Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Flash Back

I spent part of today thinking about the last show I did when I was doing TV production.

It was a music video show case with a religious flavor. The host who I am still great friends with would sit on a stool with a blinding light less than a yard away burn white hot strait into his eyes. Every light in the studio was on and most of them where aimed at the wall behind him. We would "chroma key" him into a back ground composed of a painting I did on a computer.

The switcher would remove the blue wall he was sitting in front of and by a bit of electronic wizardry replace the wall with what ever I choose. I was occasionally tempted to place him in front of on coming traffic, in deep space, or underwater with a shark swimming strait at him. He would not know until he saw the finished shot. But my self control won out.

So there he would sit there being blinded by a light, discussing the importance of a belief in God and in yourself. I wounder how about a belief in some good sunglasses.

The last show was melodically. Not only was this our final show together, and we knew it, weather or not we discussed it. But this was the final show for the studio. The nextday they would knock down walls and place in a bank of telephone lines.

After the shot we eited the show together. We talked about all the memories we had of the studio and the people who worked there. Once done we turneed the finished product in and cleaned up the studio. Everything went as usal untill I had to turn the lights off. I stood there for a few seconds looking at all the old and outdated equipmnet. It may have been old but we could do some damn impressive things with it.

I miss that clunky old studio.

More over I miss the people.

Some sadly have died. Some have drifted off in time, other I still talk to, one has become the closet thing I have to a brother and another is now a grand friend.

We did some amazing things in that old studio.

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