Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dodging Reckoning

President Obama addressed congress and promised to lead us from "a day of reckoning".
How do you dodge the sum dues of what a bill we been running up for years. Moreover why is everyone being punished for the actions of a few. Not that that is anything new.
The innocent have always been punished for the actions of those in power.

Mr. Obama said "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."

I sure as hell hope so. But lets make sure those who are responsible are held accountable.

He also said
"I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary..."
Now that just damn scary. When I hear statements like that I have visions of civil liberties being buried like dead bodies. I guess he means by any means necessary. That is code for logic and thought be damned lets just over react.

There are those in government who will use this crises to excuse a big of a power grab as they can get away with.

I had hopes for this new president but the cynic in me is now alarmed at the knee jerk reaction I see the government taking.

I don't think this is the end of the great American experiment but one hell of a self inflected wound we could do with out.

I have heard a lot about the fear of America becoming a socialist state. There are too many people watching for that to happen. The news channels and the Internet should serve as the safety cap that prevents such an action.

1 comment:

Angel said...

I thought it was a great speech, but wasn't specific enough for me. I want to know every detail of every planned policy.

I did have a couple of bad flashbacks to when the evil known as "The Patriot Act" was initiated.