Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A Twitter user may have caused a miss trail in a recent court case.
Twitter is a free "micro blogging" service that allows you to use a limited number of words to let people who follow you know what your doing all through the day.
The user made comments on a court case he was sitting on after the verdict was delivered to the court.

Also Jennifer Aniston may have broken up with her ex boyfriend over the fact that while hewas too busy to talk to her on the phone he was constantly updating his Twitter page.

This is not two examples of people falling afoul of technology but two people with little or no self control.

A dearth of self control is also to be blamed for the recent AIG debackel.

We are running into a generation of people whoes lack of self control is not only hurting them but inocent bystandereds as well.

Mothers teach your kids love, respect, selfcontrol, and how to dance.

1 comment:

Angel said...

...and don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.