Friday, October 31, 2008

Tales of Music and Imagination

Here is some Halloween music to listen to.
Tales of Mystery and Imagination by the Alan Parson Project 1976.
The first rock album to use a voice corder. This album is a tribute to Edgar Alan Poe. There are seven tracks taken directly from Poe's work.

Happy Halloween

Here some Halloween night suggestions.
Nosferatu 1922. Possible the first horror movie ever. Staring Max Shereck. Black and white silent movie.
Dracula 1931. Starring Bela Lugosi. This is the classic vampire film and a must see.
Halloween 1978. The first slasher film which is more a thriller than a horror film. Staring Jamie Lee Curtis.

Do YOu Belive In Ghost?

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Instead of one film lets try a group of film staring one man... Vincent Price.
From 1960 to 1965 he stared in a series of films by Roger Corman based on Edgar Allen Poe stories.
The House of Usher 1960, The Pit and The Pendulum 1961, Tales of Terror 1962, The Comedy of Terrors 1963, The Raven 1963, The Masque of The Red Death 1964, and The Tomb of Ligeia 1965.
Prices unique voice and tall imposing form where perfect for horror films. Price was noted as a man with a taste for the fine arts and to be an excellent cook.
Price is also noted for starting a food fight on the set of the Batman series. He was guest starring as Egghead.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Abby Someone

The movie for the night is a light hearted tribute to all the old black and white horror films of yesteryear.
Young Frankenstein 1974.
This movie was written by none other than Mel Brooks. It star Gene Wilder as Dr. Frederick Frankenstein. The movie is packed with guest stars such as Terri Gar, Peter Boyle, Madeline Kahn, Gene Hackman but the film is stolen by Marty Feldman. Feldman plays a hunchback who knows its a movie and plays to the camera. He also has a hunch that seems to switch sides.
Much of the sets and props used in the film where actually used in older films.
Pop the corn and prepare to laugh, it's movie time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gates In A Box

Rensselaer Institute’s AI and Reasoning Lab have brought evil intellect to life. These guys have an artificial intelligence program capable of premeditated bad deeds that can knowingly harm others. Thats right it Hitler and Gates in a box.
Whats next a zombie body for the laptop of evil.?
Will this thing contact Skynet?
Here the whole article.

Look out the toaster is watching you.


Another Halloween movie.
Gargoyles 1972.
This was a made for TV movie features great make up by Stan Winston who work can be seen in Jurassic Park, Aliens, and Predators movies.
A father daughter team investigate weird sights and sounds to discover a colony of real life gargoyles.
The true star beside Winston's great creature design is a memorable performance by Bernie Casey.
The plot is thinner than an onion skin but the make up and Casey's acting make this a good popcorn muncher of a movie.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Beware The Tall Man

Here my Halloween movie of the day.
Phantasm. A tall man and his army of evil zombie dwarfs are looking to rule the world. The tall man has other toys in the form of flying silver sphere that only want to drill a hole in your head.
Phantasm was made in 1977 and stared Angus Scrimm as "The Tall Man" Based on a nightmare Don Coscarellia who wrote, produced, directed, and edited the film. A pair of brothers investigate a rash of unexplained deaths they believe to be caused by the mortician they call "The Tall Man." The Tall Man played by the 6 foot 6 inch Scrimm is from another planet and is out to kill this small town as part of his plan in world domination.
So pop some corn and turn of the lights it's movie time.

Civic Duty

Today I early voted.
The line was short and the people in charge where very well organized.
The whole thing took 15 minutes and came with a free cookie.


