Thursday, December 13, 2012

I am glad today is here. Yesterday 12 - 12 - 12 was dreadful. I got sick, all the lights in my room blew out, and the controller for my X Box died.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Everything That Is Old Is New Again

Well as I told you my beloved X Box died. The dreaded red rings of death found my nearly five year old machine and and shoot it strait through the graphics card. 

So I luckily found a sale going at a local store and got and brand spanking new one with a whopping 250 gigs of memory. 
I have been saving for such an event and my emergency founds covered the price. 

However the helpful folks at "Microshaft" as I call them would not allow me back into my account because I forgot my password I hadn't used in five years but they did stop billing me for the account. Weird logic but OK.

So with new screen name ( a hint at my feeling towards Microshaft) I am back into to the world of Skyrim, GTA, The WWE, and The Kingdom of Kelflings.

I have also step up my game with the amazing gift of a HDMI cable. 
The HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable has made a world of difference in the picture quality. 

Skyrim is now even vaster (if such a thing is possible) and the dragons even more impressive. Bethesda Softworks has done it yet again with this game. 

This is not a game you sit and play this is a world to get lost in. 
Giants, wolfs, wizards, wars, water,  politicsand dragons surround you. 
Excellent work from a company who has always aimed higher than their last effort. 

To bad not all companies can not follow their example. 


I hear the sweet gentle sound of rain falling on my roof.

"Rain rain, come and play, please don't leave for many a day."

Monday, August 06, 2012


Well Tropical Storm Ernest is slowly headed west towards Mexico. I hope he stays at tropical storm level and goes in south of us but close enough that we get some rain.

Red Rings of Death

My X Box 360 died. I am trying to decided if it is worth the money to buy a new X Box considering the attitude Microsoft has towards it's customers. 
Once they have your money they simple don't give a fuck about you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What Is Old Is New Again

Had my old yet newest laptop repaired and returned for a cheap price.
Also rediscovered a very old friend online. She is still full of more energy than a stars core.
The heat here is climbing again so the next four or five months will be full of sky high power bills. Add to this hurricane season is back so, so is my high blood pressure.
Between all this and the fact we have a president who hates the disabled it is going to be a fun summer oh boy.
Yes that comment was dripping with sarcasm.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Crap Week Ahead

This is the first day of the week and from here the oncoming week looks like it will suck. Today my laptop died.From this I can tell the ahead will be a bitch.
Thursday will be the season finally of The Big Bang Theory.
Well lets get the damn week over with.

Friday, May 04, 2012

What if Bob Ross painted battleships?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Warming Up

I know it is getting warmer here as the local roach activity is up. I personally just blow on apart with a well place hit of a shoe.

Hopefully we will have a nice freeze next winter to kill off some of the damn things.

Someone Stick Her In Front Of A Cartoon

I'm watching Eureka to get ready for Monday nights new episode of the best show on television.
This is the final season of Eureka. No one seems to know why the best best thing on television is being canceled. Everyone I talk to is either angry or annoyed about the cancellation.

So I will enjoy the final few handful of programs before I am forced to say goodbye to Sheriff Carter, Fargo, Jo, and the rest of the small town with big problems.

Who knows maybe one of the many Save Eureka campaigns may get SYFY to change their minds.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

As Gavin Would Say

We are all really quite mad here, you'll fit right in.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tax Question

The most commonly asked question this time of year is "Is a marriage to Kim Kardashian a tax write off?"

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Here a confession. I have never played Angry Birds. Not only that I don't plan to any time soon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Enterprise.

I am watching the newish Star Trek film. I want to go on record as stating I do not like the look of the new USS Enterprise. It looks like a cross between a sand crab, a bicycle helmet, and a 1950's Chevy pickup.

In other words it's a mess not a Star Ship.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm not going to watch Star Wars Episode I in 3D until I've seen the Star Wars Clone Wars TV series. I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bout Time

Well finally. Van Halen is back!!
Diamond Dave, Eddie, Alex, and Wolfgang yes Wolfgang Van Halen (Eddie's son) have released a new video called Tattoo.
After decades of ego fighting the boys are back. Lets hope the album does brilliant. The world needs more Van Halen.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Big Bang Burnout.

I am suffering from Big Big Theory burnout.
As the show has gone into syndication and the reruns are being shown over and over on channel after channel the formally quirky gang has just gotten sad.

Howard has gone from weirdo who needs a girlfriend to sicko who has an angel of a girlfriend but has no idea how lucky he is.

Sheldon has gone from Mega mind to Mega bore in need of a good bitch slap. Sheldon spends so much time walking around with his own head up his ass you wounder how angry he got Hancock. He has a girlfriend brighter than he is and could not see that fact with both hand and a tricorder.

Leonard is the only human member of the group but I wish he grow a spine.

Penny has gone from cute to a self centered slut who counts on her good looks to get her by.

Priya is a user bitch who uses her looks, her parents, her brother, and Leonard to get things her way.

Raj is sad and becoming a drunk.

I have no complaints with the actors themselves. They are all very talented. It's just that the people they play have stop growing and are turning into a darker version of the younger selves.

Let's hope the Big Bang team bows out with some class, before they get thrown out.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Losing my Mind

Have you ever walked into the kitchen and discovered you have forgotten why you went into the kitchen in the first place?

I been doing that and just moments ago decided to look up something on the net but by the time my computer got loaded up I forgot what I wanted to look up.

This is extremely annoying and makes me wounder how long I'll keep my "right" mind as it where.

And if I lose my mind will I know I have lost it. Will I slowly be tormented with the knowledge that I am losing my grasp as shaky as it is on what some people laughingly call reality.

Raises the Jokers question "Why so grim?"

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Jan 1st 2012

Little know fact. The last words on the Mayan calendar are "Buy new calendar."