Friday, October 24, 2008

A Tall Story

I have been playing Fable 2.
This is a role playing game that puts you in the boots of a young hero. You travel the world doing great deeds and fighting evil. Or you can turn to the dark side and steals from shop keepers, farmers, and even commit murder. The game allows you to develop the main character in the direction you desire. You explore the country side. There are jobs for earning gold and even gamblers to lose your gold to.
This is not the open world of Morrowind. You are on a path and you must follow it. But that is far overshadowed by the way the game allows you to grow.
Another point of the game is the dog. You find a forgotten mut that becomes your best friend and constant companion. You can train your new friend to perform the usual canine tricks such as sit, roll over and beg. The dog can also locate treasure, and help you in fights. You will also learn the use of magic.
The game lay is great fun. The game is very British and shows in its Python style scene of humor.
The graphics are very well done.
The controls have a small learning curve but will be easy to use after awhile.
The audio is the only down side to this game. The sound is murky, muddy. The is a lot of mid raneg but very little high ends or bass to this game.
I give Fable 2 a high 4 out of 5.

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