Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Moral Hazards

Moral Hazard: The idea that a party behaves differently knowing they will not be held accountable for there actions compared to their behavior if the knew they would have to suffer the consequences of their actions.

If we bail out these people responsibility for this mess we find our selves in there will be no lesson learn and this poor behavior will be seen again.

There MUST be consequences to their actions.

This applies not only to fiscals matters but to vandals, thiefs, con artists, and liars as well.

Localy we have people "tagging" or spray painting churches and grave sites of vetrens. When caught they are put on probation, warned and told not to do it again. There is no punnishment. As there is no punnishment the vandals repeat their crime over and over again. If they where punished with jail time they would at least be not able to perferm such acts while serving their sentance.

The same applies to bad roofers, plumers, and bankers.

No punnishment, actions repeated.

As long as these actions by the banking conmunity are forgiven with bailout after bailout no leason will be learned. No course of action will be altered. Responibilty will be evaded.

Attention Congress

The homeless have a very poor voting record.


There is a Chinese proverb that goes "May you live in interesting times."

Well welcome to those time.

While I am trying to wrap my head around this entire mess of mortgages and bailouts. One of the problems that I see causing in part and it may be a very minor part is instant gratification.

Humans, especially American humans are not a very patient lot. When they want something they want it now. Very little thought is given to the consequence.

Discipline is becoming a lost art. Ask any dentist

This not only applies to the people who bought houses they really could not afford but to the managers of the mortgage offices who made these loans and the banks who saw easy money.

But it's not just money matters where impatience causes problems. Personal problems, such a road rage, outburst of anger, and relationships falling apart could be traced to the inability to wait.

Impatience could be one and maybe a very minor cause for all this mess.

Between you and me I could do with a little less interesting times.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Progress: Movement towards a goal or to improve.

Congress: 435 idiots with their heads up their asses.


I keep hearing people say that they go to church religiously, I wounder if it possible to go to church agnosticly?

Stock Plumit

The Wall street stock market had it worse down turn in two decades.
1.2 Trillion dollars had fled the stock market like mice from a burning building.
The result was leaving everyone with that same shocked expression Joan Rivers has had on her face for years.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Microsoft Shifting?

The recent actions of lowering the price on it's "Arcade" console, canceling certain games, and moving towards more casual games.
Games like Your In The Movies, and Lips are the only games with the exception of Fable 2 that Microsoft own game studios are making. The hard core games such as Fallout, and Resident Evil 4 are all be produced by thirds parties. Gears of War which they own is being made by an outside company under Microsoft guidance.
Is Microsoft trying to move in on Nintendo's casual gamers market? Are they eyeing the pick up a play crowd?
Does this mean hardcore gamers will be an after thought in the next generation of consoles.


Today the boys at Bungie reminded the gaming world who was number one.
They released a trailer with no warning, no explanation, and no mercy.
Like all good Bungie stunts the trailer raises more questions than answers.
More than likely it is a tease of an upcoming expansion pack for the Halo 3 game, but being Bungie you never know.
One things for sure, someone gonna get their ass kicked.

Cowboys Schedule For October

Sunday October 5th 3:15 Cincinnati
Sunday October 12 3:15 Arizona
Sunday October 19 12:00 St. Louis
Sunday October 26 12:00 Tampa Bay

Go Cowboys

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 24
Washington Redskins 26

In a back and forth game the Redskins pull an upset victory of the Dallas Cowboys.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

All Jacked Up

Attorney Jack Thomson has been disbarred from practicing law in the state of Florida.

Thomson will no longer be allowed to practice law in the state of Florida due to what Judge Dava Tunis described as Thomson “repeatedly stated…that he will not change his conduct” and that she “finds no evidence whatsoever to indicate that respondent is amenable to rehabilitation.”
Thomson has also been ordered to pay "recovery costs" of $43,675.35.

Thomson has thirty days to clear out any current cases before he will be disbarred.

Thomson has filed an emergency motion in clear defiance of court orders stating he could not take such action but a lawyer in good standing could. Thomson is claiming that the disbarment is a retaliation to his book "Out of Harms Way" in which he claim the Florida Supreme Court is acting in defense of the entertainment industry.

Thomson is most notable noted for attacking the video game industry. In particular he has made a target of Rock Star games makers of the "Grand Theft Auto" game series.

Hurricane Kyle

Hurricane Kyle

Latitude: 36.2 North
Longitude 69.5 West

Winds: 75 mph
Moving: North at 23 mph
Pressure: 995 millibars

Kyle has strengthened into a level 1 hurricane. He is still moving north and may make landfall in Nova Scotia late next Sunday.

