Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights Out

Today was Earth Hour.
For one hour all over the world lights where turned off in order to save the world.
This of course does not calculate all the Earth Hour babies that we will soon be seeing that will add to the drain on the earth's resources.
To me Earth Hour was another contemptible feel good effort done mostly to make these people feel good about themselves. I showed my contempt by watching the Mythbuster with all the lights turned on. I rarely have many lights on as lights produce heat and I can't stand heat.
If these people want to really help the earth than they should put on pressure on gavement local state, and natioal to give tax breaks to people who use solar panels and windmills. Of course some of them will protest against windmills as they are afriad birds will be killed. You can't have it both ways so pick one. And why dont we here these groups surport geo termal power or even water power.

1 comment:

Angel said...

If people were so darned afraid of dead birds there would be no airplanes.

At least someone is trying something.

BTW, our energy consumption has dropped 4% in the past year, which is actually quite a bit.