Thursday, January 29, 2009

Miracles & Science

I have to scratch my head over the people who want to debunk miracles. I keep hearing it is scientifically impossible. They scream to they are blue in the face that Jesus could not raise the dead. Why not, paramedics raise the dead almost daily. People who have had their hearts stop are considered dead in some circles and yet a paramedic or someone with an understanding of CPR can bring them back.
I have a friend who is a professional tracker. To some his ability to track a man down just by following a path of clues most would miss could be consider a miracles. Yet to him it just being observant and paying attention to his surroundings.
Why can't it be both. Maybe Jesus had a far superior understanding of nature and science then we even have today.
God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. No where is there a chart comparing the length of a humans day at 24 hours and the length of a day for an immortal being.
As Einstein stated everything is a matter of perspective.

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