Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mall Walker

I went to my favorite mall today.
The mall has been bought by a new company and they are claiming lots of changes.
That worries me.
The food court is being moved to the ground floor.
A waterfall has been planed as well as a much needed new elevator.
These all sound well in good but you know that the rent will go up and that will push out the small mom and pop stores.
The mall will be echo North Star Mall which at one point was full of interesting shops and carts. North Star is now so up scale that you can afford to buy anything. Popcorn there is 3.00 a small bag. There is no book store. A mall without a book store is unAmerican. And the book store in the mall here will close in one weeks time.
While I'm glade to see new money being brought to my home town I'm sad to see the small retailers being forced out of locations they have had for years. I'm sadder to see a great book store with great employees closing.
Times are changing.

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