Bills Trip

Bill the cat commandeered my fathers scooter and took a trip.
Well in his imagination. As you can tell by the look on his face the trip was very serious stuff.
I have no idea where he was going but when he got back he had to have a large lunch and a long nap.

It's His!

The was a very angry bird guarding a box of spilt popcorn. The popcorn was his as possession is nine tenth of the law. He would charge and bluff anyone who dared to get near HIS popcorn.
Now thats entertainment.

Oh The Horor

I have been informed that by brother by another mother's x-box has died.
(Like I need another reason to detest Bill Gates)
England shall shake in his furry, mountains shall fall, and oceans shall dry up.
More like he will close a few pubs and chase some "birds".
Maybe he can talk his work mate into an x box party. Then again, the moon may be made of cheese, and the sun yellow bubble gum.
In any case I hope his x box is repaired soon.

Take care bro.

Friday, September 26, 2008

This Crap Didn't Happen To Criss

The Columbus ships are all aground.
The local replicas of the three "caravels" Christoper Columbus used for his journey to the Americas are all sitting high and dry looking sad, tired, and beaten.
Dry rot has weakened the decks of the ships to the point that they are unsafe for tourist and the masts have removed in fear that they may collapse.
The local museum is hoping to raise millions for repairs and maintenance.
A sad ending for a gift from the government of Mexico to our fair city.

"Trust Me..."

It is my personal experience that when a man hold out his hand asks you for money and says "Trust me..." the odds are very great that some portion of the money will wind up in his and his friends pockets. Even is the man is a former Eagle Scout.

Tropical Storm Kyle

Tropical Storm Kyle

Latitude: 26.5 North
Longitude: 68.3 West

Winds: 60 mph
Moving: North 12 mph
Pressure: 998 millibars

Kyle is not projected to make a direct landfall in North America however high tide will have an effect on the East coast.

Stomach: Happy

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Round And Round

Everything is cyclical.

If you hang around long enough you will see the same old song and dance set to new music. That is what is happening here in the USA.

Every decade or so there is some huge economic disaster that requires taxpayers to foot the bill or face some form of disaster.
And the outcome each and every time is the innocent will be burdened for the actions of a few shiftless people. The thieves for the most part will get away free, clear, and unpunished.

Even sadder is this time two men are making political hay out of this colossal mess.

Still sadder, lessons will not be learned, pockets will be lined, and we will be doing the same old dance in another decade or so.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Time For The Enemas

Last night was the Emmy's.

I for one did not watch this long slow parade of self obsessed ass wipes breaking their arms to pat them selves on their own backs. And here some shocking news for the "stars" of television.
I do not care about your political opinions!!!
If this collection of clowns wants to do some real good in the world how about handing over a weeks pay to a charity without making a photo op out of it. Better yet go clean some disabled persons gutters. I be far more impressed if you joined former president Jimmy Carter by grabbing a hammer and help building a house. God forbid you should have to break a sweat.
How about how you demonstrated how two face you are when it comes to matters of sexism when you rip the tux of Heidi Klum to reveal a dress.
If this is the best prime time television can do I'll stick to The Discovery Channel.

Television can be used to do so much good and these pea brains could not beyond their own egos and paychecks.
You can use TV to fight crime and corruption. You can demonstrate proper ways to deal with health matters. Television can explore the worlds of arts, music, literature, and science that some people would otherwise never be exposed to.

What a waste of an amazing platform.


As of 4:30 pm local time fall is here.
The temperature will be lowered by a few degrees tomorrow mostly due to cloud cover. And as a reminder of the time of year the beginnings of what may become a tropical storm has raised it's ugly head.

Here cold front, come here boy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cry Havoc ...

This weekend September 26 - September 28 will be the "Grand Theft Auto 4 Cause Chaos Live Weekend"

All kinds of GTA goodies will be given away and you will get a chance to play with a Rockstar employee.

Fall In Texas Means Football

I went to the grocery store today and the store was covered in Cowboy blue, silver, and white. It's not that the store had been decorated for the upcoming game but that almost everyone was wearing Cowboys shirts, hats, pants, shoes, or even in one case diapers.
Football in Texas is a religion and The Cowboys are the church.

Cowboys Win

The Dallas Cowboys won in Lambeau Field for the first time in years.

