion" which is flaming projectile weapon.
The have declared the "Archimedes Death Ray" myth busted.

I am looking forward to next weeks show which will deal with helium filled footballs.

Wens days = Mythbusters

Today is Wednesday.
There is no word on the scooter or the new mattress I have ordered and both where to be delivered yesterday.
I am trying to be patient.
On a good note today is Mythbusters!
I found some more on my favorite Mythbuster Keri Byron.
Here is her website devoted to her sculptors.
Here is an interview with her about being a Mythbuster.
Kari Byron Interview
So pop the popcorn and chill the drinks it's Mythbusters time.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The End Is Near ??

Well the scooter drama rolls on. I have moved to another store and if all goes well I will have to scooter by next week.
The other company is still making excuses and playing for time. I am consider filing a complaint against them with the Better Business Bureau but I have no doubt they will lie their way out of that as they have tried to with this whole mess.

With luck and grace I may have my scooter by my birthday and if it isn't too hot get to finally go to San Antonio.
The Christmas lights are down by now, but I would still be out of town without it being running from a hurricane.

The Mythbusters are now airing new shows. YES!
They took on two myths this week. Can a run away plane chop up the fuselage of another plane. Can you star a fire with a gun or ice.
Apparently you can star a fire with ice but you have to be a genius and incredibly cute like Mythbuster Kari Byron.
OK I have a crush on her (see photo) but she is a beautiful redhead and absolutely brilliant. How could a man resist?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pet Peeves

What are your Pet Peeves?
Those little things people do that make you angry.
Here are mine.
People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisles of stores.
Children running lose in stores.
People shouting into their cell phones.
Junk mail.
When commercial are louder than the body of a television program. And don't tell me it is because of the compression of commercials, do your job master control, get off you butt and turn this crap down.
The FFC when they won't enforce the rules pertaining to the volume of television commercials.
People so wrapped up in their cell phone conversation they do not pay attention to where their going. Can we have a new law? Drive while using a cell phone equals a fine of a hundred bucks.
OK and my biggy. There a young lady on my block and her boyfriend picks her up late at night for their dates. He does not go to the door and ring the door bell and wait for her. He can't be bothered to walk her to the car and open the door for her. He just leans on the horn of his car until she comes outside. Jackass.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Lost Your Bacon, Try Glow In The Dark Piggy.

OK here the strangest news story so far this year.
Scientist have created a glow in the dark pig...
Glow In The Dark Pig

Once again I say scientist are the leading cause of cancer.

More Stupidity

The drama over my powered chair goes on.
According to one person it was ordered, shipped, and delivered to someone else.
According to a second person it's all my doctors fault and we have to do the paperwork all over again.
Everyone I talk to in this company has a different story.
So I will start over again with a different company.
I don't know if this just gross incompetence or a con job but in either case my patients is at an end.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pandora's Music Box

I have been playing with a new on line music web site called "Pandora."
It is a free service that play music based on a choice of artist or song you like. It take the info you have submitted and compare and contrasts it against their library. They use such factors as beat, vocal styles, melodies, and others. I am impressed with the service.
It also has the saving grace of not requiring you to install any new software on you PC and works with Windows and Mozilla.
You may want to give it a try.

Sunday, January 01, 2006