The first pecans of the season have shown up today.
I am so happy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

There Are No Stop Lights In Hell

There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no stopping THE CAR!
One of the movies I recommended is The Car.
The car is one of those it so bad it's good movies. Made in 1977 and featured James Brolin, Ronnie Cox, and R. G. Armstrong. However the true star is The Car.
Evil personified and hell on wheels literally.
The Car was made by George Barris (The TV Batmobile) It was in fact a 1971 Lincoln Mark 3 with a 455 cubic inch engine. The car was lowered and had a double glazed windshield.
Stunt driver Everett Creach had done stunts in 900 films and served as second unit director on 33 others.
The film even as Church of Satan leader Anton LaVey as a technical advicer.
This is a must see popcorn mucher of a bad movie.

Halloween Movies

Halloween is approaching. So here are some movies to set the mood.

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde 1932 staring Fredric March.
Frankenstein 1931 staring Boris Karloff.
Dracula 1931 staring Bella Lugosi
Creature from the Black Lagoon 1954
The Car 1977

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Tall Story

I have been playing Fable 2.
This is a role playing game that puts you in the boots of a young hero. You travel the world doing great deeds and fighting evil. Or you can turn to the dark side and steals from shop keepers, farmers, and even commit murder. The game allows you to develop the main character in the direction you desire. You explore the country side. There are jobs for earning gold and even gamblers to lose your gold to.
This is not the open world of Morrowind. You are on a path and you must follow it. But that is far overshadowed by the way the game allows you to grow.
Another point of the game is the dog. You find a forgotten mut that becomes your best friend and constant companion. You can train your new friend to perform the usual canine tricks such as sit, roll over and beg. The dog can also locate treasure, and help you in fights. You will also learn the use of magic.
The game lay is great fun. The game is very British and shows in its Python style scene of humor.
The graphics are very well done.
The controls have a small learning curve but will be easy to use after awhile.
The audio is the only down side to this game. The sound is murky, muddy. The is a lot of mid raneg but very little high ends or bass to this game.
I give Fable 2 a high 4 out of 5.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Sexy Word A Day

Say hello to Miarina Orlova.
She 27 and she a philologist. A hot philologist too.
A philologist is a person who studies the meaning and origins of words.
Miarina has two degrees in philology.
Teaching of Russian Language and World Literature Specializing in Philology and the Teaching of English Language Specializing in Philology from State University of Nizhni Novgorod Region in Russian Federation.
She has her own channel on You Tube and posts a new word every other day.
As David Lee Roth says... "... hot for teacher."

McCain Meets The Monster He Made

Presidential candidate John McCain has run afoul of the monster he and others have made.
The McCain team are upset that an interview of McCain by Kattie Couric of CBS was taken off YouTube after CBS demanded it removal.
YouTube removed the clip in accordance of DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) that McCain surported.
Enter the EFF. The EFF (Electronic Frontire Foundation) The EFF has told both CBS and YouTube that the clip was part of the "Fair Use" under copyright law. YouTube reply was simple we dont care. They are just following the DMCA.
Maybe and this is a big maybe McCain and others will take a second look at the DMCA.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some People Can't Keep A Secret

Well the loud mouths at business week have announced that my home town is a great place to ride out a recession.
I'm sure that true if you rich to begin with. There are people here who are living from one check to another. People are losing their jobs and their homes to this recession. listed Corpus Christi Texas as one of the top 20 US cities in which one could live during a recession.
"Corpus Christi ... could do relatively well in a downturn as long as energy prices stay high and it isn't hit by Ike-like hurricanes,"
The article also noted are diversified economy.
The secret is out. I you love wind, mosquitoes, heat, seawater, rust, and seagulls you'll love my home town.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Polls Closed

If your an early voter and some smug idiot turns up and asks you who you voted for tell them it's none of there damn business. You do not have to tell anyone who you voted for.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Love For Da Hood

I have been engrossed in Saints Row 2.
This game is over the top. Way over the top. Way way over the top. Way way way... you get my point.
Despite the game habit of freezing. The game play makes up for it. There is plenty to do. You can drive tow trucks, ambulances, and firetrucks. There are a ton for you cars to collect. The side missions are plentiful. The main story involves you taking back the streets from an evil major corporation. You learn the fighting styles and mannerisms of the opposing gangs.
The create a character system is mush like the one you find in the WWE Smackdown series. You can change your voice, walking style, fighting style, and dress.
There is download content in the works.
All in all this is a must rent game.