Dallas Cowboys 27
Green Bay Packers 16

Go Cowboys

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The New Carl Sagan

Met Dr. Michio Haku.
This Theoretical physicist has replaced the late Dr. Carl Sagan as the man of science for the common man.
Dr. Haku's relaxed demeanor and childlike curiosity is helping viewer of the cable television Science Channel explore the world of science.
I really like Dr. Haku.
He rarely uses big multi sylables words when simple words can do. And his enjoyment of the topic at hand is obvious. Mild and soft spoken he is not as preachy as the late Dr. Sagan.
Dr. Haku has a website as well... http://mkaku.org/ .
Finally someone has filled Dr. Sagan shoes.

The Doughnut Of Death

The LCH (Large Hadron Collider) or as I call it The Doughnut of Death has sprung a leak.
Don't worry micro mini black holes have not escaped but some helium has.
That right, the super collider cut one.
So much for super science.
The dang doughnut has a short and somehow a small leak of helium has occured.
A short between two magnets happened under the high voltage, no workers where at risk.
No word if Baron Karza has been spotted stomping around the control room but should the evil leader of the Microverse attack it will be nice to know the coo coo clocks will be among the first to go.
Where the Micronaughts when you need them?

Thinking Ahead

I have been thinking about Christmas.
With the economy the way it is I think it will be a very thin Christmas. I am however determined to put up a full size tree this year. The table top tree last year was a big disappointment.
My father has already found some thing he wants. He hardly ever gives a hint ha to what he wants.
I have no idea of what to ask for but maybe some books by Dr. Micho Kaku. I could always use a pair of pants. In any case Christmas is closing fast.
I wish time would slow down now that the nights are getting longer and the days getting cooler.

Friday, September 19, 2008

It's War

North star has opened a website for GTA: China Town Wars for the Nintendo DS.


They are promising the game this winter but do not say if it will be out by years end.
Will there be a special DS to celebrate this games release?

The Heat Is Back On

The cool front has passed and the heat of summer is returning. But hopefully not for long. The weather folks are predicting another cool front around the middle of next week. Yeah!
I am looking forward to the first cold front.

Power To The Man

The power is back on at our local police department.
Monday a small fire closed the building and Wednesday the power to the entire building died.
Who to blame...? Hurricane Ike.
The very high tides caused by Ike made it way into the under ground area of the police department and served the fatal blow to an already old and ill power delivery system that ran under the building. The power surge cause by the death of the power system took out the local 911 system, fried the water pumping system that ran throughout the building, and bricked most of the buildings computers.
The 911 has been running out of the emergency command center used by city officials at city hall during hurricanes and other crises.
The power has been restored and now the task of replacing and repairing the bricked computers lies ahead. Hopefully things will be back to normal in days.
Very thankfully this did not occur in the middle of a hurricane strike.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mall Walker

I went to my favorite mall today.
The mall has been bought by a new company and they are claiming lots of changes.
That worries me.
The food court is being moved to the ground floor.
A waterfall has been planed as well as a much needed new elevator.
These all sound well in good but you know that the rent will go up and that will push out the small mom and pop stores.
The mall will be echo North Star Mall which at one point was full of interesting shops and carts. North Star is now so up scale that you can afford to buy anything. Popcorn there is 3.00 a small bag. There is no book store. A mall without a book store is unAmerican. And the book store in the mall here will close in one weeks time.
While I'm glade to see new money being brought to my home town I'm sad to see the small retailers being forced out of locations they have had for years. I'm sadder to see a great book store with great employees closing.
Times are changing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Mythbusters

Tonight on The Mythbusters Jamie and Adam looked into the myth that you could make a tazer out of a squirt gun. The first big problem was getting a constant unbroken stream of water to the target. The second was getting enough raw power in the stream of water for it to have any real effect. The solution. Simple but Jamie in a Tesla coil with a very simple and powerful squirtgun. Jamie squirted upon the target and the Tesla coil providied the power in the form of lighting.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


There have been new photos released of the damage caused by Ike.
One of the most telling is a before and after showing the Galveston Island. In the before image there where eleven beach front houses and plenty of grass.
In the second image take after Ike only one house is left standing, the grass has been entirely striped away and all the trees are missing.

Our beaches have been doubled in width and sand dune after sand dune are simply gone. There are pieces of ruble, seaweed, trash, and broken lumber stand well over six foot tall.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How Bout Them Cowboys

Dallas Cowboys 41
Philadelphia Eagles 37

In an absolutely amazing game the Boys won.
The lead change side 7 times.

Go Cowboys!


