Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Bridge To Nonsense

Senator Ted Stevens a Republican form Alaska gave his view on Net Neutrality.
Stevens is the man behind the $453 million dollar bridge to no where.
Stevens spoke for ten minutes before congress.
Frankly he should have just sat down and kept quite.
You can hear his speech here: http://www.publicknowledge.org/node/497 .
Steven in an unfocused and rambling diatribe he compared the internet to plumping.
The Senator dose not understand the workings of the net.
Stevens has no understanding of even how Netflicks works.
He also seems to need an explanation of how consumerism and capitalism works.
Stevens, like a lot of people, do not understand or does not care that services who use the Internet like Netflicks, Google, and Ebay do not get a free ride.
They pay their own Internet Service Providers, their pay for the own net security and the pay for server systems that keep them on the net.
The people pushing this are doing so as a money grab. They want to charge services like Google and Ebay extra to use their cable which the customers are already paid for.
They claim the these services will swallow the expenses. No, they will, as with all things pass the expense to the customers.
You will as a result see the prices at Ebay, Netflicks and others go up.
This bill should be watched with great care.

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