Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pet Peeves

What are your Pet Peeves?
Those little things people do that make you angry.
Here are mine.
People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisles of stores.
Children running lose in stores.
People shouting into their cell phones.
Junk mail.
When commercial are louder than the body of a television program. And don't tell me it is because of the compression of commercials, do your job master control, get off you butt and turn this crap down.
The FFC when they won't enforce the rules pertaining to the volume of television commercials.
People so wrapped up in their cell phone conversation they do not pay attention to where their going. Can we have a new law? Drive while using a cell phone equals a fine of a hundred bucks.
OK and my biggy. There a young lady on my block and her boyfriend picks her up late at night for their dates. He does not go to the door and ring the door bell and wait for her. He can't be bothered to walk her to the car and open the door for her. He just leans on the horn of his car until she comes outside. Jackass.

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