I have played TNA Impact for the 360.
This is a first offering from TNA wrestling and Midway games. TNA signed a deal of a series of wrestling games.
This is not a pick up and play game.
The game offer no lesson in how to play. You will spend a great deal of time using trial and error to learn how to use the games controls.
The create a wrestler is slim compared to a WWF game.
You can not create your own entrance.
The graphics are last generation.
The sound is OK but not spectacular.
If you want a easy to play game skip this one but if you want a challenge you'll enjoy this game.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Seinfeld Gates

Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates have joined forces to promote Microsoft.
I can not think of two more repulsive people to hawk for a company who cares so little for its customers or the quality of it's products.

You are introduced to this post modern odd couple in a shoes store then you will follow them meeting "real people" by moving into a middle America white family.

Soon the hard sells will come. They will be shoving a Microsoft products down you throat.
I for one refuse to watch two self centered individual push crap of any sort.

Bring back Morris the cat. Now there a salesman!

Cool Front

While Hurricane Ike brought us no rain, today about 1 pm, a cool front came in and delivered from .40 to 1.25 inches of rain.
Fall starts September 22 this year.
This cool front is very welcomed at least by me.
The daytime temps will be in the eighties instead of the nineties or century mark and the night time temps will dip into the low seventies.
The resulting cooling of the coastal waters will make strengthening difficult for any future hurricanes.
Here comes the fall.
Stomach: Happy.

Here A Scary Thought

100 Days until Christmas.

Panic Now!

Hurricane Ike 10

Ike is now just a collection of winds.
The mass of winds are moving northwest at 50mph with gusts up to 75 mph.

Stomach: Happy

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike 9

Hurricane Ike made landfall at 2:10 am near Galveston Island.
Ike's maximum winds where 110 mph.
Ike now is a tropical storm after a life span as a hurricane for 9 days and 21 hours.
Tropical Storm Ike is moving north north west at 21 miles an hour. Ike will continue to be a treat by dumping heavy rain and strong wings until he blows himself out.
The people who stayed in Galveston Island and Houston Texas will have spent a season in hell they will not soon forget. Damages will run form 8 to 18 billion dollars.
There has been at least two deaths I know of and the guess the power will be out for a minimum of a week to more than a month.

I would not wish a hurricane like this on anyone even the nastiest of Nazis.

It's good to be home and under the iron paw of the ruling Bill the Cat


Home again home again, please no more roam again.
I'm home!
The ride here was uneventful except for a long line of military black helicopters flying south.
There was no accidents and no foul weather.
After talking to a neighbor and a close friend I learned there had been no rain fall or high winds in me neighborhood.
I did take a nap and talk to my friend in England.

I also got some mail. It was a car circular for a used car dealership The flyer showed a hurricane tracking map with a storm course projected directly at Port Lavaca. The depth of bad taste, poor choices, and ill timing is unforgivable. The ad firm behind this advertisement should be not only mortally embarred by the piece of crap but fired by the dealership. The dealership is all so to blame in the hidiously poor choices and deserved to be called on the carpet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike 8

Ike has moved away from my home town and seems to have taken at at Houston Texas. Ike is still below us but is moving in a more Northerly course.

Latitude 26.3 North
Longitude 90.4 West

Winds 10 mph
Moving WNW 12 mph
Pressure 956 millibars

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Ike 7

We are on the very edge of the "Cone of Uncertainty." In fact the people in San Antonio may come here to hide from the storm. However it is a hurricane and may stall, do dough nuts, or just change direction and make a bee line for us.

Stomach: SLIGHTLY even happier.

Latitude 24.9 North
Longitude 86.7 West
Winds 100 mph
Movement North West 7 mph
Pressure 944 millibars

The Peak Of Hurricane Season

Today September 10 is the peak of hurricane season. After October 20th the odds of being hit by a hurricane drastically decrease. The season official ends November 30th.
There are 80 days to the end of hurricane season.

Hurricane Ike 6

Stomach: SLIGHTLY happier.

Ike has moved a slight bit more towards the north and may make landfall late Friday north of us.

We are packed and ready to leave tomorrow morning. Ike may show up in San Antonio sometime Saturday or Sunday. By then he should be a lot weaker.

Latitude 24.5 North
Longitude 86.1 West
Winds 100 mph
Moving NW 8mph
Pressure 947

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hurricane Ike 5

Stomach : SLIGHTLY happier.

Hurricane Ike has moved into The Gulf of Mexico and is slightly less than a thousand miles away from us. Ike has made a tiny West North West turn. This is good news for us. IF Ike keeps this up he will come in well north of us.

We have booked a hotel in San Antonio and preparing to leave early Thursday. Ike may make landfall Friday or Saturday. I hope Ike keeps moving to the north.