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 14
Saint Louis Rams 34

Ever have one of those days where almost everything goes wrong. That is what happened to day for the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys started the game with a clear lead of 7 points but once the Rams had the lead they kept it.
There was talk of putting an injured Tony Romo in the game but why ruin a season for the sake of a single victory. Hopefully this lose will spark the Cowboys to better things next game.

Get well soon Tony.

Go Cowboys.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Arrows Away

Last night there was a new episode of my favorite show The Mythbusters.
This time they took on Ninjas. Can a Ninja catch an arrow out of mid flight.
Yes. With condition. The arrows can not be moving at full speed.
Can a Ninja fire a killer dart through a blow gun while hiding under water. Yes.
Another great show from Jamie and Adam.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blood On The Bricks

I got Saints Row 2. This is not a GTA killer. However it is a good game.
It should be noted this is an adult game featuring violence and strong language.
The graphics are bright and clear, Everything is easy to read. The audio is well done and can be clearly heard.
The cloths you wear are very customizable. You pick the colors.
You pick up weapons simply by walking over them. Changing weapons is easy. Fighting is easy using the triggers. Driving is odd. The gas and brakes are buttons not triggers. The cars are a little sloppy to response.
The game did freeze on me after 45 minutes of play.
I give it a 3 out of 5.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tropical Storm Nana

Tropical storm Nana.

Latitude: 17.7 North
Longitude: 41.8 West
Winds: 35 mph
Moving: WNW 12mph
Pressure: 1007 millibars

Up, Up, & Away.

Monday (today) The Dow went up 800 points. This is the single largest one day gain on a point basis ever. Some claim this an indication that the worst of the economic crises is over.
Only time will tell.

Cowboy Down

Tony Romo quarter back for the Dallas Cowboys will be out of action for up to a month. Romo broke his right picky finger during the overtime game against the Cardinals. Romo has thrown 14 touchdowns.

Get well soon Tony.

Go Cowboys.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cool Blog

I found a cool blog today.

It's called FotoEveryDay.

Two people post a different photo every day for your enjoyment.
Matt and Jim also give you notes on each photo and information on the equipment and setting used to take every photo.
If your a camera buff or just like very well done photos check out this blog.

Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys 24
Arizona Cardinals 30

In a game with more turn overs than a bakery the Cowboys where simply out played by the Arizona Cardinal.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Please Remain Clam

Please remain calm.
Bungie has announced a new Halo game.
Halo 3 Recon places you in the boots of someone other than the Master Chief.
The game takes place at the same time as Halo 3 but this time you play as a Orbital Drop Shock Trooper. You find yourself alone in a city entirely under alien control.
The game will be here late next year.

Don't Panic

The news vultures are circling.
The media could not be happier with the current economic down turn.
There is nothing better to them than something scary that they can make down right apocalyptic.
The world according to them doom and gloom patrol (major media) is racing towards a depression. Even if the facts say other wise.
The thing they live for is to make a bad situation worse, inflating the bad news until it is a spirit crushing disaster. Other peoples hardships are gravy to them and when something bad happens to them they will try desperately to make themselves mortars. They will wrap theme selves in tears and beg for your sympathy.
Not scene 911 has the news outlets had something they could be multi orgasmic over.
In my view most reports are bottom feeders, praying on the misery and heartbreak of others. These people (and I lose the term loosely) are soulless, unscrupulousness, vampires, feeding off people who have found themselves victimizes by the greed and lust for money of others. They give no thought to how the reports they fie will effect there viewers. There is no effort put towards showing a solution or demonstrating ways to handle hard times.
My advice (Not That You Asked) is ignore the oracles of fear.

