Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kick It

Today is Chuck Norris's birthday. Chuck is tough. There is no ctrl key on Chucks computer, Chuck is always in control.

I see my GP today and get his input on having this tooth pulled. The tooth doesn't hurt but I want to get this over with.

The new Transporter film comes out on DVD today. I want it. I think Jason Statham is the best action star to come out in years. I put him up there with Jet Lee and Jackie Chan.

Yesterday President Obama reversed President Bush's ban on stem cell experiments done by the government. President Bush did not ban stem cell research he placed in the hands of private industry. This move can be of help but there so much more he can be doing. I grow more disappointed with are new president everyday.
President Obama sir. Stop printing money. This wil only succed in making everything far worse.
How about consecrating on the beating American civil liberties have taken since 9 11.
How about doing something about all the dark fiber we have not being used.
You can make history as the president that brought the USA Internet service up to par with Japans and North Korea.
How about improving are cell phone technology.
How about all the promises to improve first responders communications.
In America anything is possible we just need someone to point the way. Be that someone not just another empty suit doing what the money boys tell you to do.

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