Latitude 23.1 North
Longitude 84.0 West
Winds 75 mph
Moving WNW 10 mph
Pressure 969 millibars

Monday, September 08, 2008

Hurricne Ike 4

Ike is now aimed directly at us. The weatherman has he has a low reliance in the projected paths as the projections keep changing. I'm hoping that the storm changes to an even more Northerly course.

Stomach Unhappy

Latitude 21.8 North
Longitude 80.8 West

Winds 80 mph
Moving WNW 13 mph
Pressure 967 millibars

Hurricane Ike 3

Hurricane Ike is back over water and headed our way. If Ike follows his projected course he should make landfall north of us sometime Saturday.

Latitude 21.4 North
Longitude 79.7 West
Winds 80 mph
Moving West 14 mph
Pressure 965 millibars

My stomach hurts.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hurricane Ike 2

Hurricane Ike is moving Westward following the coast line of Cuba. Ike seems to be set to enter the Gulf of Mexico.

Latitude 21.1 North
Longitude 75.8 West

Winds 120 mph
Moving West 13 mph
Pressure 945 millibars

Dallas Cowboys Win Season Opening Game

Dallas Cowboys 28
Cleveland Browns 10

The Cowboy pull ahead for an early lead and stayed there.
Tony Romo was knocked down and given a bloody chin but guided the boys to victory.

What The Hell

Yesterday I tried to play Mercenariness 2 on line with my friend who lives in the UK. The on line co op was one of the reason I bought this game.
Much to my great disappointment I discovered that I could not play with them because they where in a different regions.
If you are going to have on line co op why have region restrictions on your PAYING customers?
Is it that complicated?
Why is it other games have no problem with this?
Come on, speak up.
I hope there is a patch for this. I guess I'll add this to my growing list of why to rent Mercenaries 2 and not to buy it. This will go on the list after the game being buggy as a roach motel, unfinished, poor audio, and last generation graphics.
Again Mercenaries 2 World In Flame is a rent. Do not waste your money buying this game.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

End Of An Era

Tonight marked the end of an era in local television.
The Chill With Phil Show has come to an end.
Chill With Phil was an old fashion "Let's watch a B movie with funny host program."
Phil took live calls and gave away prizes for answering trivia questions.
The show built a loyal following an a family of supporters.
Phil has had several eye surgeries. His vision has not returned as he has hoped and the station has "released" him from work.
I have no idea what Phil's future plans include but I wish him luck.

Good luck Phil.

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

I pick up a dvd of one of the greatest movies ever made.
The Day The Earth Stood Still

This 1951 sci fi classic stars Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, and Hugh Marlowe.
This is one of the finest movies ever made. And the DVD does have some goodies.
The is audio commentary by Robert Wise and Nicolas Meyer.
A 70 minute long documentary.
A restoration comparison.
5 stills galleries.
Shooting Script.
Theatrical trailer.

If you like classic movies or sci fi movies I recommend this DVD highly.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike has made a slight North West turn.
Ike has winds of 135 mph and is moving WNW at 14 mph.
Ike's pressure is at 945 millibars.
If Ike stay on his projected path he will move in to the Florida area around late Tuesday early Wednesday next week.

Hurricane Hanna

Hanna has turned towards Florida.
Latitude 25.5 North
Longitude 75.0 West

Pressure 988 millibars
Winds 65 mph
Moving NW 14 mph

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Dallas Cowboys Football Schedule

Here the schedule for the next month.

September 7th Sunday at Cleveland
September 15th Monday Philadelphia
September 21st Sunday at Green Bay
September 28th Sunday Washington

Go Cowboys

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike is headed west towards the Gulf of Mexico.

Latitude 21.7 North
Longitude 53.2 West

Winds 115 mph
Pressure 960 millibars
Movement WNW 18 mph

VA Visit

My father is on his way home after his visit to the VA Hospital in San Antonio.
They temporally lost his blood work and he is to call some time next week for the results.
He did visit Van's Bar B Q and spent some time playing with his new scooter in the malls in San Antonio.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tropical Storm Hana

Hurricane Gustav is done but will but releasing a lot of water and winds for the next few days.
Gustav has been replaced with Tropical Storm Hana.

Latitude 20.6 North
Longitude 79.2 West
Winds 70 mph
Pressure 985 millibars

There are also two other tropical storms.
Ike and Josephine

Monday, September 01, 2008

Gustav Makes Landfall

Hurricane Gustav made land fall about 10am with winds of 110 miles an hour. The storm made landfall near Cocodrie Louisiana.

Latitude 29.6 North
Longitude 91.1 West
Pressure 957 millibars
Moving North West at 15 mph