Hurricane Norbert

Hurricane Norbert

Latitude: 19.7 North
Longitude: 113.4 West

Winds 85 mph
Moving: 8 mph NNW
Pressure: 975 millibars

Stomach: Happy(the hurricane in a whole other ocean)
Tastes Buds: Waiting for the first pecans of the season.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Be afraid, be very afraid.


This morning it was 58 degrees. Todays high is 85. Still hoping for a real cool front next Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I am sick of political ads.

I approve of this message.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Cool Front

Another cool front passed through today. It was hard to tell as the temperature was in the nighties. However the weathermen are promising it will get cooler the next few day and our first true cool front of the season will hit next week. That cool front that may be here next Tuesday may gives a high temperatures in the 70. I for one welcome that.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Christmas Comes Way Early To My Bathroom

This little guy just showed up but he all ready for Christmas.

And Their Off

My roof has become a race track for some squirrels. They are having early morning race around my roof at alarming speeds. They start on the far end of the front of the house race across the bedrooms and then race across the back of the house and again towards the front of the house. Usually two laps per race.

Go Speed go.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Thought

Common scene and quantum mechanics are mutually exclusive.

Cowboys Win

Dallas Cowboys 31
Cincinnati Bengals 22

In a very tight game the Cowboys held the ball for 31:45 with 2 turnovers.

What Happened To Halloween?

I went to the grocery store today and the Christmas decorations where out and for sell.
What happened to Halloween?
Did I sleep through Thanksgiving?
PLEASE let us enjoy one holiday at a time.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

OK Now What

Well the economic package has passed wooden arrows and all.
Actually the economic bill was attached to the wooden arrow bill.
And of course as with all bills tons of pork has been attached to the bill which means it's politics and greed as usual. No lesson have been learned. No thought to how this mess has effected the people in this nation who are living one day to the next. No thought on how this mess has effected the lives of people living in poorer regions of the world. How much medical aid will be slashed to pay for this? How much food aid will be cut to the starving in Africa and elsewhere? More over the shear fact some child will go to bed hungry it our very borders is unforgivable.

What was done by these banker in my view was treasonous. They endangered the economic health of the United States to line their own pockets. They put themselves before this country and that is treason. I think this people should be tried for treason as well as fraud and other gambits of crimes committed here. And if found guilty they should be punished as any other person guilty of treason is.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

It Could Have Been Us

88 city workers in Robstown Texas gave up their employee bonus to buy 500 care packages for hurricane Ike victims.

Worker Robert Alameda said"What if it had been us? I think they would have done something to help us. I think what we did was something from our hearts."

The worker gave up safety bonuses to give Ike's victims a six pack cooler holding pen, paper, wipes, snacks, and drink packets.

Texas baby.

Boom De Yada

No Mythbusters last night.
They where replaced by some show about the mob. The mob does not exists but Jamie and Adam do.
I want my Mythbusters, to hell with MTV.

And what has happened to Buster?
I personally think he has gone into retirement on some hidden tropical island surrounded by beautiful native girls. He sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and and watching clips of Adam self-infilting some wound or the other.

Tropical Update

Zip, zilch, zero, da nada.

Stomach: Very happy thank you.
Taste buds: Waiting for the first pecans of the season.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Shut Up And Dance

"It seems to me that the folks who create and publish a game shouldn't stop receiving income from further sales." That's the word from Bungie audio director Marty O'Donnell.

I guess O'Donnell feels that he should get money when I trade an old game in.
Then why don't car companies get more money when you trade a car in for a newer model?
Should movie and television producers get money if I trade in a DVD of a show or movie for a new DVD?
What about used book sales?
Do the Dallas Cowboys get some money off the old cowboy t-shirt I bought at a garage sale?

Also, if your game so good why are people trading it in?

Personally, I was going to hang onto all my Halo disks forever but with comments like this I just might trade them in out of shear spite.

This is why audio guys get paid to listen and not talk. Marty, do yourself a favor.
Shut up and dance.