Tuesday, September 30, 2008


There is a Chinese proverb that goes "May you live in interesting times."

Well welcome to those time.

While I am trying to wrap my head around this entire mess of mortgages and bailouts. One of the problems that I see causing in part and it may be a very minor part is instant gratification.

Humans, especially American humans are not a very patient lot. When they want something they want it now. Very little thought is given to the consequence.

Discipline is becoming a lost art. Ask any dentist

This not only applies to the people who bought houses they really could not afford but to the managers of the mortgage offices who made these loans and the banks who saw easy money.

But it's not just money matters where impatience causes problems. Personal problems, such a road rage, outburst of anger, and relationships falling apart could be traced to the inability to wait.

Impatience could be one and maybe a very minor cause for all this mess.

Between you and me I could do with a little less interesting times.

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