Monday, October 27, 2008

Beware The Tall Man

Here my Halloween movie of the day.
Phantasm. A tall man and his army of evil zombie dwarfs are looking to rule the world. The tall man has other toys in the form of flying silver sphere that only want to drill a hole in your head.
Phantasm was made in 1977 and stared Angus Scrimm as "The Tall Man" Based on a nightmare Don Coscarellia who wrote, produced, directed, and edited the film. A pair of brothers investigate a rash of unexplained deaths they believe to be caused by the mortician they call "The Tall Man." The Tall Man played by the 6 foot 6 inch Scrimm is from another planet and is out to kill this small town as part of his plan in world domination.
So pop some corn and turn of the lights it's movie time.

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