Saturday, October 04, 2008

OK Now What

Well the economic package has passed wooden arrows and all.
Actually the economic bill was attached to the wooden arrow bill.
And of course as with all bills tons of pork has been attached to the bill which means it's politics and greed as usual. No lesson have been learned. No thought to how this mess has effected the people in this nation who are living one day to the next. No thought on how this mess has effected the lives of people living in poorer regions of the world. How much medical aid will be slashed to pay for this? How much food aid will be cut to the starving in Africa and elsewhere? More over the shear fact some child will go to bed hungry it our very borders is unforgivable.

What was done by these banker in my view was treasonous. They endangered the economic health of the United States to line their own pockets. They put themselves before this country and that is treason. I think this people should be tried for treason as well as fraud and other gambits of crimes committed here. And if found guilty they should be punished as any other person guilty of treason is.

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